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Last active April 22, 2019 07:14
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module WriteStateForYourself where
import Test.Hspec (describe, hspec, shouldBe, it)
import Test.QuickCheck.Classes (functor, applicative, monad)
import Test.Hspec.Checkers (testBatch)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), CoArbitrary(..))
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers (EqProp(..))
import Text.Show.Functions () -- For generating instances of show for functions
import Data.Char (ord)
newtype Moi s a = Moi { runMoi :: s -> (a, s) }
deriving (Show)
instance Functor (Moi s) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Moi s a -> Moi s b
fmap f (Moi g) = Moi (\s -> let (a, s') = g s
in (f a, s'))
instance Applicative (Moi s) where
pure :: a -> Moi s a
pure a = Moi (\s -> (a, s))
(<*>) :: Moi s (a -> b) -> Moi s a -> Moi s b
(Moi f) <*> (Moi g) = Moi (\s0 ->
let (a, s1) = g s0
(aToB, s2) = f s1
b = aToB a
in (b, s2))
instance Monad (Moi s) where
return = pure
(>>=) :: Moi s a -> (a -> Moi s b) -> Moi s b
-- (Moi f) >>= g = Moi (\s0 ->
-- let (a, s1) = f s0
-- in runMoi (g a) s1
-- alternatively match the function in the Moi...
(Moi f) >>= g = Moi (\s0 ->
let (a, s1) = f s0
Moi h = g a
in h s1)
instance (CoArbitrary s, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary s) => Arbitrary (Moi s a) where
arbitrary = Moi <$> arbitrary
instance ( Arbitrary s
, Show s
, EqProp s
, Arbitrary a
, Show a
, EqProp a ) => EqProp (Moi s a) where
(Moi s1) =-= (Moi s2) = s1 =-= s2
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Moi State Functor" $ do
it "Example from the book" $ do
runMoi ((+1) <$> (Moi $ \s -> (0, s))) 0 `shouldBe` (1 :: Int, 0 :: Int)
it "Modified example from the book" $ do
let moi :: Moi Char Int
moi = Moi $ \s -> (0, s)
runMoi (fmap (+40) moi) 'c' `shouldBe` (40, 'c')
describe "Moi State Applicative" $ do
it "Example use." $ do
let moi1 :: Moi [Char] Int
moi1 = Moi (\s -> (length s * 2, s <> "moi1 "))
moi2 :: Moi [Char] (Int -> Double)
moi2 = Moi (\s -> (\a -> 0.5 + (fromIntegral a), s <> "moi2 "))
runMoi (moi2 <*> moi1) "hello " `shouldBe` (12.5, "hello moi1 moi2 ")
describe "Moi State Monad" $ do
it "Example use." $ do
let moi :: Moi Char Int
moi = Moi (\char -> (ord char, succ char))
fToMoi :: Int -> Moi Char Int
fToMoi n = Moi (\char -> (n + (ord char), (succ . succ) char))
runMoi (moi >>= fToMoi) 'a' `shouldBe` (195, 'd')
-- a = 97
-- b = 98
-- 97 + 98 = 195
describe "Moi property based tests" $ do
let testType :: Moi Char (Int, Int, [Int])
testType = undefined
testBatch (functor testType)
testBatch (applicative testType)
testBatch (monad testType)
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jaymoid commented Apr 20, 2019

From FP Chat Slack group: Gabriel Lebec kindly helped me out:

James Pittendreigh [7:55 AM]
Hi, I’m stumped on one of the questions in ch23 - State. Well not so much the question, more testing it. The question asks you to implement the State type for yourself, and write Functor, Applicative and Monad instances for it.

I’d like to be able to test that the instances are lawful using quickcheck + checkers, like in the previous chapters, however I’m struggling to write the EqProp instance (presumably because State wraps a function). Anyone able to take a look please?
I’ve gist’ed up the code here:

glebec [5:31 PM]
EqProp definitely cannot be eq because, as you point out, each state instance is a function, and extensional function equality is undecidable (in other words, no program can be written which can tell you if two functions behave identically for all inputs). (edited)
However… (edited)
(checking my own work on this problem)
Yeah, I didn't attempt to write the checkers tests for this exercise
In theory it seems to me like you could verify the equality (for a finite number of checks) itself through some prop testing? generate random s inputs and verify that the (a, s) output is the same for your two functions? Not sure how to make checkers understand that though. And using a property test in your property test sounds slloooowwwww. (edited)

glebec [5:56 PM]
Hm. I feel like this indicates that functions should be able to have an EqProp instance, because you can do random sampling:

Types of values that can be tested for equality, perhaps through random sampling.

Trying to see if I can find an example.
Yes, in fact there is an EqProp instance for funcs.
@james Pittendreigh I think all you have to do is extract the functions from your Moi newtype and run =-= on them?
Something like (Moi s1) =-= (Moi s2) = s1 =-= s2
Or using Data.Function.on to be cute:

(=-=) = (=-=) `on` runMoi
You may have to add some constraints to make it all type check – specifically EqProp s, EqProp a

glebec [6:28 PM]
Got it

         , Show s
         , EqProp s
         , Arbitrary a
         , Show a
         , EqProp a ) => EqProp (Moi s a) where
  (Moi s1) =-= (Moi s2) = s1 =-= s2

Thanks for the challenge, learned a little more about =-= today 👍
And FYI your code passes the checkers tests 😉

  Example from the book
  Modified example from the book
Moi property based tests
  laws for: functor
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      +++ OK, passed 100 tests.

James Pittendreigh [9:09 PM]
@glebec Thanks very much, this worked! 😄 Apologies for my slow response (was BBQ’ing) - thanks also for explaining why functions equality is undecidable, this makes sense now. So I guess the best we can do is assert that it yields the same results for the given inputs?

I guess the only thing I don’t understand is how you worked out the required type preconditions for the EqProp instance?

         , Show s
         , EqProp s
         , Arbitrary a
         , Show a
         , EqProp a ) => EqProp (Moi s a) where

I realise this is kinda beyond what the question asked, but one thing I’ve really got from this book is how awesome property based testing is, and I’m a bit of a testing nerd so I try and test everything. (p.s. for anyone else reading I have updated my gist with Glebec’s working EqProp instance)

glebec [9:14 PM]
@james Pittendreigh honestly I just kept adding whatever constraints the type checker yelled about until it worked

glebec [9:25 PM]
And yeah while there can be no Eq instance for functions, there can be (and is) an EqProp instance, where checkers/QuickCheck generate many arbitrary s values and confirm that your two functions both return the same (a, s) tuples.
That doesn’t prove they are equal functions but it does verify that they seem to be equal for a finite number of random inputs.
Which is better than nothing.

James Pittendreigh [9:36 PM]
Gotcha, thanks again.
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