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start of txnsim() function for simulating blotter trades whilst retaining strategy characteristics
#' Monte Carlo analysis of transactions
#' Running simulations with similar properties as the backtest or production
#' portfolio may allow the analyst to evaluate the distribution of returns
#' possible with similat trading approaches and evaluate skill versus luck or
#' overfitting.
#' @details
#' If \code{update=TRUE} (the default), the user may wish to pass \code{Interval}
#' in dots to mark the portfolio at a different frequency than the market data,
#' especially for intraday market data.
#' @param Portfolio string identifying a portfolio
#' @param n number of simulations, default = 100
#' @param replacement sample with or without replacement, default TRUE
#' @param tradeDef string to determine which definition of 'trade' to use. See \code{\link{tradeStats}}
#' @param update boolean indicating whether to call \code{\link{updatePortf}} on the simulated portfolios, default TRUE
#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
#' @return a list object of class 'txnsim' containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{backtest.trades}:}{list by symbol containing trade start, quantity, duration from the original backtest}
#' \item{\code{replicates}:}{a list by symbol containing all the resampled start,quantity, duration time series replicates}
#' \item{\code{transactions}:}{a list by symbol for each replicate of the Txn object passed to \code{\link{addTxns}}}
#' \item{\code{initeq}:}{a numeric variable containing the initEq of the portfolio, for starting portfolio value}
#' \item{\code{seed}:}{ the value of \code{.Random.seed} for replication, if required}
#' \item{\code{call}:}{an object of type \code{call} that contains the \code{txnsim} call}
#' }
#' Note that this object and its slots may change in the future.
#' Slots \code{replicates},\code{transactions}, and \code{call} are likely
#' to exist in all future versions of this function, but other slots may be added
#' and removed as \code{S3method}'s are developed.
#' @author Jasen Mackie, Brian G. Peterson
#' @references
#' Burns, Patrick. 2006. Random Portfolios for Evaluating Trading Strategies.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mcsim}}, \code{\link{updatePortf}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' n <- 10
#' ex.txnsim <- function(Portfolio,n,replacement) {
#' out <- txnsim(Portfolio,n,replacement)
#' for (i in 1:n){
#' p<-paste('txnsim',Portfolio,i,sep='.')
#' symbols<-names(getPortfolio(p)$symbols)
#' for(symbol in symbols) {
#' chart.Posn(p,symbol)
#' }
#' }
#' out
#' }
#' demo('longtrend',ask=FALSE)
#' <- ex.txnsim('longtrend',n, replacement = FALSE)
#' lt.wr <- ex.txnsim('longtrend',n, replacement = TRUE)
#' require('quantstrat')
#' demo('rsi',ask=FALSE)
#' <- ex.txnsim('RSI',n, replacement = FALSE)
#' rsi.wr <- ex.txnsim('RSI',n, replacement = TRUE)
#' } #end dontrun
#' @export
txnsim <- function(Portfolio, n = 10, replacement = TRUE,
tradeDef = "", update = TRUE, ...) {
# store the random seed for replication, if needed
seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
# First get strategy start dates, duration and quantity
# get portfolio, account and symbols objects
p <- getPortfolio(Portfolio)
symbols <- names(p$symbols)
initDate <- attr(p, "initDate")
currency <- attr(p, "currency")
initEq <- attr(p, "initEq")
txnstruct <- function(i) {
pt <- perTradeStats(Portfolio, symbols[i], tradeDef = tradeDef)
start <- pt$Start
end <- pt$End
#TO BE DELETED - just keeping around for some code tips
