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rails router: 简单路由与嵌套路由
## 简单路由
~~~~ ruby
get '/members/:id', to: 'members#show'
`GET /members/17`这个请求会被路由分配到members控制器的show方法中,`{ id: '17' }`会作为参数在show方法中被调用。
如果视图中所有url链接都使用`/members/:id`这种写法来拼出来就太繁琐了,使用路由的name helper方法来生成url链接就方便很多。
~~~~ ruby
get '/members/:id', to: 'members#show', as: 'member'
# 另一种写法
match '/members/:id' => 'members#show', :as => :member, :via => :get
上面路由代码中的as指定helper方法名称,默认加_path后缀,`as: 'member'`就会生成name heper 方法`member_path(id)`,在视图中它就会生成`/members/:id`。
~~~~ ruby
@member = Member.find(17)
<%= link_to 'Member Detail', member_path(@member) %>
<%= link_to 'Member Detail', @member %>
#=> /members/17
`resources :member`会自动生成以下几条路由,满足基本的CRUD操作:
~~~~ router
HTTP Verb Path Action Used for
GET /members index display a list of all members
GET /members/new new return an HTML form for creating a new member
POST /members create create a new member
GET /members/:id show display a specific member
GET /members/:id/edit edit return an HTML form for editing a member
PATCH/PUT /members/:id update update a specific member
DELETE /members/:id destroy delete a specific member
~~~~ ruby
match '/members/:id/mx' => 'members#mx', :as => :mx_member
~~~~ ruby
resources :members do
get 'validate', on: :memebr
get 'mx', on:member
# 会生成下面的路由
#validate_member GET /members/:id/validate(.:format) members#validate
#mx_member GET /members/:id/mx(.:format) members#mx
# 另一种更简洁的写法
resources :members do
member do
get 'validate'
get 'mx'
## 嵌套路由
### 第一种
~~~~ ruby
namespace :admin do
resources :posts
#生成的对应name helper
# admin_posts GET /admin/posts(.:format) admin/posts#index
# POST /admin/posts(.:format) admin/posts#create
# new_admin_post GET /admin/posts/new(.:format) admin/posts#new
# edit_admin_post GET /admin/posts/:id/edit(.:format) admin/posts#edit
# admin_post GET /admin/posts/:id(.:format) admin/posts#show
# PUT /admin/posts/:id(.:format) admin/posts#update
# DELETE /admin/posts/:id(.:format) admin/posts#destroy
### 第二种
url链接中不带有/admin,像简单路由那样,指向 Admin::PostsController控制器。
~~~~ ruby
scope module: 'admin' do
resources :posts
resources :posts, module: 'admin'
#生成的对应name helper
# posts GET /posts(.:format) admin/posts#index
# POST /posts(.:format) admin/posts#create
# new_post GET /posts/new(.:format) admin/posts#new
# edit_post GET /posts/:id/edit(.:format) admin/posts#edit
# post GET /posts/:id(.:format) admin/posts#show
# PUT /posts/:id(.:format) admin/posts#update
# DELETE /posts/:id(.:format) admin/posts#destroy
### 第三种
~~~~ ruby
scope '/admin' do
resources :posts
resources :posts, path: '/admin/posts'
#生成的对应name helper
# posts GET /admin/posts(.:format) posts#index
# POST /admin/posts(.:format) posts#create
# new_post GET /admin/posts/new(.:format) posts#new
# edit_post GET /admin/posts/:id/edit(.:format) posts#edit
# post GET /admin/posts/:id(.:format) posts#show
# PUT /admin/posts/:id(.:format) posts#update
# DELETE /admin/posts/:id(.:format) posts#destroy
### 第四种
~~~~ ruby
resources :magazines do
resources :ads
#生成的对应name helper
# magazine_ads GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#index
# POST /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#create
# new_magazine_ad GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/new(.:format) ads#new
# edit_magazine_ad GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/:id/edit(.:format) ads#edit
# magazine_ad GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/:id(.:format) ads#show
# PUT /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/:id(.:format) ads#update
# DELETE /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/:id(.:format) ads#destroy
# magazines GET /magazines(.:format) magazines#index
# POST /magazines(.:format) magazines#create
# new_magazine GET /magazines/new(.:format) magazines#new
# edit_magazine GET /magazines/:id/edit(.:format) magazines#edit
# magazine GET /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#show
# PUT /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#update
# DELETE /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#destroy
特别说明,在视图中的name helper方法也有相关的约束简洁写法,让name helper方法名称更容易理解、记忆、书写。
