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Created March 22, 2021 21:03
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a little ocaml program to decide set inclusion for regular languages
type alphabet
type regexp =
| Empty (* empty string! *)
| Atom of alphabet
| Star of regexp
| Concat of regexp * regexp
| Union of regexp * regexp
let rec core = function
| Star r -> core r
| r -> r
let rec size = function
| Star r -> 1 + size r
| Atom _ -> 1
| Empty -> 0
| Concat (r1,r2) -> size r1 + size r2
| Union (r1,r2) -> max (size r1) (size r2)
let rec is_subset (r1: regexp) (r2: regexp) =
match r2 with
| Empty ->
match r1 with | Empty -> true | _ -> false
| Atom a2 ->
match r1 with
| Empty -> true
| Atom a1 -> a1 = a2
| _ -> false
| Star r2' ->
let r2 = core r2' in
let r1 = core r1 in
let rec check acc =
if is_subset r1 acc then
if (size acc > size r1) then false
check (Concat(acc, r2))
in check r2
| Concat (r2L, r2R) ->
match r1 with
| Concat (r1L, r1R) -> is_subset r1L r2L && is_subset r1R r2R
| _ -> false
| Union (r2L, r2R) ->
is_subset r1 r2L || is_subset r1 r2R
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