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Last active March 28, 2019 17:56
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# -i case insensitive
# -l just show file path
# -r recursive
# -n line number
# just list the files containing search term
egrep -irl --include \*.tf --exclude-dir=.* "$searchTerm"
# to see the search term
egrep -irn --include \*.tf --exclude-dir=.* "$searchTerm"
# start of some terraform linting
# look for hard coded regions
egrep -irn --include \*.tf --exclude-dir=.* "$searchTerm"
# list all the arn referances
grep -ir --no-filename --include \*.tf --exclude-dir=.terraform --exclude-dir=.git -Poh '\"arn:aws:iam::.+:role.+\"' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
# get distribution of aws provider versions
grep -irP --no-filename --include \*.tf --exclude-dir=.terraform --exclude-dir=.git '\bversion\s*=' | sed 's/^\s*//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
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