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Created May 30, 2012 21:36
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Save jawher/2839107 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
S99 (partial) solutions in Litil, my toy language
* Hindley-Milner (total) type inference
* Parametric Polymorphism
* Primitive types, Tuples and Algebraic Data Types
* Deep/Structural pattern matching
* Destructuring
* Functions are curried by default
* Clutter-free syntax, and indentation-based blocs à la Python
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil
let l = (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 6 Nil)))
let last xs =
match xs
Cons h Nil => h
Cons _ t => last t
_ => error "Empty list"
let ex01 = last l
let penultimate xs =
match xs
Cons h1 (Cons _ Nil) => h1
Cons _ t => penultimate t
_ => error "wat ?"
let ex02 = penultimate l
let nth n xs =
match xs
Cons h t => if n = 0 then h else nth (n - 1) t
_ => error "List not long enough"
let ex03 = nth 2 l
let length xs =
match xs
Cons _ t => 1 + length t
Nil => 0
let ex04 = length l
let reverse xs =
let rec_rev rem res =
match rem
Cons h t => rec_rev t (Cons h res)
Nil => res
rec_rev xs Nil
let ex05 = reverse l
let isPalindrome xs = xs = (reverse xs)
let l2 = Cons 1 (Cons 3 (Cons 1 Nil))
let ex06 = isPalindrome l2
let ex06 = isPalindrome l
let concat xs ys =
let rec_concat xs ys =
match xs
Cons h t => Cons h (rec_concat t ys)
Nil => ys
rec_concat xs ys
let l3 = concat l l2
--Unfortunately, Hindley-Milner can't type heterogeneous lists
--let flatten xs =
-- match xs
-- Nil => Nil
-- Cons h t => concat (flatten h) (flatten t)
-- x => Cons x Nil
let l4 = Cons l (Cons l2 Nil)
--let ex07 = flatten l3
let compress xs =
let rec_comp x xs =
match xs
Cons h t => if x = h then (rec_comp x t) else (Cons h (rec_comp h t))
Nil => Nil
match xs
Cons h t => Cons h (rec_comp h t)
Nil => Nil
let l4 = Cons 'a' (Cons 'a' (Cons 'b' (Cons 'c' (Cons 'c' (Cons 'c' Nil) ))))
let ex08 = compress l4
let pack xs =
let rec_pack x xs ys =
match ys
Cons h t => if x = h then (rec_pack x (Cons h xs) t) else (xs, ys)
Nil => (xs, Nil)
match xs
Cons h t =>
let (matc, rem) = rec_pack h (Cons h Nil) t
Cons matc (pack rem)
Nil => Nil
let ex09 = pack l4
let map f xs =
match xs
Nil => Nil
Cons h t => Cons (f h) (map f t)
let encode xs = map (\l -> (length l, nth 0 l)) (pack xs)
let ex10 = encode l4
-- Same here, no heterogenous lists for you in Litil ...
--let withLenMaybe xs = if length xs > 1 then withLen xs else nth 0 xs
--let encodeModified xs = map withLenMaybe (pack xs)
--let ex11 = encodeModified l4
let ntimes count item =
let mk_rec count item res = if count=0 then res else mk_rec (count - 1) item (Cons item res)
mk_rec count item Nil
let decodeItem (count, item) = ntimes count item
--let decode xs = flatten (map decodeItem xs)
--let ex12 = decode ex10
let a = ex10
let encodeDirect xs =
let rec_enc x count ys =
match ys
Cons h t => if x = h then (rec_enc x (count + 1) t) else (count, ys)
Nil => (count, Nil)
match xs
Cons h t =>
let (count, rem) = rec_enc h 1 t
Cons (count, h) (encodeDirect rem)
Nil => Nil
let ex13 = encodeDirect l4
let duplicate xs =
match xs
Cons h t => concat (ntimes 2 h) (duplicate t)
Nil => Nil
let ex14 = duplicate l
let duplicateN n xs =
match xs
Cons h t => concat (ntimes n h) (duplicateN n t)
Nil => Nil
let ex15 = duplicateN 3 l
let drop n xs =
let drop_rec n i done rem =
match rem
Cons h t => if i=1 then (drop_rec n n done t) else concat done (Cons h (drop_rec n (i-1) done t))
Nil => Nil
drop_rec n n Nil xs
let ex16 = drop 3 ex15
let split n xs =
let split_rec n done rem =
match rem
Cons h t =>
let ndone = concat done (Cons h Nil)
if n=1 then (ndone, t) else (split_rec (n-1) ndone t)
Nil => (done, rem)
split_rec n Nil xs
let ex17 = split 3 ex14
let slice from to xs =
let (_, ys) = (split from xs)
let (res, _) = (split (to - from) ys)
let ex18 = slice 2 5 ex14
let rotate n xs =
let i = if n > 0 then n else ((length xs) + n)
let (l, r) = (split i xs)
concat r l
let ex18 = rotate 3 ex14
let ex18 = rotate (-2) ex14
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