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- hosts: servers
- { role: Datadog.datadog, become: yes }
datadog_api_key: "123456"
datadog_agent_version: "1:6.0.0-1" # for apt-based platforms, use a `6.0.0-1` format on yum-based platforms
tags: "mytag0, mytag1"
log_level: INFO
apm_enabled: "true" # has to be set as a string
logs_enabled: true # log collection is available on agent 6
env: dev
extra_aggregators: version
- name: ssh
search_string: ['ssh', 'sshd' ]
- name: syslog
search_string: ['rsyslog' ]
cpu_check_interval: 0.2
exact_match: true
ignore_denied_access: true
# Change the root directory to look at to get cgroup statistics. Useful when running inside a
# container with host directories mounted on a different folder. Default: /.
# Example for the docker-dd-agent container:
# docker_root: /host
# Timeout in seconds for the connection to the docker daemon
# Default: 5 seconds
# timeout: 10
# The version of the API the client will use. Specify 'auto' to use the API version provided by the server.
# api_version: auto
# Use TLS encryption while communicating with the Docker API
# tls: False
# tls_client_cert: /path/to/client-cert.pem
# tls_client_key: /path/to/client-key.pem
# tls_cacert: /path/to/ca.pem
# tls_verify: True
# Initialization retries
# if the agent is expected to start before Docker,
# use these settings to configure the retry policy.
# init_retry_interval defines how long (in seconds) the docker client
# will wait before retrying initialization.
# Defaults to 0.
# init_retry_interval: 20
# init_retries configures how many retries are made before failing permanently.
# Defaults to 0.
# init_retries: 5
- ## Daemon and system configuration
# URL of the Docker daemon socket to reach the Docker API. HTTP/HTTPS also works.
# Warning: if that's a non-local daemon, we won't be able to collect performance metrics.
url: "unix://var/run/docker.sock"
##NOTE: This URL might need to change for Alpine or Ubuntu
## Data collection
# Create events whenever a container status change.
# Defaults to true.
# collect_events: false
# By default we do not collect events with a status ['top', 'exec_start', 'exec_create', 'exec_die'].
# Here can be added additional statuses to be filtered.
# List of available statuses can be found here
# filtered_event_types:
# - 'top'
# - 'exec_start'
# - 'exec_create'
# - 'exec_die'
# Collect disk usage per container with docker.container.size_rw and
# docker.container.size_rootfs metrics.
# Warning: This might take time for Docker daemon to generate,
# ensure that `docker ps -a -q` run fast before enabling it.
# Defaults to false.
# collect_container_size: true
# Do you use custom cgroups for this particular instance?
# Note: enabling this option modifies the way in which we inspect the containers and causes
# some overhead - if you run a high volume of containers we may timeout.
# custom_cgroups: false
# Report docker container healthcheck events as service checks
# Note: enabling this option modifies the way in which we inspect the containers and causes
# some overhead - if you run a high volume of containers we may timeout.
# Container Healthchecks are available starting with docker 1.12, enabling with older
# versions will result in an UNKNOWN state for the service check.
# You must whitelist the containers you wish to submit health service checks for.
# Use the same mechanism as the tagging system (see Tag:performance_tags section).
# Example: ["docker_image:tomcat", "container_name:web_front_nginx"]
# health_service_check_whitelist: []
# Collect the container count tagged by state (running, paused, exited, dead)
# Defaults to false.
# collect_container_count: true
# Collect the volume count for attached and dangling volumes.
# Defaults to false.
# collect_volume_count: true
# Collect images stats
# Number of available active images and intermediate images as gauges.
# Defaults to false.
# collect_images_stats: true
# Collect disk usage per image with docker.image.size and docker.image.virtual_size metrics.
# The check gets this size with the `docker images` command.
# Requires collect_images_stats to be enabled.
# Defaults to false.
# collect_image_size: true
# Collect disk metrics (total, used, free) through the docker info command for data and metadata.
# This is useful when these values can't be obtained by the disk check.
# Example:
# Note that it only works when the storage driver is devicemapper.
# Explanation of these metrics can be found here:
# Defaults to false.
# collect_disk_stats: true
# Collect containers exit codes and send service checks critical when exit code is not 0
# Defaults to false.
# collect_exit_codes: true
# Exclude containers based on their tags
# An excluded container will not get any individual container metric reported for it.
# However it will still appear in the container count since ignoring it here would give
# a wrong impression about the docker daemon load.
# The rule is a regex on the tags.
# How it works: exclude first.
# If a tag matches an exclude rule, it won't be included unless it also matches an include rule.
# Examples:
# exclude all, except ubuntu and debian.
# exclude: ["docker_image:.*"]
# include: ["docker_image:ubuntu", "docker_image:debian"]
# include all, except ubuntu and Kubernetes pause containers.
# exclude: ["docker_image:ubuntu", "*", "image_name:openshift/origin-pod"]
# include: []
# Default: include all containers except for Kubernetes pause containers.
# Warning: pause containers exclusion works only if you deploy the agent the recommended way (in a pod).
# To customize this default behavior, override exclude.
# If you do so, default exclusion patterns won't apply anymore and will need to be added explicitly.
## Tagging
# You can add extra tags to your Docker metrics and ServiceCheck with the tags list option.
# Example: ["extra_tag", "env:testing"]
# tags: []
# If the agent is running in an Amazon ECS task, tags container metrics with the ECS task name and version.
# Default: true
# ecs_tags: false
# Custom metrics tagging
# Define which Docker tags to apply on metrics.
# Since it impacts the aggregation, modify it carefully (only if you really need it).
# Tags for performance metrics.
# Available:
# - image_name: Name of the image (example: "nginx")
# - image_tag: Tag of the image (example: "latest")
# - docker_image: LEGACY. The full image name:tag string (example: "nginx:latest")
# - container_name: Name of the container (example: "boring_euclid")
# - container_command: Command ran by the container (example: "echo 1")
# - container_id: Id of the container
# performance_tags: ["container_name", "image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image"]
# Tags for containers count metrics.
# Available: ["image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image", "container_command"]
# container_tags: ["image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image"]
# Option to tag docker metrics with container label names listed.
# Takes precedence over docker_labels_as_tags for docker metrics.
# Only use if you want different labels tagged for autodiscovery and docker_daemon metrics.
# Default to None
# Example:
# collect_labels_as_tags: ["com.docker.compose.service", "com.docker.compose.project"]
# List of docker event attributes to add as tags of the datadog events
# Defaults to None.
# event_attributes_as_tags: ["signal"]
## Rate Filtering
# Allows ad-hoc spike filtering if the system reports incorrect metrics.
# This will drop points if the computed rate is higher than the cap value
# capped_metrics:
# docker.cpu.user: 1000
# docker.cpu.system: 100
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