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jaypeasee /
Last active January 19, 2021 00:45
Career Journal

Career Journal

Mod 0 Reflections

When you've worked towards a goal in the past, what systems or tools have been helpful for you in accomplishing that goal? How could you adapt those same systems/tools to use while at Turing?

I make lists of everything I need to accomplish in order to prepare or achieve that goal. This is a great way for me to be accountable but also validate my progress. I make sure to find mentors who can help me accomplish those goals and give me additional insight on what else I should do to prepare.

At Turing, I will need to establish a consistent routine. This means, plenty of sleep, enough exercise, limited leisure screen time, and a healthy diet. For the work specifically, I will be using my Google Calendar and a daily and weekly checklist on my phone to keep track of tasks and keep me organized. I have a mentor assigned to me at Turing. I have already met with him and established a mode of communication and a weekly call. In addition, I created a support channel in Slack

jaypeasee /
Last active April 1, 2020 17:00
JP Carey - Gear Up Assignment

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

Without empathy, I would not have made any of my closest friendships. I think I am an approachable person because people know I will actively listen and engage with whatever they are talking about. I most identify with compassionate empathy, so when I hear about friends problems, I try to look for solutions or help them in moving forward in spite of the issue. I think I gained empathy from seeing it exhibited from others as well.

How does empathy help you build better software?

In anything you're working on, you have to care about the mission or product. If you're just working through an assigned checklist without adding any perspective, you aren't helping with any unique solutions. You're just a means to an end. If you're actively listening, interpretting and engaged with the project owner, you can be more than someone who just codes. You can be a major contributor to the business or cause. Having productive dialogue is

jaypeasee /
Last active March 31, 2020 20:24
JP Carey - Professional Development Assignment

Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 1 30 30 PM

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

I have great emotional intelligence. I am self aware but I also have a natural ability to read into someone else's expressions and adapt to their leadership or mood. I know when something I say will upset or bother someone before I do it. I can nicely articulate my own feelings and sometimes other people's as well. On top of all of this, others have confirmed they think I have a high EQ.

How do you work best?

I work best when my objectives are clear and I'm in an environment that is free from distractions. I'm highly organized and usually create checklists to show myself what I have done and how much I still need to accomplish. Collaboration is crucial for me because I need to discuss problems out loud in order to solve them. Lastyly, I find that I can clear my head best when I do set aside time t