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Created January 8, 2016 14:28
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1. Won. Plant map. I played Raynor, terrible and should have lost by all accounts.
Missed Q a lot, didnt group up with team, they were ahead 3 levels most of the game.
Healer was tiliting a bit but I made an effort not to engage.
We won it in the end by wiping their team while we had terror. Pushed mid to core in a single push.
2. Loss. Spider Queen. I played Zagara, The Valla that was recking me last game was on my team.
We had double specialist with abathur, made a point not to be negative but did say that it was a bad idea. Trusting in team.
Abathur was terrible. He got called out, picked it up a bit. I made a point to give game feedback in a positive manner
34 minutes in full wipe the other team, but in final push our core died to minions. With our entire team up and pushing their base. womp womp.
3. Win Sky Temple. Last Picked Raynor. I missed a bunch of Q's and my stacks were kind of low
Need to practice jimmy's skill shot
They greed killed a boss that was super obvious that we stole gave us a big lead
We had better engage, their only war was sonya and they had an abathur
4. Loss. Cursed Hollow. I first pickeed Zagara, 2nd guy first picked chen as only tank.
Lots of early deaths from rerst of team, especially in mid lane with chen who was a terrible tank.
We couldn't fight a single tribute team fight and other teameats fed maybe 10 kills walking in to them
I tilted a bit when the chen bragged about having an 80% winrate when other players called him out for being bad.
Started playing worse and dying a lot once I gave up lane and started team fighting.
5. Win . Battlefield of Eternity. I went Morales (because it would help the team). First pick instalocked Nazeebo.
I assumed he was bad but kept my mouth shut.
Ugh tank went stiches after decing between arthas and ETC. hoping he's good but would have been nice to have a stun.
Other team had much stronger comp, Diablo Hammer Raynor Uther Zera vs Morales Stitches Jaina Nazeebo Tychus
On draft I assume this will be a loss.
Their diablo is rank 13. But it turned out his play wasn't that great. He died a few times at start being greedy.
Overstayed a top push and lost 3 people includng myself.
I went in hard on an engagement and got me and tychus killed walking into a raynor Q
They lost a critial teamfight after they got the boss right after
I got greedy around diablo and died during a team fight, 2 people died right after
We got full wiped in last team fight but boss was enough to kill core.
Way to close for a game where my team was clearly better.
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