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Last active April 26, 2016 22:31
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Monte Carlo Simulation with Block Bootstrapping
# Record script start time ----------------------------------------
t1 <- Sys.time()
# Load required packages ------------------------------------------
# Build the function ----------------------------------------------
mcblocksim <- function(R, l){
# Read price data and build xts object
data <- read.csv("yourdirectory/simSample.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors=F)
s1.dates <- as.POSIXct(data[,2], format="%d-%m-%y") #beware the formatting may need adjusting for your excel settings
s1 <- xts(data[,3], s1.dates)
# Declare and assign values to other variables
n <- length(s1) #length of backtest results
#l <- 5 #block length for sampling (user-defined)
n.sim <- n
#R <- 5000 #number of samples required (user-defined)
endpt <- n - l + 1
nn <- ceiling(n.sim/l) #number of blocks
lens <- c(rep(l, nn - 1), 1 + (n.sim - 1)%%l) #lengths of each block
st <- matrix(, nn * R, replace = TRUE), R) #start points of each block
i.a <- list(starts = st, lengths = lens) #list of start points and lengths of each block
# Get sample indices - store in "inds" matrix
block <- NULL
indsim <- NULL
inds <- NULL
for(r in 1:nrow(i.a$starts)){
for(c in 1:ncol(i.a$starts)){
block <-$starts[r, c], i.a$starts[r, c] + i.a$lengths[c] - 1, length.out = i.a$lengths[c])
indsim <- append(indsim, block)
inds <- cbind(inds, indsim)
indsim <- NULL
# Declare and assign values to other variables
k <- NULL
tsbootARR <- NULL
tsbootxts <- NULL
tmp <- NULL
ret <- data.frame(ROC(s1[,1]))
ret[] <- 0
# Subset ret dataframe with inds and build "tsbootARR" using apply with cumsum()
for(k in 1:ncol(inds)){
tmp <- cbind(tmp, ret[inds[,k],])
tsbootARR <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) cumsum(x))
which( #double-check no NAs in ret as a result ROC() call above
# Build xts object for use in plot.zoo
tsbootxts <- xts(tsbootARR, s1.dates)
p <- plot.zoo(tsbootxts, main=paste(R,"sims of simSample", sep = " "), plot.type = "single", col = "lightgray", ylab = "Cumulative Return Distributions")
p <- lines(cumsum(ROC(s1)[-1,]), col = "red")
# End of function -------------------------------------------------
# Run function ----------------------------------------------------
mcblocksim(1000, 5)
# Record and print time to run script -----------------------------
t2 <- Sys.time()
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