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Last active April 10, 2022 01:41
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Hydra parallel sweep with joblib that waits and auto-selects free GPUs
Auto GPU example with Hydra. To run, first
pip install hydra hydra-joblib-launcher --upgrade
Then run as follows
python -m n=1,2,3
where `n` is the parameter you want to sweep over (any arbitrary Hydra sweep is
This will launch 3 jobs in parallel, with a staggered start defined by
`sweep_sleep_time` in the config (default 60s). Each job will wait until a GPU
is free, i.e. below `threshold_vram_usage` memory utilization, then assign this
GPU to the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.
The purpose of `sweep_sleep_time` is to give time for earlier jobs to occupy
the GPUs they selected. If all jobs started instantaneously, they would all
pick the same GPU before actually starting to utilize the GPU.
NOTE: If you are using wandb you may need to set as WANDB_START_METHOD=thread as
discussed here:
FIXME: Unfortunately, it's still possible to have multiple jobs waiting for a
free GPU, and for them to select the same GPU at the same time. How to solve
this is TBD...
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import time
import hydra
import omegaconf
import torch
from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def assign_free_gpus(threshold_vram_usage=500, max_gpus=2, wait=False, sleep_time=10):
Assigns free gpus to the current process via the CUDA_AVAILABLE_DEVICES env variable
This function should be called after all imports,
in case you are setting CUDA_AVAILABLE_DEVICES elsewhere
Borrowed and fixed from
threshold_vram_usage (int, optional): A GPU is considered free if the vram usage is below the threshold
Defaults to 500 (MiB).
max_gpus (int, optional): Max GPUs is the maximum number of gpus to assign.
Defaults to 2.
wait (bool, optional): Whether to wait until a GPU is free. Default False.
sleep_time (int, optional): Sleep time (in seconds) to wait before checking GPUs, if wait=True. Default 10.
def _check():
# Get the list of GPUs via nvidia-smi
smi_query_result = subprocess.check_output(
"nvidia-smi -q -d Memory | grep -A4 GPU", shell=True
# Extract the usage information
gpu_info = smi_query_result.decode("utf-8").split("\n")
gpu_info = list(filter(lambda info: "Used" in info, gpu_info))
gpu_info = [
int(x.split(":")[1].replace("MiB", "").strip()) for x in gpu_info
] # Remove garbage
# Keep gpus under threshold only
free_gpus = [
str(i) for i, mem in enumerate(gpu_info) if mem < threshold_vram_usage
free_gpus = free_gpus[: min(max_gpus, len(free_gpus))]
gpus_to_use = ",".join(free_gpus)
return gpus_to_use
while True:
gpus_to_use = _check()
if gpus_to_use or not wait:
break"No free GPUs found, retrying in %ds", sleep_time)
if not gpus_to_use:
raise RuntimeError("No free GPUs found")
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpus_to_use"Using GPU(s): %s", gpus_to_use)
def setup_gpus(cfg):
if cfg.device == "auto":
hydra_cfg = HydraConfig.get()
job_num = hydra_cfg.job.num
total_sleep_time = job_num * cfg.sweep_sleep_time
"Detected that I am job #%s in a Hydra sweep. Sleeping for %d seconds to let other jobs occupy GPUs.",
except omegaconf.errors.MissingMandatoryValue:
# Not run within a hydra sweep, ignore"Not part of a hydra sweep. Searching for a free GPU")
cfg.device = "cuda:0"
@hydra.main(config_path=".", config_name="config")
def main(cfg):
_ = torch.zeros((4000, 4000)).to(cfg.device)
print(f"Finished run {cfg.n} on device {os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
- override /hydra/launcher: joblib
# Dummy sweep parameter
n: 1
device: auto # either torch.Device or "auto", which will by default find 1 free GPU
sweep_sleep_time: 30 # how many seconds to wait for subsequent job sweeps, per job id #.
[2022-04-09 18:28:18,133][HYDRA] Joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1,backend=loky,prefer=processes,require=None,verbose=0,time
out=None,pre_dispatch=2*n_jobs,batch_size=auto,temp_folder=None,max_nbytes=None,mmap_mode=r) is launching 3 jobs
[2022-04-09 18:28:18,148][HYDRA] Launching jobs, sweep output dir : multirun/2022-04-09/18-28-16
[2022-04-09 18:28:18,150][HYDRA] #0 : n=1
[2022-04-09 18:28:18,152][HYDRA] #1 : n=2
[2022-04-09 18:28:18,154][HYDRA] #2 : n=3
[2022-04-09 18:28:22,669][__main__][INFO] - Detected that I am job #2 in a Hydra sweep. Sleeping for 60 seconds to l
et other jobs occupy GPUs.
[2022-04-09 18:28:22,756][__main__][INFO] - Detected that I am job #0 in a Hydra sweep. Sleeping for 0 seconds to le
t other jobs occupy GPUs.
[2022-04-09 18:28:22,795][__main__][INFO] - Detected that I am job #1 in a Hydra sweep. Sleeping for 30 seconds to l
et other jobs occupy GPUs.
[2022-04-09 18:28:22,931][__main__][INFO] - Using GPU(s): 4
[2022-04-09 18:28:52,956][__main__][INFO] - Using GPU(s): 5
[2022-04-09 18:29:22,905][__main__][INFO] - Using GPU(s): 6
Finished run 1 on device 4
Finished run 2 on device 5
Finished run 3 on device 6
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