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Last active December 16, 2015 04:29
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<marandi> hi guys , im from Iran , can i participate in gsoc ?
* Czarconius (~quassel@ has joined #gsoc
* SeySayux has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
* Aceeeed (~aciid@ has joined #gsoc
<nurupo> marandi: seems like you are not allowed to
* warunsl ( has joined #gsoc
<nurupo> or, better say, you are ineligible
* haseeb (~haseeb@unaffiliated/haseeb) has joined #gsoc
* dhruvasagar (~dhruvasag@ has joined #gsoc
<marandi> nurupo: its so unfair :( !
* otaciliolacerda (~Otacilio@ has joined #gsoc
<dfighter> marandi, no not really
<dfighter> your government hates on the US, basically calling it evil and whatnot
<dfighter> but here you are basically asking money from a US company
* MarkAtwood has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
<dfighter> however you are just in time to start a revolution and remove your current government from power
* LotusEcho has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
<dfighter> then the embargo will end before next GSOC if all's good
<dfighter> then you can participate in GSOC!
<mithro> Any students interested in hardware projects? We have quite a few interesting ones at TimVideos -> #timvideos
<demosdemon> in 10 years after US law is changed
<marandi> dfighter: listen to urself , u telling me ur goverment not the people and calm down ! im not asking for any money i just want to participate with it !
* hasil1 (~Hasil@ has joined #gsoc
* vultraz has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
* Yukiria (~chatzilla@ has joined #gsoc
* Yukiria is now known as vultraz
<ChrisOelmueller> you can contribute to open source projects whenever you feel like it
<dfighter> marandi, participation involves payment :P
<dfighter> and governments can be changed
<dfighter> altough granted in your case it might invole some bloodshed
<dfighter> so buy a gun today and start shooting!
* faust (~faust@unaffiliated/faust) has joined #gsoc
* oflacerda has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
<ChrisOelmueller> dfighter: that's inappropriate.
* skoushik (~skoushik@ has joined #gsoc
<marandi> dfighter: shutup idiot !
<darnir> mithro: What is the scope of your hardware projects? Lets take this to #timvideos
* vultraz has quit (Changing host)
* vultraz (~chatzilla@wesnoth/developer/vultraz) has joined #gsoc
<dfighter> however as ChrisOelmueller said you can get involved in open source projects without GSOC too
* hasil has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
<nurupo> mithro: i assume it's not for GSoC, since GSoC deals only with code, not hardware or documentation or whatnot
* marandi (~R3za@ has left #gsoc
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