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Created March 3, 2012 23:37
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Save jaybill/1968948 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here are build and build properties file. If you want to do the deploy, there's one jar file you'll need in addition to ant. (jsch)
<project name="groupofthingsFE" default="message" basedir=".">
<description>build/deploy for</description>
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<!-- This reads from, which should NOT be tracked by version control. -->
<!-- There is a that should be copied and modified for your environment. -->
<propertyfile file="" comment="Build properties for ${}">
<entry key="ssh_username" type="string" default=""/>
<entry key="ssh_password" type="string" default=""/>
<entry key="ssh_remote_host" type="string" default=""/>
<entry key="production_db_name" type="string" default=""/>
<entry key="production_db_user" type="string" default=""/>
<entry key="production_db_pass" type="string" default=""/>
<entry key="local_deploy" type="string" default="" />
<entry key="remote_builds" type="string" default="" />
<entry key="rivety_libs" type="string" default="" />
<loadproperties srcfile="" />
<property name="dist" location="${basedir}/dist"/>
<property name="rivety" location="${basedir}/../rivety"/>
<property name="bootstrap" location="${basedir}/../bootstrap"/>
<property name="themes" location="${basedir}/themes"/>
<property name="modules" location="${basedir}/modules"/>
<property name="etc" location="${basedir}/etc"/>
<property name="build" location="${basedir}/build"/>
<property name="tmp" location="${basedir}/tmp"/>
<!-- commands -->
<property name="chmod" location="/bin/chmod"/>
<property name="phpunit" location="/usr/bin/phpunit"/>
<property name="lessc" location="/home/jaybill/bin/lessc"/>
<property name="yui-compressor" location="/usr/bin/yui-compressor"/>
<!-- remote commands -->
<property name="ln" value="/bin/ln"/>
<property name="rm" value="/bin/rm"/>
<!-- TARGET: local -->
<!-- do a rivety build, copy config files in, deploy locally and then symlink the modules and themes folders -->
<target name="local" depends="copylocal,linklibs,linksite,perms,lessc"></target>
<!-- TARGET: copylocal -->
<!-- do a rivety build and deploy it -->
<target name="copylocal" depends="buildlocal" description="deploy local development build">
<copy todir="${build}/etc">
<fileset dir="${etc}" includes="${}.config.ini"/>
<filter token="DBNAME" value="${local_db_name}"/>
<filter token="DBUSER" value="${local_db_user}"/>
<filter token="DBPASS" value="${local_db_pass}"/>
<move file="${build}/etc/${}.config.ini" tofile="${build}/etc/config.ini"/>
<!-- copy the whole thing to the web directory -->
<symlink action="delete" link="${local_deploy}/modules/groupofthings"/>
<symlink action="delete" link="${local_deploy}/themes/groupofthings"/>
<symlink action="delete" link="${local_deploy}/lib/ZendFramework"/>
<symlink action="delete" link="${local_deploy}/lib/Smarty"/>
<symlink action="delete" link="${local_deploy}/lib/Asido"/>
<delete dir="${local_deploy}"/>
<mkdir dir="${local_deploy}"/>
<copy todir="${local_deploy}">
<fileset dir="${build}"/>
<!-- TARGET: linklibs -->
<target name="linklibs">
<!-- Zend Framework -->
<exec executable="ln" >
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="${rivety_libs}/ZendFramework"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/lib/ZendFramework"/>
<!-- Smarty -->
<exec executable="ln" >
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="${rivety_libs}/Smarty"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/lib/Smarty"/>
<!-- Asido -->
<exec executable="ln" >
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="${rivety_libs}/Asido"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/lib/Asido"/>
<!-- TARGET: copylibs -->
<target name="copylibs">
<!-- Zend Framework -->
<copy todir="${build}/lib/ZendFramework">
<fileset dir="${rivety_libs}/ZendFramework"/>
<!-- Smarty -->
<copy todir="${build}/lib/Smarty">
<fileset dir="${rivety_libs}/Smarty"/>
<!-- Asido -->
<copy todir="${build}/lib/Asido">
<fileset dir="${rivety_libs}/Asido"/>
<!-- TARGET: buildlocal -->
<!-- do a rivety build in the build directory, putting all the config files in the right places. -->
<target name="buildlocal">
<!-- clear build -->
<delete dir="${build}"/>
<mkdir dir="${build}"/>
<!-- rivety -->
<copy todir="${build}/core">
<fileset dir="${rivety}/core">