# appidx <- append(start, end, after = length(start))
# idx <- order(as.Date(appidx, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
# newindex <- appidx[idx]
# duration <- append(difftime(newindex[-1], newindex[-length(newindex)], units = "days"), 0) # add zero for first row of duration vector
# newindex <- newindex[-which(duration == 0)] # remove all zero duration trades from duration
# duration <- duration[duration != 0] # remove all zero duration trades from newindex
# qty <- vector(length = length(newindex)) # create a qty vector with length of newindex
# testindex <- newindex %in% start # create a TRUE or FALSE vector for newindex in start
# qty[testindex == 1] <- pt$Max.Pos[which(start == newindex[newindex %in% start])]
# txnsimdf <- data.frame(newindex, duration, qty)
# get duration of non-flat periods
# duration <- end - start # duration for non-flat periods
duration <- difftime(end, start, units = "secs")
#stratduration <- end[length(end)] - start[1] # this is for info
stratduration <- difftime(end[length(end)], start[1], units = "secs") # this is for info
# get duration of flat periods
txns <- cumsum(getTxns(Portfolio, "IBM"))
lagtxns <- lag(txns)
startzero <- txns[which(txns$Txn.Qty==0)]
endzero <- lagtxns[which(lagtxns$Txn.Qty==0)]
#zeroduration <- index(endzero) - index(startzero)
zeroduration <- difftime(index(endzero), index(startzero), units = "secs")
# build dataframe of start dates and durations
startdf <-,duration)
# build dataframe of end dates and durations
enddf <-[-1], zeroduration[-1])
names(enddf) <- c("start","duration")
#start building txnsimdf - WOOHOO (still needs Qty though which is gonna be tricky...if we take it from 'txns', which is surely preferred over Max.Pos from 'pt')
txnsimdf <-, enddf)
txnsimdf <- data.table(txnsimdf, key = "start")
qty <- vector(length = length(txnsimdf$start))
idx_start <- txnsimdf$start %in% start
qty[idx_start == 1] <- pt$Init.Qty[index(which(idx_start == TRUE))]
txnsimdf <-, qty)
names(txnsimdf) <- c("start", "duration", "quantity")
#names(txnsimdf) <- c("start", "duration") # taken out quantity for now
# create a list of perTradeStats outputs per symbol
backtest.trades <- lapply(1:length(symbols), txnstruct)
names(backtest.trades) <- symbols
if (tradeDef == "") {
### first set up functions for the lapply
## no replacement fns:
# index expression for the replicate call, without replacement <- function(i, ...) {
# inner function to build the replicate df <- function(j, i, idx) {
# build a vector of start times
start <- first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start) +
#start <- as.Date(first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start)) +
# add the fist start time back in
start <- c(first(as.Date(backtest.trades[[i]]$start)), start)
# take off the last end time, since we won't put in a closing trade
start <- start[-length(start)]
x <- data.frame(start = start,
duration = backtest.trades[[i]]$duration[idx[[j]]],
quantity = backtest.trades[[i]]$quantity[idx[[j]]])
} # end inner lapply function
# outer function over the symbols <- function(i) {
idx <- replicate(n,, simplify = FALSE)
symreps <- lapply(1:length(idx),, i, idx)
## with replacement fns
# index expression for the replicate call, with replacement
idxexpr.wr <- function(i) {
fudgefactor <- 1.1 # fudgefactor is added to size for sampling
targetdur <- sum(backtest.trades[[i]]$duration)
avgdur <- as.numeric(mean(backtest.trades[[i]]$duration))
dur <- 0 # initialize duration counter
tdf <- data.frame() #initialize output data.frame
nsamples <- round(nrow(backtest.trades[[i]]) * fudgefactor, 0)
while (dur < targetdur) {
s <- sample(1:nrow(backtest.trades[[i]]), nsamples, replace = TRUE)
sdf <- data.frame(duration = backtest.trades[[i]]$duration[s],
quantity = backtest.trades[[i]]$quantity[s])
if (is.null(tdf$duration)) {
tdf <- sdf
} else {
tdf <- rbind(tdf, sdf)
dur <- sum(tdf$duration)
nsamples <- round(((targetdur - dur) / avgdur) * fudgefactor, 0)
nsamples <- ifelse(nsamples == 0,1,nsamples)
# print(nsamples) # for debugging
# could truncate data frame here to correct total duration
# the row which takes our duration over the target
xsrow <- last(which(cumsum(as.numeric(tdf$duration)) < (targetdur))) + 1
if (xsrow == nrow(tdf)) {
