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Created June 17, 2012 23:24
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(ns web-repl
(:require clojure.main)
(:use [clojure.stacktrace :only [root-cause]]))
(defonce repl-sessions (ref {}))
(defn current-bindings []
(binding [*ns* *ns*
*warn-on-reflection* *warn-on-reflection*
*math-context* *math-context*
*print-meta* *print-meta*
*print-length* *print-length*
*print-level* *print-level*
*compile-path* (System/getProperty "clojure.compile.path" "classes")
*command-line-args* *command-line-args*
*assert* *assert*
*1 nil
*2 nil
*3 nil
*e nil]
(defn bindings-for [session-key]
(when-not (@repl-sessions session-key)
(commute repl-sessions assoc session-key (current-bindings))))
(@repl-sessions session-key))
(defn store-bindings-for [session-key]
(commute repl-sessions assoc session-key (current-bindings))))
(defmacro with-session [session-key & body]
`(with-bindings (bindings-for ~session-key)
(let [r# ~@body]
(store-bindings-for ~session-key)
(defn do-eval [txt session-key]
(with-session session-key
(let [form (binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string txt))]
(with-open [writer (]
(binding [*out* writer]
(let [r (pr-str (eval form))]
(str (.toString writer) (str r)))
(catch Exception e (str (root-cause e)))))))))
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