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Created June 10, 2013 12:58
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Block nginx from serving .git directories
location ~ /\.git {
deny all;
# or, all . directories/files in general (including .htaccess, etc)
location ~ /\. {
deny all;
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Worth noting that return 444; just drops the connection (as far as I know) so, as @bsavelev mentioned, it might be better to return 404; if you want it to look like .git doesn't exist on the server.

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Yes. I think it will be good to return 404 HTTP status code to let client side know requested resources are not found.

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404 makes it such as if the resource is not even there. While otherwise h@ck0rs could potentially find files or directories by just looking at the HTTP status codes. Therefore, I do like 404 as well here.

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