<exclude name="**/frontend/**/*.gif"/>
<exclude name="**/frontend/**/*.png"/>
<exclude name="**/frontend/**/*.jpg"/>
<exclude name="**/frontend/**/*.css"/>
<exclude name="**/frontend/**/*.js"/>
<copy todir="${build}/errordocuments"><fileset dir="${rivety}/errordocuments"/></copy>
<copy todir="${build}/etc"><fileset dir="${rivety}/etc"/></copy>
<copy todir="${build}/lib"><fileset dir="${rivety}/lib"/></copy>
<copy todir="${build}/logs"><fileset dir="${rivety}/logs"/></copy>
<copy todir="${build}/modules"><fileset dir="${rivety}/modules"/></copy>
<copy todir="${build}/themes"><fileset dir="${rivety}/themes"/></copy>
<copy todir="${build}/tmp"><fileset dir="${rivety}/tmp"/></copy>
<copy todir="${build}/uploads"><fileset dir="${rivety}/uploads"/></copy>
<copy file="${rivety}/header.php" tofile="${build}/header.php"/>
<copy file="${rivety}/index.php" tofile="${build}/index.php"/>
<!-- remove cruft -->
<!-- copy the config files to the right place -->
<copy file="${etc}/.htaccess" tofile="${build}/.htaccess"/>
<copy file="${etc}/crossdomain.xml" tofile="${build}/crossdomain.xml"/>
<copy file="${etc}/maintenance.html" tofile="${build}/maintenance.html"/>
<copy file="${etc}/robots.txt" tofile="${build}/robots.txt"/>
<copy file="${etc}/google121d37862c3bd26a.html" tofile="${build}/google121d37862c3bd26a.html"/>
<!-- TARGET: buildsite -->
<!-- copies the modules and themes to the rivety build. Generally only for deployment. -->
<target name="buildsite" depends="lessc">
<!-- modules -->
<delete dir="${build}/modules"/>
<mkdir dir="${build}/modules"/>
<copy todir="${build}/modules">
<fileset dir="${modules}"/>
<!-- themes -->
<delete dir="${build}/themes"/>
<mkdir dir="${build}/themes"/>
<copy todir="${build}/themes">
<fileset dir="${themes}"/>
<!-- TARGET: copysite -->
<!-- copies the modules and themes to the already locally deployed instance. Not direclty used. See the linksite target instead. -->
<target name="copysite">
<!-- modules -->
<symlink action="delete" link="${local_deploy}/modules/groupofthings"/>
<delete dir="${local_deploy}/modules"/>
<mkdir dir="${local_deploy}/modules"/>
<copy todir="${local_deploy}/modules">
<fileset dir="${modules}"/>
<!-- themes -->
<symlink action="delete" link="${local_deploy}/themes/groupofthings"/>
<delete dir="${local_deploy}/themes"/>
<mkdir dir="${local_deploy}/themes"/>
<copy todir="${local_deploy}/themes">
<fileset dir="${themes}"/>
<!-- TARGET: linksite -->
<!-- symlink workspace modules and themes to the locally deployed instance so changes don't have to be copied to be visible. -->
<target name="linksite" description="deploy the modules and themes" >
<!-- modules -->
<exec executable="ln" >
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="${modules}/groupofthings"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/modules/groupofthings"/>
<!-- themes -->
<exec executable="ln" >
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="${themes}/groupofthings"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/themes/groupofthings"/>
<!-- set the correct permissions for locally deployed directories that need to be written to -->
<target name="perms" description="sets local permissions on deployed code">
<exec executable="${chmod}" >
<arg value="-R"/>
<arg value="0777"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/tmp"/>
<exec executable="${chmod}" >
<arg value="-R"/>
<arg value="0777"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/logs"/>
<exec executable="${chmod}" >
<arg value="-R"/>
<arg value="0777"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/etc"/>
<!-- TARGET: deploy -->
<!-- build the site, archive it and copy it to remote deployment server. This will NOT actually deploy the site, just copy it to the server. -->
<target name="deploy" depends="buildlocal,copylibs,buildsite">
<copy todir="${build}/etc">
<fileset dir="${etc}" includes="production.config.ini"/>
<filter token="DBNAME" value="${production_db_name}"/>
<filter token="DBUSER" value="${production_db_user}"/>
<filter token="DBPASS" value="${production_db_pass}"/>
<move file="${build}/etc/production.config.ini" tofile="${build}/etc/config.ini"/>
<!-- clear dist -->
<delete dir="${dist}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
<property name="distfile" value="${}-${DSTAMP}-${TSTAMP}.zip"/>
<zip destfile="${dist}/${distfile}" basedir="${build}"/>
<scp file="${dist}/${distfile}"
<!-- remove symlink to old build -->
