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Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

  • They are the people who get things done. Effective Engineers produce results.

Adopt the Right Mindsets

javouhey /
Created January 9, 2017 01:43 — forked from marcan/
Linux kernel initialization, translated to bash
# Linux kernel initialization code, translated to bash
# (Minus floppy disk handling, because seriously, it's 2017.)
# Not 100% accurate, but gives you a good idea of how kernel init works
# GPLv2, Copyright 2017 Hector Martin <>
# Based on Linux 4.10-rc2.
# Note: pretend chroot is a builtin and affects the current process
# Note: kernel actually uses major/minor device numbers instead of device name
javouhey / latency.markdown
Created October 9, 2016 04:26 — forked from hellerbarde/latency.markdown
Latency numbers every programmer should know

Latency numbers every programmer should know

L1 cache reference ......................... 0.5 ns
Branch mispredict ............................ 5 ns
L2 cache reference ........................... 7 ns
Mutex lock/unlock ........................... 25 ns
Main memory reference ...................... 100 ns             
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy ............. 3,000 ns  =   3 µs
Send 2K bytes over 1 Gbps network ....... 20,000 ns  =  20 µs
SSD random read ........................ 150,000 ns  = 150 µs

Read 1 MB sequentially from memory ..... 250,000 ns = 250 µs

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os, time, atexit
from signal import SIGTERM
class Daemon:
A generic daemon class.
Usage: subclass the Daemon class and override the run() method
function goinit {
export GOROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.2.1/libexec
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "No directories were created."
export GOPATH=$(pwd -P)
echo "$1 being created"
mkdir $1
module CallPrice
function callprice(S0, K, r, T, sigma, paths)
Csum = 0.0
for j = 1:paths
Zs = randn()
Zj = T*(r-sigma.^2/2) + Zs*T.^0.5*sigma
STj = exp(Zj)*S0
Csum += exp(-r*T)*max(STj - K,0.0)
return Csum/paths
This is the list of exit codes for wget:
0 No problems occurred
1 Generic error code
2 Parse error — for instance, when parsing command-line options, the .wgetrc or .netrc…
3 File I/O error
4 Network failure
5 SSL verification failure
6 Username/password authentication failure
7 Protocol errors
# bash generate random alphanumeric string
# bash generate random 32 character alphanumeric string (upper and lowercase) and
NEW_UUID=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
# bash generate random 32 character alphanumeric string (lowercase only)
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1
These are snippets of py.test in action, used in a talk given at
PyCon AU 2012 in Hobart, Tasmania. They are all relevant for
py.test 2.2 except where specified. Where taken from open source
projects I have listed a URL, some examples are from the py.test
documentation, some are from my workplace.
Apart from things called test_*, these functions should probably
be in your, although they can generally start life in
your test files.
// A sprintf-like function using d3.js
function d3_sprintf(strings, formatters) {
return formatters.reduce(function (strings, formatter, i) {
strings[i] = formatter(strings[i]);
return strings
}, strings).join("");