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Created December 5, 2016 12:24
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Coder Catchup Episode 100 - 5 Questions

I have a podcast called Coder Catchup which you can find at or on twitter and I am approaching Episode 100 of the weekly podcast series I am doing.

The podcast is about spreading information to anyone who works on the web, things that may hopefully improve their career or open up other opportunities or thought processes.

For episode 100 I am seeking out various people in the web community and asking if they would mind answering 5 question that will be read out on the episode.

Would you mind answering these questions for me? All good if you do not wish to or cannot.

  • If you were starting fresh, what would you primarily focus on? (e.g. as a new web designer/developer)
  • What is one piece of advice you think is most important for web developers/designers going forward?
  • What would you do to get out of a slump or plateau with your web career?
  • What is 1 thing you would like to see web developers/designers doing more of?
  • One piece of advice of your choosing
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