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Created August 10, 2011 07:16
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Trying to import old emails into Tumblr
-- Used the Tumblr v1 API because it is light-years simpler
-- To use this, open it in the AppleScript Editor, change the properties below,
-- switch to Mail and select the emails with pics attached that you wish to import to tumblr,
-- switch back to the AppleScript Editor and press Run.
-- NOTE: tumblr limits your photo uploads to 75 per day, so plan accordingly.
property tumblr_email : "----"
property tumblr_password : "-----"
property tumblr_group : ""
tell application "Finder" to set downloadPath to (path to downloads folder) as string
set downloadPosixPath to POSIX path of downloadPath as string
tell application "Mail"
set postsCreated to 0
set postsFailed to 0
set selectedMessages to selection
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
if (count of selectedMessages) is equal to 0 then
display alert "No Messages Selected" message "Select the message you want to get the raw source of before running this script."
repeat with eachMessage in selectedMessages
set message_sent to the date sent of eachMessage
set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min, seconds:s} to message_sent
set post_time to y & "-" & m - 0 & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & min & ":" & s -- TODO: blog's timezone thankfully matches
set caption to the subject of eachMessage
set post_data to ""
set theOutputFolder to the downloadPath
repeat with eachAttachment in every mail attachment of eachMessage
set theSavePath to theOutputFolder & name of eachAttachment
save eachAttachment in theSavePath
set post_data to post_data & " -F \"data=@" & eachAttachment's name & ";type=" & eachAttachment's MIME type & "\""
end repeat
set tumblr_api_script to "cd " & quoted form of downloadPosixPath & ";/usr/bin/curl" & ¬
" -L" & ¬
" -F \"email=" & tumblr_email & "\" " & ¬
" -F \"password=" & tumblr_password & "\" " & ¬
" -F \"type=photo\" " & ¬
" -F \"generator=AppleScript\" " & ¬
" -F \"date=" & post_time & "\" " & ¬
" -F \"group=" & tumblr_group & "\" " & ¬
" -F \"send_to_twitter=auto\" " & ¬
" -F \"caption=" & caption & "\" " & ¬
post_data & ¬
" "
set upload_response to do shell script tumblr_api_script
repeat with eachAttachment in every mail attachment of eachMessage
do shell script "rm " & downloadPosixPath & eachAttachment's name
end repeat
-- TODO: curl stdout output is the response body and not the headers. Try it with -v?
if upload_response contains "201 Created" then
set postsCreated to postsCreated + 1
set postsFailed to postsFailed + 1
log upload_response
end if
end repeat
display alert "Posts Created" message "There were " & postsCreated & " posts created on Tumblr and " & postsFailed & " failures."
end if
end tell
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