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Created May 24, 2024 22:07
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Two different approaches to implementing some module that requires the polymorphic input type to be comparable. First method we explicitly must pass some comparison method. Second method we use a functor.
module MinContainer1 = struct
type 'a t =
{ cmp : 'a -> 'a -> int
; x : 'a option
let init cmp = { cmp; x = None }
let add { cmp; x } newx =
let x =
match x with
| None -> newx
| Some x -> if cmp newx x < 0 then newx else x
{ cmp; x = Some x }
let get { x; _ } = Option.get x
let () =
let container = MinContainer1.init (fun a b -> a - b) in
[ 7; 3; -1; 4; -5; 5 ]
|> List.fold_left MinContainer1.add container
|> MinContainer1.get
|> string_of_int
|> print_endline
module type Comparable = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module MinContainer2 (T : Comparable) = struct
type t = T.t option
let init = None
let add t newx =
match t with
| None -> Some newx
| Some x -> Some (if newx x < 0 then newx else x)
let get x = Option.get x
let () =
let module Mc2 = MinContainer2 (Int) in
let container = Mc2.init in
[ 7; 3; -1; 4; -5; 5 ]
|> List.fold_left Mc2.add container
|> Mc2.get
|> string_of_int
|> print_endline
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