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Last active April 28, 2016 13:55
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X-Pack Security Webinar
PUT /customers
PUT /customers/customer/1
"name": "Jay Modi",
"address": {
"city": "New York",
"state": "New York",
"country": "US"
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"cc_no": "1234567890124"
PUT /customers/customer/2
"name": "John Doe",
"address": {
"city": "Amsterdom",
"country": "NL"
"phone": "+31 20 555 5555",
"cc_no": "23456789097654"
GET /customers/_search
PUT /_shield/role/kibana_user
"cluster": [ "monitor" ]
"indices": [
"names": ".kibana*",
"privileges": ["manage", "read", "index"],
PUT /_shield/role/us_marketing
"indices": [
"names": "customers",
"privileges": ["read"],
"query": "{\"term\": {\"\": \"us\"}}"
PUT /_shield/role/nl_marketing
"indices": [
"names": "customers",
"privileges": ["read"],
"query": "{\"term\": {\"\": \"nl\"}}"
PUT /_shield/user/us_marketer
"roles": [ "kibana_user", "us_marketing" ],
"password": "changeme"
PUT /_shield/user/nl_marketer
"roles": [ "kibana_user", "nl_marketing" ],
"password": "changeme"
PUT /_shield/user/marketing_admin
"roles": [ "kibana_user", "us_marketing", "nl_marketing" ],
"password": "changeme"
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