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Created June 10, 2013 20:10
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Save javiermon/5751840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Simple perl script to list files with a given CVS tag
# Created 2002/09/10 ec
# $Id: lstag,v 1.1 2002/09/26 10:02:53 ec Exp $
use strict;
$::VERSION = "1.0";
$::cvs_ID = '$Id: lstag,v 1.1 2002/09/26 10:02:53 ec Exp $'; #'
undef ($::repo);
# Try #1 to get CVS repository location
if (-r "CVS/Root") {
open (INF, "<CVS/Root") || die "Failed to read CVS/Root file!\n";
###chop ($::repo = <INF>);
$::repo = <INF>;
close (INF);
} else {
# Try #2 to get CVS repository location
if (!$::ENV{"CVSROOT"}) {
print "CVSROOT environment variable not found!\n";
print "CVS not detected...\n";
exit (10);
$::repo =~ s/\n$//g;
$::repo =~ s/\r$//g;
($::repo) = $::repo =~ /([^:]+)$/;
$::repo =~ s/\/*$/\//;
###print "CVS repository at $::repo\n";
# Check commandline arguments
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
print "Missing argument!\n";
print "Usage: $0 [-l | tag]\n\n";
print "Where: -l shows list of all known tags\n";
print " tag shows list of files with this tag\n";
print "\n";
exit (1);
# Got desired tagname
$::tag = $ARGV[0];
$::taglist = 0;
if ($::tag eq "-l") {
$::taglist = 1;
# Run cvs status and catch output
open (INF, "cvs -q status -R -v |") || die "Failed to run cvs status command!\n";
chop (@::STATUS = <INF>);
close (INF);
# Parse status
$::state = 0;
$::fpath = $::frpath = $::fname = $::fstatus = $::ftag = $::ftagrev = "!UNINITIALIZED VARIABLE!";
undef (%::TAGS);
$::found = 0;
for $::lc (0 .. $#::STATUS) {
$_ = $::STATUS[$::lc];
if ($::state == 0) {
if (/^File:/) {
($::fname, $::fstatus) = /^File:\s+(\S+\s*\S+)\s+Status:\s+(\S+)/;
$::state = 1;
if ($::state == 1) {
if (/^\s+Repository revision:/) {
($::frpath) = /(\/.*),v/;
($::fpath) = $::frpath =~ /^$::repo(.*)$/;
push @::INFOL, ( $::fpath );
$::current = $::fpath;
$::INFO{$::current}->{"rpath"} = $::frpath;
$::INFO{$::current}->{"name"} = $::fname;
$::INFO{$::current}->{"status"} = $::fstatus;
$::fpath = $::frpath = $::fname = $::fstatus = "!UNINITIALIZED VARIABLE!";
$::state = 2;
if ($::state == 2) {
if (/^\s+Existing Tags:/) {
$::state = 3;
if (/^\s+\S+\s+\([^:]+:/) {
($::ftag, $::ftagrev) = /^\s+(\S+)\s+\([^:]+:\s+([^\)]+)\)/;
if ($::taglist) {
if ($::ftag eq $::tag) {
$::INFO{$::current}->{"tag"} = $::ftag;
$::INFO{$::current}->{"tagrev"} = $::ftagrev;
$::ftag = $::ftagrev = "!UNINITIALIZED VARIABLE!";
} else { $::state = 0; }
# Print results
print "$0 - CVS tag and file lister version $::VERSION\n";
print "ID: $::cvs_ID\n\n";
if ($::taglist) {
print "List of all known tags:\n\n";
foreach $::key (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %::TAGL) {
print "$::key\n";
} else {
print "Files with tag \"$::tag\":";
if ($::found > 0) {
print "\n\n";
} else {
print " NONE\n";
for $::i (0 .. $#::INFOL) {
if (!defined($::INFO{$::INFOL[$::i]}->{"tag"})) {
$::name = $::INFOL[$::i];
$::status = $::INFO{$::name}->{"status"};
$::tagrev = $::INFO{$::name}->{"tagrev"};
printf "%10s %10s %s\n", ($::status, $::tagrev, $::name);
print "\n";
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