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Last active April 17, 2018 21:18
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let deviceId = this.event.context.System.device.deviceId;
this.context.log('deviceId = ', deviceId); // will help you find out what the device ID is so you can add it into the global devices object
// get the mapping to the intent object
let intent = this.event.request.intent;
this.context.log('intent - ', intent);
// get the authority that is returning from alexa service. filter it based on your alexa app ID and the Control_List name you gave it
let authority = intent.slots.Control.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority.filter(auth => auth.authority.includes(GetEnvironmentVariable('ALEXA_APP_ID') + ".Control_List"));
// get the actual word being sent back from alexa service so that we can match it later
let control = authority[0].values[0];
this.context.log('control - ', control);
// Setup default Alexa response. This response will change based on the match made in the switch statement that determines
// which Control we are trying to use.
let alexaResponse = 'ok';
// did we detect a Control value? If not, then Alexa will respond with a message that she doesn't understand what you're trying to do.
// If there is a value, then it will attempt to map it into an action
if (control) {
// Obtain User Intent
switch(control) {
// based on the intent, this will map the action that simulates a button push on a remote control
case "PLAY":
path = '/remote/processKey?key=play&hold=keyPress';
alexaResponse = "sure...playing now";
case "PAUSE":
path = '/remote/processKey?key=pause&hold=keyPress';
alexaResponse = "sure...pausing now";
case "ESPN":
path = '/tv/tune?major=206';
alexaResponse = "sure...changing to ESPN";
case "ESPN2":
path = '/tv/tune?major=209';
alexaResponse = "sure...changing to ESPN2";
// default check to see if a number was passed in and if so, it tries to change the STB to that channel. otherwise it gives up
if (! isNaN(intent.slots.Channel.value) ) {
path = '/tv/tune?major=' + intent.slots.Channel.value;
} else {
response.tell("I don't understand what you need. Please try again");
} else {
this.emit(':tell', "hmm... I don't know how to do that with Direct TV");
// get the room the directv unit is in. If the user says the room at the end of their statement, then we will specifically take action on the STB mapped
// to that room in the global rooms object. If the user does not add a room at the end of their statement, then we fall back to the trying to take action
// on the STB that is in the same room as the Alexa device the user is speaking to. If all else fails, we set the clientAddress to null and
// this will effectively cause Alexa to not be able to do anything.
if (rooms[intent.slots.Room.value]) {
clientAddress = '&clientAddr=' + rooms[intent.slots.Room.value];
} else if (deviceRoom) {
clientAddress = '&clientAddr=' + rooms[deviceRoom];
} else {
clientAddress = null;
this.context.log('clientAddress = ', clientAddress);
if(clientAddress) {
let url = baseUrl + path + clientAddress;
this.context.log('url - ', url);
return fetch(url).then((res) => {
if(res.ok) {
this.emit(':tell', alexaResponse);
} else {
this.context.log('error response - ', res.status);
case 403:
this.emit(':tell', "that channel is currently unavailable");
this.emit(':tell', "hmm... that didn't work");
}).catch(error => {
throw error;
} else {
this.emit(':tell', "hmm...I don't recognize that room");
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