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Created July 7, 2014 13:17
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Gulpfile for metalsmith/gulp-based prototyping workflow
"use strict";
// based on generator-gulp-webapp 0.1.0
// manually require modules that won"t get picked up by gulp-load-plugins
var gulp = require("gulp");
// load plugins
var $ = require("gulp-load-plugins")();
// local server port
var SERVE_PORT = 9000;
// tell me what the error is!
// -> prevent .pipe from dying on error w/ gulp-plumber
// -> and give more useful error messages
var showError = function(err) {
// useful file paths
var path = {
src : "src",
build : "build",
deploy : "deploy",
bower : "bower_components",
templates : "templates",
assets : "assets",
css : "assets/styles",
js : "assets/scripts",
img : "assets/images"
// process SASS
gulp.task("styles", function() {
return gulp.src(path.src + "/" + path.css + "/main.scss")
errorHandler: showError
style: "expanded",
precision: 10,
loadPath: path.src + "/" + path.bower, // add bower load paths for imports
bundleExec: true
.pipe($.autoprefixer("last 1 version"))
.pipe(gulp.dest( + "/" + path.css))
// debug JS
gulp.task("scripts", function() {
return gulp.src( + "/" + path.js + "/**/*.js")
// move bower packages to build folder
gulp.task("bower-dev", function() {
return gulp.src(path.src + "/" + path.bower + "/**/*")
.pipe(gulp.dest( + "/" + path.bower))
// run metalsmith (static site generator)
gulp.task("metalsmith", function() {
var gulpsmith = require("gulpsmith"),
front_matter = require("gulp-front-matter"),
assign = require("lodash.assign"),
handlebars = require("handlebars"),
markdown = require("metalsmith-markdown"),
templates = require("metalsmith-templates"),
ignore = require("metalsmith-ignore"),
permalinks = require("metalsmith-permalinks"),
collections = require("metalsmith-collections");
var fmFilter = $.filter("**/*.{html,md,htb}"); // filter out files with front matter
return gulp.src("./src/**/*")
errorHandler: showError
// grab files with front matter and assign them as a property so metalsmith will find it
property: "frontMatter"
})).on("data", function(file) {
assign(file, file.frontMatter);
delete file.frontMatter;
// remove the filter (back to everything in /src) and let metalsmith do its thing
"title": [ SITE_TITLE ],
"description": [ SITE_DESCRIPTION ]
"engine": "handlebars",
"directory": "./" + path.src + "/" + path.templates
path.templates + "/**/*",
path.css + "/**/*",
path.bower + "/**/*"
"chapters": "chapters/*.md"
.pipe(gulp.dest("./" +
// concatenate & optimize everything w/useref, update css & script links
gulp.task("optimize", ["styles", "scripts", "metalsmith"], function() {
var jsFilter = $.filter("**/*.js"),
cssFilter = $.filter("**/*.css");
return gulp.src([ + "/**/*.{html,md,hbt}",
"!" + + "/" + path.bower + "/**/*"
errorHandler: showError
.pipe($.if("*.js", $.uglify()))
.pipe($.if("*.css", $.csso()))
// optimize images
gulp.task("images", function() {
return gulp.src( + "/" + path.img + "/**/*")
optimizationLevel: 3,
progressive: true,
interlaced: true
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.deploy + "/" + path.img))
// grab static assets (fonts, etc.) and move to build folder
// gulp.task("assets", function() {
// return gulp.src([
// path.src + "/" + path.assets + "/**/*",
// "!" + path.src + "/" + path.assets + "/**/*.{scss}"
// ], {dot: true})
// .pipe(gulp.dest(;
// });
// gulp.task("assets-deploy", function() {
// return gulp.src([
// path.src + "/" + path.assets + "/**/*"
// ], {dot: true})
// .pipe(gulp.dest(;
// });
// clean out the deploy directory
gulp.task("clean", function() {
return gulp.src([
path.deploy + "/*",
"!" + path.deploy + "/{.git,.gitignore,CNAME,,LICENSE}"
], { read: false })
// livereload server
gulp.task("connect", function() {
livereload: true
// -------- Main Tasks --------------------------------------------------------------
gulp.task("build", ["metalsmith", "styles", "bower-dev"]);
gulp.task("deploy", ["clean"], function() {
gulp.start(["optimize", "images"]);
gulp.task("watch", ["connect"], function() {"./" + path.src + "/**/*.{html,htb,md,js}", ["metalsmith"],["bower-dev"]);"./" + path.src + "/" + path.css + "/**/*.{scss,css}", ["styles"]);
// "./" + path.src + "/" + path.assets + "/**/*",
// "!./" + path.src + "/" + path.assets + "/**/*.{scss}"
// ], ["assets"]);
// add sass, js and livereload stuff here
// inject bower components
gulp.task("wiredep", function() {
var wiredep = require("wiredep").stream;
gulp.src(path.src + "/" + path.css + "/*.scss")
directory: path.src + "/" + path.bower
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.src + "/" + path.css));
gulp.src(path.src + "/*.html")
directory: path.src + "/" + path.bower
gulp.task("default", ["build", "watch"]);
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