# the last row sampled takes us over targetdur
adjxsrow <- sum(tdf$duration) - targetdur
tdf$duration[xsrow] <- tdf$duration[xsrow] - adjxsrow
} else if (xsrow < nrow(tdf)) {
# the last iteration of the while loop added more than one row
# which took our duration over the target
tdf <- tdf[ + 1, nrow(tdf), 1),]
adjxsrow <- sum(tdf$duration) - targetdur
tdf$duration[xsrow] <- tdf$duration[xsrow] - adjxsrow
# build a vector of start times
start <- first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start) + cumsum(as.numeric(tdf$duration))
# add the fist start time back in
start <- c(first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start), start)
# take off the last end time, since we won't put in a closing trade
start <- start[-length(start)]
# add start column to tdf
tdf$start <- start
# rearrange columns for consistency
tdf <- tdf[,c("start", "duration", "quantity")]
#return the data frame
} # end idexpr.wr
# outer function over the symbols
symsample.wr <- function(i) {
symreps <- replicate(n, idxexpr.wr(i), simplify = FALSE)
# now create the replication series
if (isTRUE(replacement)) {
reps <- lapply(1:length(symbols), symsample.wr)
} else {
reps <- lapply(1:length(symbols),
names(reps) <- symbols
} # end
if (tradeDef == "" | tradeDef == "") {
### first set up functions for the lapply
## no replacement fns:
# index expression for the replicate call, without replacement <- function(i, ...) {
# inner function to build the replicate df <- function(j, i, idx) {
# build a vector of start times
start <- first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start) +
#start <- as.Date(first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start)) +
# add the fist start time back in
start <- c(first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start), start)
# take off the last end time, since we won't put in a closing trade
start <- start[-length(start)]
x <- data.frame(start = start,
duration = backtest.trades[[i]]$duration[idx[[j]]],
quantity = backtest.trades[[i]]$quantity[idx[[j]]])
} # end inner lapply function
# outer function over the symbols <- function(i) {
idx <- replicate(n,, simplify = FALSE)
symreps <- lapply(1:length(idx),, i, idx)
## with replacement fns
# index expression for the replicate call, with replacement
idxexpr.wr <- function(i) {
fudgefactor <- 1.1 # fudgefactor is added to size for sampling
targetdur <- sum(backtest.trades[[i]]$duration)
avgdur <- as.numeric(mean(backtest.trades[[i]]$duration))
dur <- 0 # initialize duration counter
tdf <- data.frame() #initialize output data.frame
nsamples <- round(nrow(backtest.trades[[i]]) * fudgefactor, 0)
while (dur < targetdur) {
s <- sample(1:nrow(backtest.trades[[i]]), nsamples, replace = TRUE)
sdf <- data.frame(duration = backtest.trades[[i]]$duration[s],
quantity = backtest.trades[[i]]$quantity[s])
if (is.null(tdf$duration)) {
tdf <- sdf
} else {
tdf <- rbind(tdf, sdf)
dur <- sum(tdf$duration)
nsamples <- round(((targetdur - dur) / avgdur) * fudgefactor, 0)
nsamples <- ifelse(nsamples == 0,1,nsamples)
# print(nsamples) # for debugging
# could truncate data frame here to correct total duration
# the row which takes our duration over the target
xsrow <- last(which(cumsum(as.numeric(tdf$duration)) < (targetdur))) + 1
if (xsrow == nrow(tdf)) {
# the last row sampled takes us over targetdur
adjxsrow <- sum(tdf$duration) - targetdur
tdf$duration[xsrow] <- tdf$duration[xsrow] - adjxsrow
} else if (xsrow < nrow(tdf)) {
# the last iteration of the while loop added more than one row
# which took our duration over the target
tdf <- tdf[ + 1, nrow(tdf), 1),]
adjxsrow <- sum(tdf$duration) - targetdur
tdf$duration[xsrow] <- tdf$duration[xsrow] - adjxsrow
# build a vector of start times
# but first compute actual duration
#actualdur <- last(backtest.trades[[i]]$start) + last(backtest.trades[[i]]$duration) - first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start)
