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Chinese minimal pairs in different HSK levels
# Chinese Minimal Pairs in Different HSK Levels
## HSK 1
## HSK 2
## HSK 3
眼睛, yǎn jing, eye
眼镜, yǎn jìng, spectacles
## HSK 4
城市, chéng shì, city
诚实, chéng shí, honest
会议, huì yì, meeting
回忆, huí yì, to recall
经理, jīng lǐ, manager
经历, jīng lì, experience
练习, liàn xí, exercise
联系, lián xì, connection
注意, zhù yì, to take note of
主意, zhǔ yi, plan
即使, jí shǐ, even if
及时, jí shí, in time
实际, shí jì, actual
世纪, shì jì, century
## HSK 5
杯子, bēi zi, cup
被子, bèi zi, quilt
北京, Běi jīng, Beijing
背景, bèi jǐng, background
老师, lǎo shī, teacher
老实, lǎo shí, honest
认识, rèn shi, to know
人事, rén shì, human affairs
告诉, gào su, to tell
高速, gāo sù, high speed
时间, shí jiān, time
实践, shí jiàn, to practice
小时, xiǎo shí, hour
消失, xiāo shī, to disappear
知道, zhī dào, to know
指导, zhǐ dǎo, to guide
必须, bì xū, to have to
必需, bì xū, to need
公园, gōng yuán, public park
公元, gōng yuán, CE (Common Era)
句子, jù zi, sentence
桔子, jú zi, tangerine
年级, nián jí, grade
年纪, nián jì, age
同事, tóng shì, colleague
同时, tóng shí, at the same time
同意, tóng yì, to agree
统一, tǒng yī, to unify
一直, yī zhí, straight (in a straight line)
一致, yī zhì, unanimous
反映, fǎn yìng, to mirror
反应, fǎn yìng, to react
个子, gè zi, height
鸽子, gē zi, pigeon
各自, gè zì, each
国际, guó jì, international
国籍, guó jí, nationality
护士, hù shi, nurse
忽视, hū shì, to neglect
极其, jí qí, extremely
机器, jī qì, machine
解释, jiě shì, explanation
结实, jiē shi, rugged
美丽, měi lì, beautiful
魅力, mèi lì, charm
任务, rèn wu, mission
人物, rén wù, person
使用, shǐ yòng, to use
实用, shí yòng, practical
数字, shù zì, numeral
梳子, shū zi, comb
填空, tián kòng, to fill a job vacancy
天空, tiān kōng, sky
通知, tōng zhī, to notify
统治, tǒng zhì, to rule (a country)
笑话, xiào huà, joke
消化, xiāo huà, to digest
钥匙, yào shi, key
要是, yào shi, if
由于, yóu yú, due to
犹豫, yóu yù, to hesitate
组织, zǔ zhī, to organize
阻止, zǔ zhǐ, to prevent
座位, zuò wèi, seat
作为, zuò wéi, one's conduct
池子, chí zi, pond
尺子, chǐ zi, rule
出席, chū xí, to attend
除夕, chú xī, (New Year's) Eve
记录, jì lù, to record
纪录, jì lù, record
简历, jiǎn lì, Curriculum Vitae (CV)
建立, jiàn lì, to establish
趋势, qū shì, trend
去世, qù shì, to pass away
权力, quán lì, power
权利, quán lì, power
设计, shè jì, plan
射击, shè jī, to shoot
实现, shí xiàn, to achieve
事先, shì xiān, in advance
食物, shí wù, food
事物, shì wù, thing
无数, wú shù, countless
武术, wǔ shù, military skill or technique (in former times)
显示, xiǎn shì, to show
现实, xiàn shí, reality
形式, xíng shì, form
形势, xíng shì, circumstances
与其, yǔ qí, rather than...
语气, yǔ qì, tone
指挥, zhǐ huī, to conduct
智慧, zhì huì, wisdom
嘱咐, zhǔ fù, to tell
祝福, zhù fú, blessings
资源, zī yuán, natural resource (such as water or minerals)
自愿, zì yuàn, voluntary
## HSK 6
大家, dà jiā, everyone
打架, dǎ jià, to fight
颜色, yán sè, color
眼色, yǎn sè, a wink
一起, yī qǐ, in the same place
仪器, yí qì, instrument
办法, bàn fǎ, means
颁发, bān fā, to issue
超市, chāo shì, supermarket (abbr.)
