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Last active December 6, 2019 20:08
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Simulating an async action using thunk
* In redux environment, when we deal with async calls, we cannot use the dispatch to dispatch a
* a plain action. An action creator in redux is a pure function which returns
* an object with action type (must have) and necessary payload.
* See following example.
// actions.js
// action creator to dispatch an add todo action
// with given payload
export const addTodo = (payload) => ({
type: 'ADD_A_TODO',
// reducer.js
const initialState = {
todos: [],
otherProps: {}
function todo (state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_A_TODO':
return {
todos: [...state.todos, action.payload]
return state;
// some-container.js
id: '21234',
title: 'Create a gist',
description: 'Create a gist about simulating async action',
completed: true,
createdOn: '12/07/2019',
pendingOn: '12/08/2019',
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
* The above example uses a 'addTodo' action creator which is a pure function
* and returns an object, with the type attribute added with given payload.
* To simulate the asyn functionality without having an backend API server, we
* can take help of setTimeout.
// while creating the store, use thunk as a middleware.
// action.js
const apiCallStarted = () => ({
const apiCallCompleted = () => ({
export const asyncAddTodo = (payload) => {
// since thunk has been added as a middleware, this action creator now
// can return a function with dispatch. Thunk will inject redux's dispatch.
return (dispatch) => {
// first dispatch a pure action creator to inform async call has started.
// wait for 500 milliseconds before dispatching addTodo action
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// some-container.js
id: '21234',
title: 'Create a gist',
description: 'Create a gist about simulating async action',
completed: true,
createdOn: '12/07/2019',
pendingOn: '12/08/2019',
* The reducer to handle 'ADD_A_TODO' case will remain same. However, you can add other
* actions types to handle loading in the UI.
// reducer.js
const initialState = {
todos: [],
apiInProgress: false,
otherProps: {}
function todo (state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
apiInProgress: true,
return {
apiInProgress: false,
case 'ADD_A_TODO':
return {
todos: [...state.todos, action.payload]
return state;
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