actualdur <- difftime(last(backtest.trades[[i]]$start) + last(backtest.trades[[i]]$duration), first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start), units = "secs")
num_overlaps <- ceiling(as.numeric(targetdur)/as.numeric(actualdur))
tl <- list()
xsrow2_count <- 0
for(j in 1:num_overlaps){
if(j < num_overlaps){
xsrow2 <- last(which(cumsum(as.numeric(tdf$duration)) < (actualdur) * j)) + 1
} else if(i == num_overlaps){
xsrow2 <- length(tdf$duration)
if (xsrow2 == nrow(tdf)) {
# the last row sampled takes us over targetdur
tl[[j]] <- tdf[(sum(sapply(tl, nrow)) + 1): xsrow2,]
# adjxsrow2 <- sum(tl[[i]]$duration) - actualdur
# tl[[i]][xsrow2-xsrow2_count,1] <- tl[[i]]$duration[xsrow2-xsrow2_count] - adjxsrow2
} else if (xsrow2 < nrow(tdf)) {
# the last iteration of the while loop added more than one row
# which took our duration over the target
#tdf <- tdf[ + 1, nrow(tdf), 1),]
if(xsrow2_count == 0){
tl[[j]] <- tdf[ + 1, nrow(tdf), 1),]
} else if(xsrow2_count > 0) {
tl[[j]] <- tdf[(sum(sapply(tl, nrow)) + 1): xsrow2,]
adjxsrow2 <- sum(tl[[j]]$duration) - actualdur
#tdf$duration[xsrow2] <- tdf$duration[xsrow2] - adjxsrow2
tl[[j]][xsrow2-xsrow2_count,1] <- tl[[j]]$duration[xsrow2-xsrow2_count] - adjxsrow2
xsrow2_count = xsrow2
start <- list()
tdf <- list()
for(k in 1:num_overlaps){
start[[k]] <- first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start) + cumsum(as.numeric(tl[[k]]$duration))
# add the fist start time back in
start[[k]] <- c(first(backtest.trades[[i]]$start), start[[k]])
# take off the last end time, since we won't put in a closing trade
start[[k]] <- start[[k]][-length(start[[k]])]
tdf[[k]] <- cbind(start[[k]], tl[[k]])
#colnames(tdf[[k]][1]) <- 'start'
# add start column to tdf
#tdf$start <- start
# rearrange columns for consistency
#tdf <- tdf[,c("start", "duration", "quantity")]
#return the data frame
} # end idexpr.wr
# outer function over the symbols
symsample.wr <- function(i) {
symreps <- replicate(n, idxexpr.wr(i), simplify = FALSE)
# now create the replication series
if (isTRUE(replacement)) {
reps <- lapply(1:length(symbols), symsample.wr)
} else {
reps <- lapply(1:length(symbols),
names(reps) <- symbols
} # end
# reps now exists as a list of structure reps[[symbol]][[rep]]
# each rep has columns start, duration, quantity
# Generate Transactions
# create portfolios
for (i in seq_along(reps[[1]])) {
# name the simulated portfolio
simport <- paste("txnsim", Portfolio, i, sep = ".")
# remove portfolio if it exists, we need to overwrite it anyway
suppressWarnings(rm(list = paste0("portfolio.", simport), envir = .blotter))
# generate portfolio
simport <- initPortf(name = simport,
symbols = symbols,
initDate = initDate,
currency = currency,
initEq = initEq)
# this will be called by lapply over the list of replicates for a
txnsimtxns <- function (i, symbol = symbol, ...) {
simport <- paste("txnsim", Portfolio, i, sep = ".")
dargs <- list(...)
if (!is.null(dargs$env)) env <- dargs$env else env <- .GlobalEnv
if (!is.null(dargs$prefer)) prefer <- dargs$prefer else prefer <- NULL
prices <- getPrice(get(symbol, pos = env),
prefer = prefer)[, 1]
# the rep list has a start, duration, quantity in each row
# we'll loop by row over that object to create an object for addTxns
# @TODO find something more efficient than a for loop here
# txns <- list()
df <- reps[[symbol]][[i]]
if(class(df)=='data.frame') df <- list('1'=df)
for(li in 1:length(dflist)){
txns <- list()
#df <- df[which(df$quantity != 0),] # remove zero quantity trades
df <- df[which(df$duration != 0),] # remove zero duration trades
for (r in 1:nrow(df)) {
# opening trade
open <- data.frame(start = df[r, 1],
TxnQty = df[r, "quantity"],
TxnPrice = as.numeric(last(prices[paste0("/", df[r, 1])])))
# closing trade
close <- data.frame(start = index(last(prices[paste0("/", df[r,1] + df[r,"duration"])])),
TxnQty = -1 * df[r,"quantity"],
TxnPrice = as.numeric(last(prices[paste0("/", df[r,1] + df[r,"duration"])])))
txns[[r]] <- rbind(open, close)
} # end loop over rows