潮湿, cháo shī, damp
迟到, chí dào, to arrive late
赤道, chì dào, equator (of the earth or astronomical body)
机会, jī huì, opportunity
忌讳, jì huì, taboo
努力, nǔ lì, great effort
奴隶, nú lì, slave
其实, qí shí, actually
歧视, qí shì, to discriminate against
启示, qǐ shì, enlightenment
启事, qǐ shì, announcement (written
气势, qì shì, imposing manner
清楚, qīng chu, clear
清除, qīng chú, to eliminate
认为, rèn wéi, to believe
人为, rén wéi, artificial
舒服, shū fu, comfortable
束缚, shù fù, to bind
一边, yī biān, one side
以便, yǐ biàn, so that
音乐, yīn yuè, music
隐约, yǐn yuē, vague
按时, àn shí, on time
暗示, àn shì, to hint
报道, bào dào, report
报到, bào dào, to report for duty
不仅, bù jǐn, not only (this one)
不禁, bù jīn, can't help (doing sth)
地址, dì zhǐ, address
抵制, dǐ zhì, to resist
地质, dì zhì, geology
符合, fú hé, in keeping with
附和, fù hè, to parrot
鼓励, gǔ lì, to encourage
孤立, gū lì, isolate
鼓掌, gǔ zhǎng, to applaud
故障, gù zhàng, malfunction
管理, guǎn lǐ, to supervise
惯例, guàn lì, convention
激动, jī dòng, to excite
机动, jī dòng, locomotive
家具, jiā jù, furniture
加剧, jiā jù, to intensify
奖金, jiǎng jīn, premium
将近, jiāng jìn, almost
究竟, jiū jìng, after all (when all is said and done)
酒精, jiǔ jīng, alcohol
拒绝, jù jué, to refuse
咀嚼, jǔ jué, to chew
理解, lǐ jiě, to comprehend
礼节, lǐ jié, etiquette
厉害, lì hai, difficult to deal with
利害, lì hài, pros and cons
散步, sàn bù, to take a walk
散布, sàn bù, to disseminate
申请, shēn qǐng, to apply for sth
神情, shén qíng, look
生命, shēng mìng, life
声明, shēng míng, statement
市场, shì chǎng, marketplace
时常, shí cháng, often
收拾, shōu shi, to put in order
手势, shǒu shì, gesture
停止, tíng zhǐ, to stop
停滞, tíng zhì, stagnation
印象, yìn xiàng, impression
音响, yīn xiǎng, speakers or speaker (electronic)
尤其, yóu qí, especially
油漆, yóu qī, oil paints
友谊, yǒu yì, companionship
优异, yōu yì, exceptional
语言, yǔ yán, language
预言, yù yán, to predict
寓言, yù yán, fable
整齐, zhěng qí, orderly
争气, zhēng qì, to work hard for sth
正气, zhèng qì, healthy environment
正式, zhèng shì, formal
证实, zhèng shí, to confirm (sth to be true)
知识, zhī shi, intellectual
指示, zhǐ shì, to point out
致使, zhì shǐ, to cause
植物, zhí wù, botanical
职务, zhí wù, post
重点, zhòng diǎn, important point
终点, zhōng diǎn, the end
重视, zhòng shì, to attach importance to sth
忠实, zhōng shí, faithful
不如, bù rú, not equal to
哺乳, bǔ rǔ, breast feeding
常识, cháng shí, common sense
尝试, cháng shì, to try
传播, chuán bō, to disseminate
船舶, chuán bó, shipping
登记, dēng jì, to register (one's name)
等级, děng jí, grade
发言, fā yán, to make a speech
发炎, fā yán, to become inflamed
风险, fēng xiǎn, risk
奉献, fèng xiàn, to consecrate
赶紧, gǎn jǐn, hurriedly
干劲, gàn jìn, enthusiasm for doing sth