~~~~ ruby
#特别说明 - 在view中
<%= link_to 'Ad details', magazine_ad_path(@magazine, @ad) %>
<%= link_to 'Ad details', url_for([@magazine, @ad]) %>
<%= link_to 'Ad details', [@magazine, @ad] %>
<%= link_to 'Ad details', edit_magazine_ad_path(@magazine, @ad) %>
<%= link_to 'Edit Ad', [:edit, @magazine, @ad] %>
<%= link_to 'Magazine details', @magazine %>
## 父子权力分配
需要理解的是,路由上的嵌套改变不了这样一个事实: **子资源在数据库实体表中的主键id是唯一的**。
创建 、显示子资源时需要父资源来作所属关系,在编辑、删除子资源时是完全可以脱离父资源,尤其是在统一管理子资源时(个人需求,不知道这样合不合理),显示特别怪异,套用原来的路由配置是需要通过子资源调用出它的父资源才能编辑、更新子资源本身。
~~~~ ruby
resources :magazines do
resources :ads, shallow: true
#resources :magazines do
# resources :ads, only: [:index, :new, :create]
#resources :ads, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
#生成的对应name helper
# magazine_ads GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#index
# POST /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#create
# new_magazine_ad GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/new(.:format) ads#new
# edit_ad GET /ads/:id/edit(.:format) ads#edit
# ad GET /ads/:id(.:format) ads#show
# PUT /ads/:id(.:format) ads#update
# DELETE /ads/:id(.:format) ads#destroy
# magazines GET /magazines(.:format) magazines#index
# POST /magazines(.:format) magazines#create
# new_magazine GET /magazines/new(.:format) magazines#new
# edit_magazine GET /magazines/:id/edit(.:format) magazines#edit
# magazine GET /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#show
# PUT /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#update
# DELETE /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#destroy
resources :magazines, shallow: true do
resources :ads
shallow do
resources :magazines do
resources :ads
使用shadow还可指定url链接前缀、name helper方法名前缀。
+ 指定url链接前缀/edm
~~~~ ruby
scope shallow_path: "edm" do
resources :magazines do
resources :ads, shallow: true
#生成的对应name helper
# magazine_ads GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#index
# POST /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#create
# new_magazine_ad GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/new(.:format) ads#new
# edit_ad GET /edm/ads/:id/edit(.:format) ads#edit
# ad GET /edm/ads/:id(.:format) ads#show
# PUT /edm/ads/:id(.:format) ads#update
# DELETE /edm/ads/:id(.:format) ads#destroy
# magazines GET /magazines(.:format) magazines#index
# POST /magazines(.:format) magazines#create
# new_magazine GET /magazines/new(.:format) magazines#new
# edit_magazine GET /magazines/:id/edit(.:format) magazines#edit
# magazine GET /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#show
# PUT /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#update
# DELETE /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#destroy
+ 指定name helper路径的前缀
~~~~ ruby
scope shallow_prefix: "edm" do
resources :magazines do
resources :ads, shallow: true
#生成的对应name helper
# magazine_ads GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#index
# POST /magazines/:magazine_id/ads(.:format) ads#create
# new_magazine_ad GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/new(.:format) ads#new
# edit_edm_ad GET /ads/:id/edit(.:format) ads#edit
# edm_ad GET /ads/:id(.:format) ads#show
# PUT /ads/:id(.:format) ads#update
# DELETE /ads/:id(.:format) ads#destroy
# magazines GET /magazines(.:format) magazines#index
# POST /magazines(.:format) magazines#create
# new_magazine GET /magazines/new(.:format) magazines#new
# edit_magazine GET /magazines/:id/edit(.:format) magazines#edit
# magazine GET /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#show
# PUT /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#update
# DELETE /magazines/:id(.:format) magazines#destroy
## 参考
[Rails Routing from the Outside In](
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