# we now have a list of transactions, turn them into an xts object
txns <-, txns)
txns <- xts(txns[, c("TxnQty","TxnPrice")], = txns[,1])
txns <- txns[which(txns$TxnQty!=0),]
txnlist[[li]] <- txns
addTxns(Portfolio = simport, Symbol = symbol, TxnData = txns)
txns # return the data for later use
# loop over symbols in each replicate
for (symbol in symbols) {
ltxn <- lapply(1:length(reps[[symbol]]), txnsimtxns, symbol = symbol)
} # end loop over symbols in replicate
for (i in seq_along(reps[[1]])) {
# update the simulated portfolio
simport <- paste("txnsim", Portfolio, i, sep = ".")
if(isTRUE(update)) updatePortf(Portfolio=simport, ...)
# generate the return object
ret <- list(replicates = reps,
transactions = ltxn,
backtest.trades = backtest.trades,
initeq = initEq,
seed = seed,
call =
class(ret) <- "txnsim"
} # end txnsim fn
#' plot method for objects of type 'txnsim'
#' @param x object of type 'txnsim' to plot
#' @param y not used, to match generic signature, may hold overlay data in the future
#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
#' @author Jasen Mackie, Brian G. Peterson
#' @seealso \code{\link{txnsim}}
#' @export
plot.txnsim <- function(x, y, ...){
port <- x$call$Portfolio
cumpl <- NULL
for (i in 1:n){
cumpl <- cbind(cumpl, cumsum(getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]))
colnames(cumpl) <- c(colnames(cumpl)[-length(colnames(cumpl))],p)
} else {
cumpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
colnames(cumpl) <- p
cumpl <- cumpl[-which(complete.cases(cumpl)==FALSE)] # subset away rows with NA
backtestpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
pt <- plot.xts(cumpl
, col = "lightgray"
, main = paste(port, 'simulation cumulative P&L')
, grid.ticks.on = 'years'
pt <- lines(cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]), col = "red")
cumpl<-cbind(backtestpl, cumpl )
# R ( Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
#' plot method for objects of type 'txnsim'
#' @param x object of type 'txnsim' to plot
#' @param y not used, to match generic signature, may hold overlay data in the future
#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
#' @author Jasen Mackie, Brian G. Peterson
#' @seealso \code{\link{txnsim}}
#' @export
plot.txnsim <- function(x, y, ...){
port <- x$call$Portfolio
cumpl <- NULL
for (i in 1:n){
cumpl <- cbind(cumpl, cumsum(getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]))
colnames(cumpl) <- c(colnames(cumpl)[-length(colnames(cumpl))],p)
} else {
cumpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
colnames(cumpl) <- p
cumpl <- cumpl[-which(complete.cases(cumpl)==FALSE)] # subset away rows with NA
backtestpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
pt <- plot.xts(cumpl
, col = "lightgray"
, main = paste(port, 'simulation cumulative P&L')
, grid.ticks.on = 'years'
pt <- lines(cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]), col = "red")
cumpl<-cbind(backtestpl, cumpl )
# R ( Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
#' plot method for objects of type 'txnsim'
#' @param x object of type 'txnsim' to plot
#' @param y not used, to match generic signature, may hold overlay data in the future
#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
#' @author Jasen Mackie, Brian G. Peterson
#' @seealso \code{\link{txnsim}}
#' @export
plot.txnsim <- function(x, y, ...){
port <- x$call$Portfolio
cumpl <- NULL
for (i in 1:n){
cumpl <- cbind(cumpl, cumsum(getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]))
colnames(cumpl) <- c(colnames(cumpl)[-length(colnames(cumpl))],p)
} else {
cumpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
colnames(cumpl) <- p
cumpl <- cumpl[-which(complete.cases(cumpl)==FALSE)] # subset away rows with NA
backtestpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
pt <- plot.xts(cumpl
, col = "lightgray"
, main = paste(port, 'simulation cumulative P&L')
, grid.ticks.on = 'years'
pt <- lines(cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]), col = "red")
