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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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#golang Stupid mistakes newbies make
// A. Cannot use type switch outside of a switch statement
type PolarVortex interface {}
func main() {
var p PolarVortex = new(PolarVortex)
var s = p.(type) // compilation error => use of .(type) outside type switch
// B. type assertion
var p PolarVortex = new(PolarVortex)
s := p.(PolarVortex)
// C. new of a primitive returns a pointer
i := new(int)
*i = 0
// D. python & javascript single or double quoted strings
k := "hello"
m := '>' + k + '<' // rune(62) + k (mismatched types rune and *string)
// E: 3 ways to get a pointer to a struct type
type A struct { a int }
a := new(A)
b := &A{}
c1 := A{}; c2:= &c1
fmt.Println("output", a, b, c2) // prints "output &{0} &{0} &{0}"
// F: Every package can declare an init function for execution
// Real world go ->
func init() { ... } // See
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