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Last active December 26, 2017 20:27
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Save jay/c0600cf31ab89721158c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build RunAtWinlogon program
:: This batch file builds the RunAtWinlogon program.
:: BUG: Although this builds both x86 and x64 versions it looks as though
:: ServiceKick.au3 needs to be changed if using x64 version from RunAtWinlogon
:: to RunAtWinlogon64.
:: The include and Aut2Exe directories are needed from
:: The directory this batch file is in should have this layout:
:: Aut2Exe\
:: include\
:: RunAtWinlogon\
:: Public Domain: No License. Written by Jay Satiro <>
@echo off
cd /d "%~dp0" || (echo Fatal: Failed cd to batch file dir & goto :EOF)
set AUT2EXE=Aut2Exe\Aut2Exe.exe
REM Aut2Exe optional:
REM /out <outfile.exe> /ico <iconfile.ico> /comp 0-4 /nopack /pack /ansi /unicode /x64 /console /gui
REM The source files already have a directive to use the console subsystem
REM so /console isn't needed.
for %%f in (RunAtWinlogon\*.au3) do (
for /L %%i in (1,1,2) do (
REM First pass x86, next x64
set "OUTFILE=RunAtWinlogon\%%~nf"
if %%i == 1 (
set X64=
) else (
set "OUTFILE=!OUTFILE!64.exe"
set X64=/x64
del "!OUTFILE!" 1>NUL 2>&1
if exist "!OUTFILE!" (
echo Error: Can't delete old "!OUTFILE!"
) else (
"%AUT2EXE%" /in "%%f" /out "!OUTFILE!" /nopack /comp 0 !X64!
if not exist "!OUTFILE!" (
echo Error: Can't find new "!OUTFILE!"
) else (
echo Processed "!OUTFILE!"
echo Done.
goto cleanup
exit /b %EXITCODE%
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jay commented Dec 23, 2014

@jschicht Thanks for writing RunAtWinlogon. This gist contains the build file I made for it. Also I have some questions.

I notice the archive I downloaded from is missing RunAtWinlogonExec and also in the directions you are using the x86 versions with a path typically found on x64 C:\Program Files (x86)\?

Here is how I'm rebuilding in Win7 x64, let me know if anything looks wrong:

taskkill /F /FI "USERNAME eq NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /IM ServiceKick.exe
sc stop "RunAtWinlogonWrapper64"
sc stop "RunAtWinlogon64"
sc delete "RunAtWinlogonWrapper64"
sc delete "RunAtWinlogon64"

I make the modifications I want and then:

sc create "RunAtWinlogonWrapper64" start= "auto" binpath= "X:\code\winlogon\RunAtWinlogon\RunAtWinlogon\RunAtWinlogonWrapper64.exe" DisplayName= "RunAtWinlogonWrapper64" obj= "LocalSystem"
sc create "RunAtWinlogon64" start= "demand" binpath= "X:\code\winlogon\RunAtWinlogon\RunAtWinlogon\RunAtWinlogon64.exe" DisplayName= "RunAtWinlogon64" obj= "LocalSystem"
sc start RunAtWinlogonWrapper64

The wrapper terminates immediately:

[SC] StartService FAILED 1053:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

And I can see ServiceKick.exe is running as SYSTEM. It doesn't run ServiceKick64 as I expected. Also as I noted in the comments I changed RunAtWinlogon to RunAtWinlogon64 in ServiceKick.au3, although I don't know if it's necessary.

Does RunAtWinlogon work for you after going to the switch user screen? It only works for me at UAC.

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