工人, gōng rén, worker
公认, gōng rèn, publicly known (to be)
功夫, gōng fu, skill
工夫, gōng fu, time
果实, guǒ shí, fruit
过失, guò shī, defect
缓解, huǎn jiě, to blunt
环节, huán jié, round segment
驾驶, jià shǐ, to pilot (ship
假使, jiǎ shǐ, if
简直, jiǎn zhí, simply
兼职, jiān zhí, to hold concurrent posts
交际, jiāo jì, communication
焦急, jiāo jí, anxiety
接触, jiē chù, to touch
杰出, jié chū, outstanding
解除, jiě chú, to remove
戒指, jiè zhi, (finger) ring
截至, jié zhì, up to (a time)
客观, kè guān, objective
可观, kě guān, considerable
蜜蜂, mì fēng, bee
密封, mì fēng, to seal up
难看, nán kàn, ugly
难堪, nán kān, hard to take
轻视, qīng shì, contempt
请示, qǐng shì, to ask for instructions
扇子, shān zi, fan
擅自, shàn zì, without permission
生产, shēng chǎn, childbirth
盛产, shèng chǎn, superabundant
胜利, shèng lì, victory
生理, shēng lǐ, physiology
失业, shī yè, unemployment
事业, shì yè, undertaking
视野, shì yě, field of view
时代, shí dài, age
世代, shì dài, generation
实验, shí yàn, experiment
试验, shì yàn, experiment
事实, shì shí, fact
时事, shí shì, current trends
实施, shí shī, to implement
逝世, shì shì, to pass away
土地, tǔ dì, land
徒弟, tú dì, apprentice
屋子, wū zi, house
物资, wù zī, goods
物质, wù zhì, matter
无知, wú zhī, ignorant
现金, xiàn jīn, cash
先进, xiān jìn, advanced (technology)
依然, yī rán, still
毅然, yì rán, firmly
以来, yǐ lái, since (a previous event)
依赖, yī lài, to depend on
应用, yìng yòng, to use
英勇, yīng yǒng, bravery
愿望, yuàn wàng, desire
冤枉, yuān wang, hatred
占线, zhàn xiàn, busy (telephone line)
展现, zhǎn xiàn, to come out
珍惜, zhēn xī, to treasure
珍稀, zhēn xī, rare
政府, zhèng fǔ, government
征服, zhēng fú, to conquer
正负, zhèng fù, positive and negative
制定, zhì dìng, to draw up
指定, zhǐ dìng, to appoint
制订, zhì dìng, to work out
中心, zhōng xīn, center
衷心, zhōng xīn, heartfelt
重心, zhòng xīn, center of gravity
主观, zhǔ guān, subjective
主管, zhǔ guǎn, in charge
字幕, zì mù, caption
字母, zì mǔ, letter (of the alphabet)
综合, zōng hé, comprehensive
总和, zǒng hé, sum
总之, zǒng zhī, in a word
宗旨, zōng zhǐ, objective
摆脱, bǎi tuō, to break away from
拜托, bài tuō, to request sb to do sth
包袱, bāo fu, cloth-wrapper
抱负, bào fù, aspiration
报复, bào fù, to make reprisals
包围, bāo wéi, to surround
保卫, bǎo wèi, to defend
报仇, bào chóu, to take revenge
报酬, bào chóu, reward
比喻, bǐ yù, to compare
碧玉, bì yù, jasper
编织, biān zhī, to weave
变质, biàn zhì, to degenerate
边界, biān jiè, boundary
辩解, biàn jiě, to explain
不止, bù zhǐ, incessantly
布置, bù zhì, to put in order
承包, chéng bāo, to contract
城堡, chéng bǎo, castle
出身, chū shēn, to be born of
出神, chū shén, entranced
登陆, dēng lù, to land
登录, dēng lù, to register
敌视, dí shì, hostile
地势, dì shì, terrain
繁殖, fán zhí, to breed
反之, fǎn zhī, on the other hand...
