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Problem - Array Flattener

Rewrite the question in your own words:

Create a function that give the input of an array, it will always return a non nested array. Some inputs may have arrays within arrays. You must do this without any built in methods. I must use recursion to solve the problem as well.

What assumptions will you make about this problem if you cannot ask any more clarifying questions? What are your reasons for making those assumptions?

The inputs can vary on how nested the arrays are.

Problem - Palindromic Numbers

The question in my own words

Identify the first 25 numbers who's reverse plus their own adds up to a palindrome and the number is greater than 1000.

My assumptions

  • This will need to be a funciton so that when it is called, I can return those numbers.
  • I can keep the variable I need to return global if i want to because no rules have been made about scope.

The Snail Tech Challenge

Rewrite the question in your own words:

You are given an array with a length of a square number. Return an array that is rearranged as if the array was an array of arrays in rows.

What assumptions will you make about this problem if you cannot ask any more clarifying questions? What are your reasons for making those assumptions?

  • I will assume that this argument in function invocation can be an array with a length of any square root or square number.
  • I will assume I must return a single array
jaypeasee /
Last active February 11, 2021 19:05
Robot Tech Challenge

Robot Tech Challenge

JP Carey



You are working with a computer simulation of a mobile robot. The robot moves on an plane, and its movements are described by a command string consisting of one or more of the following letters:

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings

Mod 3 Prework

Turing, 2011 Inning

JP Carey

What is a "data model", and how does it relate to the DOM in a front-end application?

The data model is (ideally) a centralized place within your JavaScript that controls the state of the application. The DOM (Document Object Model) should always reflect the data model and never the other way around. Usually, the DOM will need to update immediately after changes are made to the data model. That way, what is displayed and what is happening "under the hood" are synced up.

Professional Storytelling & Branding

Write a draft of your professional story here as 1-2 paragraphs. Focus on answering the questions who are you, why are you here, and what’s next? Consider how to talk about your motives and values, the turning points that led to your career change, and what you envision for yourself going forward.

The last job I had before entering Turing was on the client team of a SAAS agency that built landing pages for startup companies and their ad traffic. I thought the idea was brilliant, the technology and data driven performance decisions we made was inspiring. I also loved that I had tons of clients because it provided a variety of challenges and I was able to learn about all sorts of industries.

There was one major problem - I didn't like being on the client team. There was a huge disconnect between what our sales team was advertising and the actual product our developers had the scope to manage, and I, as the client team member, represented that disconnect to our cl

Mod 2 Week 1: Building Habits to Become a Software Developer, Part II

Reflect on your habits from last module. What behaviors and activities were helpful for you? What activities and behaviors could be more effective for you? What processes would you like to try differently this module to become more effective at your work and as a software developer?

  • I had a great morning routine of walking or throwing the ball for the dog, listening to the news or a book on tape, showering and doing a bit of work before class started in the morning. I was also really solid at time management and prioritization.
  • I want to pay more attention to my physical and mental health this inning though. I didn't exercise enough last inning and I ate like I was. This caused stomach aches and bad sleep habits. I think if I exercise more and eat less/eat less junk, this could make my body love me a bit more.
  • I would like to keep up with routine practice on exercises that are not due like jsFun, IronFE, and Codewars. O

Project Board (Tic Tac Toe), Turing, Mod 1, Final Project

Project Overview

This outlines the ordered steps needed to create a fully functioning game of Tic Tac Toe in web form. Throughout this project, the goal will be to use JavaScript logic to create an experience free of bugs while effectively using the Data Model, LocalStorage and the DOM. Other learning goals include utilizing data attributes, event delegation and crafting DRY code with good SRP practices.

The official prompt for the project can be found here

Iteration 0 - Setup:

  • Create a wireframe of the design.
# Project Board (Tic Tac Toe), Turing, Mod 1, Final Project
## Project Overview
This outlines the ordered steps needed to create a fully functioning game of Tic Tac Toe in web form. Throughout this project, the goal will be to use JavaScript logic to create an experience free of bugs while effectively using the Data Model, LocalStorage and the DOM. Other learning goals include utilizing data attributes, event delegation and crafting DRY code with good SRP practices.
The official prompt for the project can be found [here]
## Iteration 0 Setup:
- Create a wireframe of the design