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Last active February 23, 2021 19:49
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Problem - Palindromic Numbers

The question in my own words

Identify the first 25 numbers who's reverse plus their own adds up to a palindrome and the number is greater than 1000.

My assumptions

  • This will need to be a funciton so that when it is called, I can return those numbers.
  • I can keep the variable I need to return global if i want to because no rules have been made about scope.
  • It will be easier to convert numbers to strings and arrays for the initial solution. Because an array can be held in a single return statement but have all the values I need
  • I am going to need a way to count how many numbers I have so I know when to stop the function.
  • off hand, the first number I want to evaluate is 99 because I know for a fact every number below that + its reverse will not be equal to 1000. I can change that number to the lowest return value though once I have this working. That will reduce Big O complexity.

My initial thoughts about this problem

There will be one major conditions that defines if I keep looking for numbers or return my final value. It will involve a lot of litter mutator methods and addition to evaluate those conditions. I think I can use recursion instead of a loop as long as I keep one variable out of the function to keep track.

Elements to this problem

  • Math - to figure out the palindrome
  • Optimization - So that something stops my recursion or loop eventually.

Data structures I will use

I will use multiple arrays.

  • One array to hold the values I will return
  • Arrays to convert the numbers and reverse them to see if they are a palindrome

I will convert numbers into strings to get those numbers pushed into arrays one character at a time. I will then need to parse those strings to get them back into numbers for re-evaluation

My pseudocode

  • Create a global variable assigned to an empty array
  • Create a function and call it with the number 99
  • Get the reverse number of the param
  • Create a variable assigned to the sum of the param and its reverse
  • Create a variable assigned to the reverse of the sum
  • Create a condition where if the reverse sum and the sum are the same and the sum is greater than 1000
    • push the param into the global variable.
  • Create a new condtion that either triggers recursion or returns the global variable
    • That condition is based on whether or not the length of the global variable is 25.

My Solution

const getPalindromicNums = (numToEval, palindromicNums) => {
  const sum = numToEval + getReversedNum(numToEval)
  const reversedSum = getReversedNum(sum)
  if (reversedSum === sum && sum > 1000) {
  if (palindromicNums.length === 25) {
    return palindromicNums
  } else {
    return getPalindromicNums(numToEval + 1, palindromicNums)

const getReversedNum = (number) => {
  return parseInt(number.toString().split('').reverse().join(''))

getPalindromicNums(209, [])

What is the Big O complexity?

I don't understand the Big O complexity of a recursion, although I would imagine it is less than if I created a for loop for this. I am technically iterating through my global variable at each function invocation but that will never be more than 25. One thing I did to reduce complexity was change my initial function invocation from 99 to 209 because that was the actual first number who's reverse sum was a palindrome.

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