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Created June 13, 2016 07:17
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SpatialPolygons to geojson with Rcpp
# convert SpatialPolygons/SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to geoJSON
# 2016-06 @javrucebo
# libraries used: sp, Rcpp, jsonlite, stringi
# FUNCTION SpatialPolygons_to_geojson
# parameter:
# sp: SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
# precision: precision of numerical variables (default: 15)
# the cpp function take as parameter:
# sp: SpatialPolygons
# data: an array of JSON string with the data per feature in sp
# use_id: a boolean indicating whether to use the ID's from sp
# (in case they are all numeric)
# precision: the precision for numeric values, default (14)
Rcpp::cppFunction('std::string sp_to_geojson_rcpp(Rcpp::S4 sp,
Rcpp::CharacterVector data,
bool use_id,
int precision = 15) {
// output string
std::string out;
sp has a structure like:
sp@polygons = list(Ps1, Ps2, ...)
Psx = class Polygons = Polygons(list(Pxa, Pxb, ...), ID=id)
Pxy = class Polygon = Polygon(coords)
Rcpp::List SpatialPolygons = sp.slot("polygons");
out += "{\\n\\"type\\": \\"FeatureCollection\\",\\n \\n\\"features\\": [\\n";
int nPolygons = SpatialPolygons.size();
int nrow_data = data.size();
if (nPolygons != nrow_data) {
return(std::string("ERROR: polygons and data differ in length"));
// check if we use "Polygon" or "Multipolygon" in JSON string.
// Heuristics show that rgdal uses Multipolygon if one of the Polygons consists
// of multiple rings
bool multi = FALSE;
for (int i=0; i < nPolygons; i++) {
Rcpp::S4 Polygons = SpatialPolygons[i];
Rcpp::List poly_list = Polygons.slot("Polygons");
if (poly_list.size()>1) { // we found one multi-ring, so we are done.
multi = TRUE;
// Loop over slot "Polygons"
for (int k=0; k<nPolygons; k++) {
Rcpp::S4 Polygons = SpatialPolygons[k];
Rcpp::List poly_list = Polygons.slot("Polygons");
// if we do not use original (numeric) id, then take a sequence from loop
std::string id;
if (use_id) {
Rcpp::String sid = Polygons.slot("ID");
id = std::string(sid);
} else {
std::ostringstream s;
s << k;
id = s.str();
out += "{ \\"type\\": \\"Feature\\", \\"id\\": ";
out += id;
out += ", \\"properties\\": ";
// write the data part
out += data[k];
out += ", \\"geometry\\": { \\"type\\": \\"";
// MultiPolygon?
if (multi) {
out += "Multi";
out += "Polygon\\", \\"coordinates\\": [ ";
if (multi) { // for multi add additional level or brackets
out += "[ ";
// Write out all Polygons which are part of the feature
int nPolygon = poly_list.size();
for(int i=0; i<nPolygon; i++) {
std::ostringstream s;
Rcpp::S4 Polygon = poly_list[i];
SEXP coords = Polygon.slot("coords");
Rcpp::NumericMatrix x(coords);
int nrow = x.nrow(), ncol = x.ncol();
// if next ring is a hole we need to delete last closing/opening
// square brackets and put the hole right after last ring.
bool hole = Polygon.slot("hole");
if (hole) {
out.resize (out.size () - 6);
out += ", ";
// starting bracket;
out += "[ ";
// stringstream to hold the coordinates
s << std::setprecision(precision);
// first to second last row
for (int j = 0; j < nrow-1; j++) {
s << "[ " << x(j,0) << ", " << x(j,1) << " ], ";
// last row without trailing comma
s << "[ " << x(nrow-1,0) << ", " << x(nrow-1,1) << " ]";
out += s.str();
// closing bracket
out += " ]";
if (i < nPolygon -1) { // only if not last Polygon
out += " ], [ ";
if (multi) { // for multi close brackets
out += " ]";
out += " ] } }";
if (k < nPolygons-1) { // only inf not last Polygons
out += ",\\n";
out += "\\n]\\n}\\n";
return out;
SpatialPolygons_to_geojson <- function(sp, precision=15) {
# if 'sp' is SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, we construct the JSON part of the data
# here. otherwise dummy data
if (inherits(sp, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
data <- jsonlite::toJSON(sp@data, na='null')
data <- stringi::stri_sub(data,2,stri_length(data)-1)
data <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(data,"\\},\\{","}@@@{")
data <- stringi::stri_split_regex(data,"@@@")[[1]]
} else if (inherits(sp, "SpatialPolygons")) {
data <- rep('{ "dummy": 0.0 }', length(sp))
} else {
warning("Parameter 'sp' needs to be from classes SpatialPolygons(DataFrame)")
# currently we disregard the proj4string, as for many projections rgdal also
# diregards informaiton.
# TODO: transfer projection strings also to geoJSON
# see
sp::proj4string(sp) <- ""
# check whether only numeric id's are used for SpatialPolygons.
# if not, for geojson we will create a new sequence of numerical id's
use_ID <- !anyNA(as.numeric(sapply(slot(sp, "polygons"), slot, "ID")))
# convert to json
gj <- sp_to_geojson_rcpp(sp, data, use_ID, precision)
Encoding(gj) <- "UTF-8"
# and add class
structure(gj,class=c("json", "geo_json"))
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