<sshexec host="${ssh_remote_host}"
command="${rm} ${remote_builds}/"/>
<!-- create symlink to new build -->
<sshexec host="${ssh_remote_host}"
command="${ln} -s ${remote_builds}/${distfile} ${remote_builds}/"/>
<!-- remove locally built code -->
<delete dir="${build}"/>
<delete dir="${dist}"/>
<!-- TARGET: props -->
<!-- display all the properties ant sees, including the ones from this script. useful for debugging. -->
<target name="props">
<!-- TARGET: test -->
<!-- run the unit tests from the module -->
<!-- please see README file in module/groupofthings/tests before using -->
<target name="test">
<echo message="Running PHPUnit/DBUnit tests. Please see module/groupofthings/tests/README if this doesn't work right."/>
<exec executable="${phpunit}" >
<arg value="--bootstrap=${local_deploy}/header.php"/>
<arg value="${local_deploy}/modules/groupofthings/tests"/>
<!-- TARGET: lessc -->
<!-- run lessc on the style.less file -->
<target name="lessc">
<echo message="Compiling LESS to CSS with lessc. "/>
<echo message="Please see themes/groupofthings/frontend/less/README if this doesn't work right."/>
<delete dir="${tmp}"/>
<mkdir dir="${tmp}"/>
<copy todir="${tmp}/less">
<fileset dir="${bootstrap}/less"/>
<delete file="${tmp}/less/variables.less"/>
<delete file="${tmp}/less/bootstrap.less"/>
<copy file="${themes}/groupofthings/frontend/less/variables.less" todir="${tmp}/less"/>
<copy file="${themes}/groupofthings/frontend/less/bootstrap.less" todir="${tmp}/less"/>
<copy file="${themes}/groupofthings/frontend/less/site.less" todir="${tmp}/less"/>
<copy file="${themes}/groupofthings/frontend/less/bootswatch.less" todir="${tmp}/less"/>
<exec executable="${lessc}" >
<arg value="--compress"/>
<arg value="${tmp}/less/bootstrap.less"/>
<arg value="${themes}/groupofthings/frontend/css/bootstrap.css"/>
<exec executable="${lessc}" >
<arg value="-x"/>
<arg value="${tmp}/less/responsive.less"/>
<arg value="${themes}/groupofthings/frontend/css/bootstrap-responsive.css"/>
<delete dir="${tmp}"/>
<!-- TARGET: crudify -Dtable=table_name -->
<!-- Runs to rivety crudifier against a table name. Uses project crudify templates, places results in project. -->
<target name="crudify">
<echo message="Running crudify on ${table}" />
<exec executable="php" >
<arg value="${local_deploy}/core/default/bin/crudify.php"/>
<arg value="${table}"/>
<arg value="0"/>
<arg value="0"/>
<arg value="${basedir}/crudify_templates"/>
<arg value="${basedir}"/>
<!-- TARGET: hose -Dtable=table_name -->
<!-- Removes code generated by crudify. Use with care. -->
<target name="hose">
<echo message="removing crudified code for ${table}" />
<!-- Javascript in an ant file. Hoo boy. -->
<script language="javascript"> <![CDATA[
function ucFirst(string) {
return string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1).toLowerCase();
function setProperty(key,value){
prop = project.createTask("property");
tableName = project.getProperty("table");
moduleName = tableName.substring(0,tableName.indexOf("_"));
objectName = tableName.substring(tableName.lastIndexOf("_") + 1);
tableObjectName = ucFirst(moduleName)
+ ucFirst(objectName)
+ ".php";
controllerName = ucFirst(objectName) + "Controller.php";
basedir = project.getProperty("basedir");
themePath = basedir + "/modules/" + moduleName + "/views/frontend/tpl_controllers/" + objectName;
jsPath = basedir + "/modules/" + moduleName + "/views/frontend/js";
jsPattern = moduleName + "-" + objectName + "-*.js";
controllerPath = basedir + "/modules/" + moduleName + "/controllers/" + controllerName;
modelPath = basedir + "/modules/" + moduleName + "/models/" + tableObjectName;
println("Theme files: " + themePath);
println("Controller: " + controllerPath);
println("Model Object: " + modelPath);
]]> </script>
<delete dir="${theme_dir}"/>
<delete file="${model_class}"/>
<delete file="${controller_class}"/>
<echo message="${js_path}"/>
<echo message="${js_pattern}"/>
<delete dir="${js_path}">
<include name="${js_pattern}"/>
<!-- TARGET: message -->
<!-- displays a help message with available targets -->
<target name="message">
<echo message="Available targets are 'local','deploy','test','lessc'"/>
<echo message="local: do a rivety build, copy config files in, deploy locally and then symlink the modules and themes folders"/>
<echo message="deploy: This script will only build, copy and symlink, it doesn't actually deploy."/>
<target name="recrudify" depends="hose,crudify">
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