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Created March 9, 2014 23:17
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function t { curl dict://$1:moby-thes }

function internationaldictionary { curl dict://$1:gcide }

function d { curl dict://$1:wn | less }

function d2 { curl dict://${1} | less }

function bible { curl dict://$1:easton }

function law { curl dict://$1:bouvier }

function devilsdictionary { curl dict://$1:devil }

function englishfrench { curl dict://$1:eng-fra }

function englishhindi { curl dict://$1:eng-hin }

function frenchenglish { curl dict://$1:fra-eng }

function hindienglish { curl dict://$1:hin-eng }

function spanishenglish { curl dict://$1:spa-eng }

function englishspanish { curl dict://$1:eng-spa }

function world { curl dict://$1:world02 }

function world { curl dict://$1:world02 }

function zip { curl dict://$1:gaz2k-zips }

function place { curl dict://$1:gaz2k-places }

function go() { ARGS=$(echo “$@” | sed -e ‘s/ /%20/g’); open “$ARGS”; }

function gf() { ARGS=$(echo “$@” | sed -e ‘s/ /+/g’); open “$ARGS&btnG=&oq=&gs_l=”; open “$ARGS&qft=+filterui:imagesize-wallpaper&FORM=R5IR3”; }

function ask() { ARGS=$(echo “$@” | sed -e ‘s/ /+/g’); open “$ARGS&sort=date&site=ask”; open “$ARGS”; }

function to() { ARGS=$(echo “$@” ); open “,+ Nepean,+Ontario&daddr=$ARGS,+Ottawa,+Ontario&output=html”; }

function wheresthefucking() { ARGS=$(echo “$@” ); open “$ARGS+near+crestlea+crescent+nepean+ontario&hl=en&sll=45.361008,-75.761367&sspn=0.067545,0.134411&doflg=ptk&hq=$ARGS&hnear=Crestlea+Crescent,+Ottawa,+Ontario+K2G,+Canada&t=m&z=12”; }

function where() { ARGS=$(echo “$@” ); open “$ARGS+near+crestlea+crescent+nepean+ontario&hl=en&sll=45.361008,-75.761367&sspn=0.067545,0.134411&doflg=ptk&hq=$ARGS&hnear=Crestlea+Crescent,+Ottawa,+Ontario+K2G,+Canada&t=m&z=12”; }

function salientupdate() { rsync -avz Users/jay/Downloads/salient; rsync -avz Users/jay/Downloads/salient; }

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