cumpl<-cbind(backtestpl, cumpl )
# R ( Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
#' plot method for objects of type 'txnsim'
#' @param x object of type 'txnsim' to plot
#' @param y not used, to match generic signature, may hold overlay data in the future
#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
#' @author Jasen Mackie, Brian G. Peterson
#' @seealso \code{\link{txnsim}}
#' @export
plot.txnsim <- function(x, y, ...){
port <- x$call$Portfolio
cumpl <- NULL
for (i in 1:n){
cumpl <- cbind(cumpl, cumsum(getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]))
colnames(cumpl) <- c(colnames(cumpl)[-length(colnames(cumpl))],p)
} else {
cumpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(p)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
colnames(cumpl) <- p
cumpl <- cumpl[-which(complete.cases(cumpl)==FALSE)] # subset away rows with NA
backtestpl <- cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1])
pt <- plot.xts(cumpl
, col = "lightgray"
, main = paste(port, 'simulation cumulative P&L')
, grid.ticks.on = 'years'
pt <- lines(cumsum(.getPortfolio(port)$summary$Net.Trading.PL[-1]), col = "red")
cumpl<-cbind(backtestpl, cumpl )
# R ( Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
stop() # don't source past this...
# This gist assumes you have run "bbands" quantstrat demo
n <- 2
ex.txnsim <- function(Portfolio,n,replacement) {
#out <- txnsim(Portfolio,n,replacement)
out <- txnsim(Portfolio,n,replacement, tradeDef = "")
#out <- txnsim(Portfolio,n,replacement, tradeDef = "")
for (i in 1:n){
for(symbol in symbols) {
# demo('longtrend',ask=FALSE)
# <- ex.txnsim('longtrend',n, replacement = FALSE) <- ex.txnsim('bbands',n, replacement = FALSE)
# ##### For later consumption
# # Get Pos Limits
# poslim <- p$symbols[['IBM']]$PosLimit
# # Print posLimits
# poslim
##### amended bbands script for testing txnsim with levels ########
# some things to set up here
stock.str=c('IBM','AAPL') # what are we trying it on
# we'll pass these
SD = 2 # how many standard deviations, traditionally 2
N = 20 # how many periods for the moving average, traditionally 20
for ( st in stock.str) stock(st,currency='USD',multiplier=1)
initPortf(, symbols=stock.str)
for ( st in stock.str) addPosLimit(, st, startDate, 200, 2 ) #set max pos
# set up parameters
n = 20
sdp = 2<
# define the strategy
strategy(, store=TRUE)
#one indicator
add.indicator(strategy =,
name = "BBands",
arguments = list(HLC = quote(HLC(mktdata)),
#add signals:
add.signal(strategy =,
arguments = list(columns=c("Close","up"),
add.signal(strategy =,
arguments = list(columns=c("Close","dn"),
add.signal(strategy =,name="sigCrossover",
arguments = list(columns=c("High","Low","mavg"),
# lets add some rules
add.rule(strategy =,name='ruleSignal',
arguments = list(sigcol="",
# add.rule(strategy =,name='ruleSignal',
# arguments = list(sigcol="",
# sigval=TRUE,
# orderqty= 100,
# ordertype='market',
# orderside=NULL,
# threshold=NULL,
# osFUN=osMaxPos),
# type='enter')
add.rule(strategy =,name='ruleSignal',
arguments = list(sigcol="Cross.Mid",
#orderqty= 'all',
orderqty= 100,
#alternately, to exit at the opposite band, the rules would be...
#add.rule(strategy =,name='ruleSignal', arguments = list(data=quote(mktdata),sigcol="",sigval=TRUE, orderqty= 'all', ordertype='market', orderside=NULL, threshold=NULL),type='exit')
#add.rule(strategy =,name='ruleSignal', arguments = list(data=quote(mktdata),sigcol="",sigval=TRUE, orderqty= 'all', ordertype='market', orderside=NULL, threshold=NULL),type='exit')
#TODO add thresholds and stop-entry and stop-exit handling to test
out<-try(applyStrategy(strategy='bbands' , portfolios='bbands',parameters=list(sd=SD,n=N)) )
# look at the order book
print("strat execution time:")
print("updatePortf execution time:")
# R ( Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
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braverock commented Jul 28, 2016

