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Created August 13, 2015 19:05
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pathfinder research query
select result.account_id as account_id, plan_type, ticket_create_session_w_article_view, total_tickets_created, total_articles_viewed
from (
select account_id, sum(if(tickets_created > 0 and articles_viewed > 0, 1, 0)) ticket_create_session_w_article_view, sum(tickets_created) total_tickets_created, sum(articles_viewed) total_articles_viewed
from (
account_id, session, sum(if(type = 'create', 1, 0)) tickets_created, sum(if(type = 'child_view', 1, 0)) articles_viewed
from (
Sessionize(unix_time, user_id, 1800) as session, account_id, user_id, type
from (
select unix_timestamp(ts, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss+00:00") as unix_time, account_id, user_id, type
from (
select type, account_id, user_id, ts
from default.stats_hc_events
where dt between 20150801 and 20150807
and user_id is not null
and type = 'child_view'
union all
select type, account_id, user_id, ts
from default.stats_ticket_events
where dt between 20150801 and 20150807
and type = 'create'
) x
sort by user_id, unix_time
) sub_sub_query
) sub_query
group by account_id, session
) query
group by account_id
) result
inner join classic.sharded_subscriptions ss on ss.account_id = result.account_id
where ss.account_type = 'customer'
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