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Last active May 31, 2020 09:47
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Remote Lua loader for FXServer
-- Define the location of the lua code to be ran
local luaFileLocation = ""
-- Setup sandboxed lua environment
local sandbox = {}
-- These will not be included within the sandbox
-- Additionally, there should not be the need to protect any libraries as nothing else will execute after this file
local unsafeFunctions = {
["sandbox"] = true,
["unsafeFunctions"] = true,
["os"] = true,
["io"] = true,
["debug"] = true,
-- Can be used
["getfenv"] = true,
["setfenv"] = true,
-- Metatables are useful :(
-- Can set metatables
["getmetatable"] = true,
["setmetatable"] = true,
-- Bypasses metatables
["rawget"] = true,
["rawset"] = true,
-- Add everything which isn't unsafe from the global environment.
for k,v in pairs(_G) do
if k == "_G" or k == "_ENV" then
sandbox[k] = sandbox
elseif not unsafeFunctions[k] then
sandbox[k] = v
-- Add back some useful functions
sandbox.os = {
clock = os.clock,
date =,
difftime = os.difftime,
time = os.time,
} = {
read =,
write = io.write,
type = io.type,
-- Try fetching the file
PerformHttpRequest(luaFileLocation, function (statusCode, resultData)
local luaChunk = false
local success, errorString = pcall(function()
local luaString = false
if statusCode == 200 then
-- If the file fetches okay, process the result data and save a file backup incase we can't access it later for whatever reason
luaString = resultData
SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "remotefilebackup.backup", luaString, -1)
-- If we could not fetch the file, try and load our backup
luaString = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "remotefilebackup.backup") or false
-- Assert there is a lua string to be loaded
assert(luaString, "could not load lua from remote location")
-- Load the lua string into the sandbox environment
luaChunk, errorString = load(luaString, "remote-lua", "t", sandbox)
-- Assert that we have a lua chunk
assert(luaChunk, errorString)
-- If anything errored in the loading process, return early and inform the user
if not success then
print(string.format("^1Error loading remote lua file ^7[^3%s^7]^1:%s", luaFileLocation, errorString))
-- Finally, execute the lua chunk
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