Cases: && replace=FALSE

This is the simplest case, as with equity curve resampling,
we're just rearranging the vector of durations and quanitities.

To create each replicate vector:

  • sample(1:nrows(txnsimdf) ,nrow(txnsimdf))
  • rearrange our duration and quantity rows by the sample order

It will probably make sense for all these methods to create a little internal
function to do the sampling, and then call replicate() with simplify=FALSE
which should return a listof the replicates which we'll then be able to iterate
over using foreach(). and replace=TRUE

This is the next simplest case, the risk is that the cumulative duration
of our samples with replacement is longer or shorter than the total duration.

To address this, we'll try to take too many samples and then shorten it to the
correct duration.

To create each replicate vector:

  • sample(1:nrows(txnsimdf) ,nrow(txnsimdf)+fudgefactor, replace=TRUE)
  • reorganize duration/quantity columns by the sampled row numbers
  • take a cumsum of duration
  • trim the end to match expected duration fo the entire series

we could choose an arbitrarily large fudge factor, e.g. 50% of nrows, or we
could do something a little more complicated, taking a sample of nrow(txnsimdf),
testing the duration, and taking an additional sample if needed until the
sum(duration) is longer than the duration of

The index for the replicates, in both replace=TRUE, and replace=FALSE, should be
the start date plus the cumsum of the duration at each row. This should create
a monotonically increasing index of the beginning of each trade or flat period.

round turn trade methods which are not

For any round turn trade methodology which is not measuring round turns as, things get more complicated. Fortunately, the complication is
the same for txnsim regardless of the methodology used to pair entry and exit

The first major complication with any trade that levels into a position is that
sum(txnsimdf$duration) will be longer than the market data. The general
pattern of the solution to this complication is that we sample as usual, to the
a duration equal to the original sum(txnsimdf$duration), and then overlap any
overage onto the first set of samples to get leveled trades.

The next major complication would be on max position. For this first rendition,
I think we should focus on the quantstrat-compatible Poslimit slot in the
blotter portfolio object. It can be found here:


and has columns:

"MaxPos", "LongLevels", "MinPos", "ShortLevels"

The general pattern of the solution to the maxpos problem is that we should
check the cumsum of the position implied by the replicate transactions, and
reduce or eliminate trades that would violate the max position limits.

if replace=FALSE

If replace=FALSE, we start the same way as for

  • sample(1:nrows(txnsimdf) ,nrow(txnsimdf))
  • rearrange our duration and quantity rows by the sample order

Note that the duration/quantity tuples will have total duration longer than
mktdata, as described above. We'll deal with this when generating transactions.

if replace=TRUE

If replace=TRUE, we again start the same way as for

  • sample(1:nrows(txnsimdf) ,nrow(txnsimdf)+fudgefactor, replace=TRUE)
  • reorganize duration/quantity columns by the sampled row numbers

In all four scenarios described here, it seems as though we can have the same
return from the function that generates replicates. We should return a list of
n replicates which contains the duration/quantity tuples

Generating transactions

round turn trade method is

At this point, replace=TRUE and replace=FALSE are immaterial. The object has a
total duration equal to the market data, and all we need to do is create the
addTxns object and apply it.

round turn trade methods which are not

  • add column of cumsum of duration
  • split the rearranged subset at the length of the market data, trim duration of the last row if required
  • set the index of the initial grouping as start date plus the cumsum of the duration at each row
  • sample from index(mktdata) a number of times equal to the remaining rows
  • insert the remaining rows at the sampled mktdata index dates (this gives us overlapping trades)

addTxns object:

At this point, we should have an object containing a single index that fits
within the mktdata, of the same [start, duration, qty] form as the txnsimdf

Generating data for addTxns will proceed in the same manner for all input data
at this point.

  • create an empty xts object for use with addTxns()
  • generate rows for entry trades at the index timestamp
  • generate exit trades (reverse the quantity) at start+duration

It is important that this step be done as an xts object, because xts will keep
everything ordered correctly.

Applying Transactions:

  • initPortf with the name of the original portfolio + replicate number + n
  • call addTxns
  • call updatePortf
  • return the portfolio object to a custom .combine function (see paramset and walk.forward code for examples)

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