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Last active August 2, 2018 13:39
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## Code Courtsey: juliencs (
## Link to Original Script:
# Imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import skew
def housing(train):
# Get data
train = pd.read_csv(train)
# Drop Id column
train.drop("Id", axis = 1, inplace = True)
# Handle missing values for features where median/mean or most common value doesn't make sense
# Alley : data description says NA means "no alley access"
train.loc[:, "Alley"] = train.loc[:, "Alley"].fillna("None")
# BedroomAbvGr : NA most likely means 0
train.loc[:, "BedroomAbvGr"] = train.loc[:, "BedroomAbvGr"].fillna(0)
# BsmtQual etc : data description says NA for basement features is "no basement"
train.loc[:, "BsmtQual"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtQual"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtCond"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtCond"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtExposure"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtExposure"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType1"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType1"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType2"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType2"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "BsmtFullBath"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFullBath"].fillna(0)
train.loc[:, "BsmtHalfBath"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtHalfBath"].fillna(0)
train.loc[:, "BsmtUnfSF"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtUnfSF"].fillna(0)
# CentralAir : NA most likely means No
train.loc[:, "CentralAir"] = train.loc[:, "CentralAir"].fillna("N")
# Condition : NA most likely means Normal
train.loc[:, "Condition1"] = train.loc[:, "Condition1"].fillna("Norm")
train.loc[:, "Condition2"] = train.loc[:, "Condition2"].fillna("Norm")
# EnclosedPorch : NA most likely means no enclosed porch
train.loc[:, "EnclosedPorch"] = train.loc[:, "EnclosedPorch"].fillna(0)
# External stuff : NA most likely means average
train.loc[:, "ExterCond"] = train.loc[:, "ExterCond"].fillna("TA")
train.loc[:, "ExterQual"] = train.loc[:, "ExterQual"].fillna("TA")
# Fence : data description says NA means "no fence"
train.loc[:, "Fence"] = train.loc[:, "Fence"].fillna("No")
# FireplaceQu : data description says NA means "no fireplace"
train.loc[:, "FireplaceQu"] = train.loc[:, "FireplaceQu"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "Fireplaces"] = train.loc[:, "Fireplaces"].fillna(0)
# Functional : data description says NA means typical
train.loc[:, "Functional"] = train.loc[:, "Functional"].fillna("Typ")
# GarageType etc : data description says NA for garage features is "no garage"
train.loc[:, "GarageType"] = train.loc[:, "GarageType"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageFinish"] = train.loc[:, "GarageFinish"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageQual"] = train.loc[:, "GarageQual"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageCond"] = train.loc[:, "GarageCond"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "GarageArea"] = train.loc[:, "GarageArea"].fillna(0)
train.loc[:, "GarageCars"] = train.loc[:, "GarageCars"].fillna(0)
# HalfBath : NA most likely means no half baths above grade
train.loc[:, "HalfBath"] = train.loc[:, "HalfBath"].fillna(0)
# HeatingQC : NA most likely means typical
train.loc[:, "HeatingQC"] = train.loc[:, "HeatingQC"].fillna("TA")
# KitchenAbvGr : NA most likely means 0
train.loc[:, "KitchenAbvGr"] = train.loc[:, "KitchenAbvGr"].fillna(0)
# KitchenQual : NA most likely means typical
train.loc[:, "KitchenQual"] = train.loc[:, "KitchenQual"].fillna("TA")
# LotFrontage : NA most likely means no lot frontage
train.loc[:, "LotFrontage"] = train.loc[:, "LotFrontage"].fillna(0)
# LotShape : NA most likely means regular
train.loc[:, "LotShape"] = train.loc[:, "LotShape"].fillna("Reg")
# MasVnrType : NA most likely means no veneer
train.loc[:, "MasVnrType"] = train.loc[:, "MasVnrType"].fillna("None")
train.loc[:, "MasVnrArea"] = train.loc[:, "MasVnrArea"].fillna(0)
# MiscFeature : data description says NA means "no misc feature"
train.loc[:, "MiscFeature"] = train.loc[:, "MiscFeature"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "MiscVal"] = train.loc[:, "MiscVal"].fillna(0)
# OpenPorchSF : NA most likely means no open porch
train.loc[:, "OpenPorchSF"] = train.loc[:, "OpenPorchSF"].fillna(0)
# PavedDrive : NA most likely means not paved
train.loc[:, "PavedDrive"] = train.loc[:, "PavedDrive"].fillna("N")
# PoolQC : data description says NA means "no pool"
train.loc[:, "PoolQC"] = train.loc[:, "PoolQC"].fillna("No")
train.loc[:, "PoolArea"] = train.loc[:, "PoolArea"].fillna(0)
# SaleCondition : NA most likely means normal sale
train.loc[:, "SaleCondition"] = train.loc[:, "SaleCondition"].fillna("Normal")
# ScreenPorch : NA most likely means no screen porch
train.loc[:, "ScreenPorch"] = train.loc[:, "ScreenPorch"].fillna(0)
# TotRmsAbvGrd : NA most likely means 0
train.loc[:, "TotRmsAbvGrd"] = train.loc[:, "TotRmsAbvGrd"].fillna(0)
# Utilities : NA most likely means all public utilities
train.loc[:, "Utilities"] = train.loc[:, "Utilities"].fillna("AllPub")
# WoodDeckSF : NA most likely means no wood deck
train.loc[:, "WoodDeckSF"] = train.loc[:, "WoodDeckSF"].fillna(0)
# Some numerical features are actually really categories
train = train.replace({"MSSubClass" : {20 : "SC20", 30 : "SC30", 40 : "SC40", 45 : "SC45",
50 : "SC50", 60 : "SC60", 70 : "SC70", 75 : "SC75",
80 : "SC80", 85 : "SC85", 90 : "SC90", 120 : "SC120",
150 : "SC150", 160 : "SC160", 180 : "SC180", 190 : "SC190"},
"MoSold" : {1 : "Jan", 2 : "Feb", 3 : "Mar", 4 : "Apr", 5 : "May", 6 : "Jun",
7 : "Jul", 8 : "Aug", 9 : "Sep", 10 : "Oct", 11 : "Nov", 12 : "Dec"}
return train
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