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Example using redux-observable + typescript + TestScheduler, with a run helper written
import { map, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { TestScheduler } from 'rxjs/testing';
import { Action } from 'redux';
import { Epic, ofType, ActionsObservable, StateObservable } from 'redux-observable';
const scheduler = new TestScheduler((actual, expected) => {
if (JSON.stringify(actual) !== JSON.stringify(expected)) {
throw new Error(`Failing test
actual: ${JSON.stringify(actual, null, 2)}
expected: ${JSON.stringify(expected, null, 2)}
type State = {
counter: number
const PING = 'PING';
const PONG = 'PONG';
interface PingAction {
type: typeof PING
interface PongAction {
type: typeof PONG,
payload: number
const ping = (): PingAction => ({ type: PING });
const pong = (counter: number): PongAction => ({ type: PONG, payload: counter });
type Actions = PingAction | PongAction;
const fetchEpic: Epic<Actions, PongAction, State> = (action$, state$) =>
map(() => pong(state$.value.counter))
// The callback provided to uses accepts
// the single arugment "RunHelpers":
// run<T>(callback: (helpers: RunHelpers) => T): T
// but this type is not currently publicly exported, though it prolly
// should be. So we have to do TS voodoo to extract it.
type ArgumentTypes<F extends Function> =
F extends (...args: infer A) => any ? A : never;
type RunArguments = ArgumentTypes<typeof>;
type RunCallback = RunArguments[0];
type RunCallbackArguments = ArgumentTypes<RunCallback>;
type RunHelpers = RunCallbackArguments[0];
type hotActions = <T extends Action>(marbles: string, values?: { [marble: string]: T }, error?: any) => ActionsObservable<T>;
type hotState = <T = string>(marbles: string, values?: { [marble: string]: T }, error?: any) => StateObservable<T>;
type EpicRunnerRunHelpers = RunHelpers & { hotActions: hotActions, hotState: hotState };
const epicRunner = <T>(scheduler: TestScheduler, callback: (callback: EpicRunnerRunHelpers) => T): T => {
return{ hot, }) => {
const hotActions: hotActions = <T extends Action>(marbles, values) => {
const actionInput$ = hot<T>(marbles, values);
return new ActionsObservable(actionInput$);
const hotState: hotState = <T>(marbles, values, initialState) => {
const stateInput$ = hot<T>(marbles, values);
return new StateObservable<T>(stateInput$, initialState);
return callback({ hot, hotActions, hotState, });
epicRunner(scheduler, ({ hotActions, hotState, expectObservable }) => {
const action$ = hotActions('-a', { a: ping() });
const state$ = hotState('-a', { a: { counter: 1 } }, { counter: 0 });
const output$ = fetchEpic(action$, state$, null);
expectObservable(output$).toBe('- 1s a', { a: pong(1) });
document.body.innerText = 'success!';
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