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Created November 10, 2011 21:30
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Save jayalfredprufrock/1356298 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery plugin to turn a single delimited list of select dropdown options into a chained selection of dropdowns, degrading gracefully.
* jquery.dynamicDropdown.js
* Creates a chained selection out of a single <select> box, degrading gracefully
* @author Andrew Smiley <>
* @ground up rewrite of Sean "Kovik" Smith's <> plugin of the same name
* @version 1.0
* @requires jQuery 1.6.2+
* @fileoverview
* Usage:
* Select the target <select> box and run dynamicDropdown().
* i.e.
* $("select").dynamicDropdown();
* You can also build a dynamic dropdown using the options to select a
* delimiter and/or a class name for the <select> boxes.
* i.e.
* $("select").dynamicDropdown({
* "delimiter" : " » ",
* "levels" : [
* {"markup" : "<label>Make</label>{dd}", "class" : "dropdown", "id" : "make", "disabled" : "false"},
* {"markup" : "<label>Model</label>{dd}"},
* {"markup" : "<label>Year</label>{dd}"}
* ]
* });
* The target <select> box must use a delimiter to separate the levels. The
* default delimiter is " » " but any can be used. Just be sure to set it in
* the options for dynamicDropdown().
* i.e.
* <select>
* <option value="1">Ford » Mustang » 2000</option>
* <option value="2">Ford » Mustang » 2005</option>
* <option value="3">Ford » Focus » 2010</option>
* <option value="4">Oldsmobile » Alero » 1993</option>
* </select>
* Note that, unlike the above example, the options do not have to have the
* same amount of levels in order to work. Also, unlike the above example,
* the value of the options does not need to be numeric.
* Options:
* delimiter:
* The delimiter that separates different levels of the drop down.
* The default delimiter is " » ".
* levels:
* An array of "level" objects with support for the following keys at each level:
* markup : the html to use when creating the select input at the corresponding level, use {dd} to indicate placement of input - default: {dd}
* class : the class to give to the select element at the corresponding level - default: false
* id : the id to give to the select element at the corresponding level - default: false
* disabled : whether the select element at the corresponding level should be disabled - default: false
$.fn.dynamicDropdown = function(options) {
var settings = {
"delimiter" : " » ",
"className" : "",
"levels" : [
$.extend(settings, options);
return $(this).each(function() {
//the original dropdown element
var mainDropdown = $(this);
var defaultSelection = false;
var levels = {};
//insert dropdown into markup, and finally place it in the DOM, attaching events, etc.
var insertSelectDropdown = function(dd, level, sibling, position){
var markup = settings.levels[level] && settings.levels[level].markup ? settings.levels[level].markup : '{dd}';
//to support markup both placing the dropdown within a container and without a container,
//its necessary to use a little silly dom magic
var container = $('<div>'+settings.levels[level].markup.replace('{dd}',$('<div></div>').append(dd.addClass('ddlevel-'+level)).html())+'</div>').children()['insert'+position](sibling);
var select = container.parent().find('select.ddlevel-'+level).removeClass('ddlevel-'+level);
if (settings.levels[level]['class']){
if (settings.levels[level].id){
if (settings.levels[level].disabled){
//produce markup for select element
var buildSelectDropdown = function(options, selected) {
var select = $('<select></select>').data('levels',options);
// Add options
var option = $('<option></option>').html(index);
if (typeof(value) != 'object'){
if (selected && index == selected){
return select;
//the event function that runs each time a select input value changes
var updateDropdowns = function(){
var current = $(this).children(':selected').html();
var options = $(this).data('levels')[current];
//a non-object means this is the end of the line, set the value
if (typeof(options) != 'object'){
else {
//remove any dds after the one that just changed
var dd = $(this);
while ('next')){
dd ='next');'container').detach();
var level = $(this).data('level') + 1;
//add new dds
$(this).data('next',insertSelectDropdown(buildSelectDropdown(options, defaultSelection[level]), level, $(this).data('container').last(), 'After').change());
//build levels from initial dropdown
mainDropdown.children().each(function() {
var options = $(this).html().split(settings.delimiter);
if ($(this).is(":selected")){
defaultSelection = options;
var level = levels;
for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (!level[options[i]]){
//either an option is an object pointing to other objects/values,
//or some other type value, indicating that the user has made a selection
level[options[i]] = ((i+1)==options.length) ? $(this).val() : {};
level = level[options[i]];
//if no default selection, use first value
if (!defaultSelection){
defaultSelection = mainDropdown.children().first().html().split(settings.delimiter);
insertSelectDropdown(buildSelectDropdown(levels,defaultSelection[0]), 0, mainDropdown, 'Before').change();
//hide initial dropdown
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