防守, fáng shǒu, to defend
放手, fàng shǒu, to let go one's hold
防止, fáng zhǐ, to prevent
防治, fáng zhì, prevention and cure
纺织, fǎng zhī, spinning and weaving
服气, fú qì, to be convinced
福气, fú qi, good fortune
抚养, fǔ yǎng, to foster
俯仰, fǔ yǎng, lowering and raising of the head
富裕, fù yù, prosperous
赋予, fù yǔ, to assign
高超, gāo chāo, excellent
高潮, gāo cháo, high tide
公正, gōng zhèng, just
公证, gōng zhèng, notarization
供给, gōng jǐ, to furnish
攻击, gōng jī, to attack
共计, gòng jì, to sum up to
功课, gōng kè, homework
攻克, gōng kè, to capture
古董, gǔ dǒng, curio
股东, gǔ dōng, shareholder
鼓动, gǔ dòng, to agitate
过度, guò dù, excessive
过渡, guò dù, to cross over (by ferry)
回报, huí bào, (in) return
汇报, huì bào, to report
机关, jī guān, mechanism
籍贯, jí guàn, one's native place
机遇, jī yù, opportunity
给予, jǐ yǔ, to accord
嫉妒, jí dù, to be jealous
季度, jì dù, quarter of a year
及早, jí zǎo, at the earliest possible time
急躁, jí zào, irritable
吉祥, jí xiáng, lucky
迹象, jì xiàng, mark
坚定, jiān dìng, firm
鉴定, jiàn dìng, to appraise
坚实, jiān shí, firm and substantial
监视, jiān shì, to monitor
监狱, jiān yù, prison
鉴于, jiàn yú, in view of
间接, jiàn jiē, indirect
见解, jiàn jiě, opinion
明明, míng míng, obviously
命名, mìng míng, to give a name to
母语, mǔ yǔ, native language
沐浴, mù yù, to take a bath
破例, pò lì, to make an exception
魄力, pò lì, courage
欺负, qī fu, to bully
起伏, qǐ fú, to move up and down
乞丐, qǐ gài, beggar
气概, qì gài, lofty quality
清洁, qīng jié, clean
情节, qíng jié, plot
清理, qīng lǐ, to clear up
情理, qíng lǐ, reason
清醒, qīng xǐng, clear-headed
情形, qíng xing, circumstances
人性, rén xìng, human nature
任性, rèn xìng, willful
社区, shè qū, community
摄取, shè qǔ, absorb (nutrition)
神奇, shén qí, magical
神气, shén qì, expression
生育, shēng yù, to bear
声誉, shēng yù, reputation
师范, shī fàn, teacher-training
示范, shì fàn, to demonstrate
实力, shí lì, strength
势力, shì li, power
视力, shì lì, vision
示意, shì yì, to hint
适宜, shì yí, suitable
收益, shōu yì, earnings
手艺, shǒu yì, craftmanship
书籍, shū jí, books
书记, shū ji, secretary
条约, tiáo yuē, treaty
跳跃, tiào yuè, to jump
调节, tiáo jié, to adjust
调解, tiáo jiě, to mediate
无比, wú bǐ, incomparable
务必, wù bì, must
相应, xiāng yìng, to correspond
响应, xiǎng yìng, respond to
延伸, yán shēn, to extend
眼神, yǎn shén, expression or emotion showing in one's eyes
岩石, yán shí, rock
掩饰, yǎn shì, to conceal a fault
谣言, yáo yán, rumor
耀眼, yào yǎn, to dazzle
一流, yī liú, top quality
遗留, yí liú, (leave or be a) legacy
一向, yī xiàng, always (previously)
意向, yì xiàng, intention
遗失, yí shī, to lose
仪式, yí shì, ceremony
意识, yì shí, consciousness
拥护, yōng hù, to endorse
用户, yòng hù, user
镇静, zhèn jìng, calm
震惊, zhèn jīng, to shock
争议, zhēng yì, controversy
正义, zhèng yì, justice
支流, zhī liú, tributary (river)
滞留, zhì liú, to detain
职能, zhí néng, function
智能, zhì néng, intelligent
治理, zhì lǐ, to govern
智力, zhì lì, intelligence
注视, zhù shì, to watch attentively
注释, zhù shì, marginal notes
资助, zī zhù, to subsidize
自主, zì zhǔ, independent
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