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Last active April 14, 2018 01:20
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Exact Double to Decimal Expansion for FreeBASIC
'' ============================================================
'' Dbl2Dec.bas -- Double float to decimal string expansion
'' Copyright (C) 2018 - Jeff Marshall (
'' License: 1) Program is provided as-is.
'' 2) There is no warranty or guarantee.
'' 3) There are no other conditions.
'' Feel free to use, re-use, or abuse :)
'' ============================================================
Double float to decimal string expansion.
Every double floating point number has an exact
decimal value. Basic steps for expansion are:
1) decode the sign, exponent, & fraction from
DOUBLE floating point data
2) test for special values and add in
the hidden 1 bit (or 0 bit for sub-normals)
3) depending on the exponent, extract integer
and/or fraction part
a) for small exponents we can use a one or
two 64-bit variables, one for integer
and one for fraction
b) for large positive exponents use a
BIGNUM integer
c) for large negative exponents use a
BIGNUM fraction
For BIGNUM integer & fraction, three operations are
BigLOAD64 - load a 64-bit significand + exponent
BigIMUL10 - integer multiply by 10
BigIDIV10 - integer devide by 10. Also returns
the modulo.
'' ------------------------------------
'' BIGNUM stuff
'' ------------------------------------
#define BIGDIGITS 34
'' number of 2^32 digits for the BIGNUM is determined by the fact
'' that double's base-2 exponent can be -1022 to 1023. The
'' expansion handles positive & negative exponents separately, so
'' expansion needs at least 1024 bits. We add another 64 bits
'' for the significand, of which only 53 bits are significant and
'' leaving us room for the computations. This gives us a total
'' of 1088 bits or 34 base 2^32 digits.
function BigIsZero( b() as ulongint ) as boolean
'' return true if all bits are zero
for i as integer = 0 to BIGDIGITS-1
if( b(i) <> 0 ) then
return false
end if
return true
end function
sub BigLOAD64( b() as ulongint, f as ulongint, e as longint )
'' we are using 64-bit data type to hold 32-bit digits.
'' This makes computations easier since fbc can handle
'' 64-bit integers and we don't need to worry about
'' overflows when working with 2^32 bit data values in
'' 2^64 bit data types.
#define LOMASK &h00000000ffffffffull
#define HIMASK &hffffffff00000000ull
'' clear the BIGNUM
for i as integer = 0 to BIGDIGITS-1
b(i) = 0
'' BIGNUM integer
'' if e >= 0 then this is a BIGNUM integer, and assume
'' that caller has passed in f and e as follows:
'' 0 <= f < 2^53
'' 0 <= e <= 1023
'' number = f * 2 ^ e
if( e >= 0 ) then
'' find the starting digit index (equivalent to
'' shifting some multiple of 32)
dim i as integer = e \ 32
e mod= 32
'' load the initial value and split 64-bit input into
'' two 32-bit digits
b(i+0) = f and LOMASK
b(i+1) = (f shr 32) and LOMASK
'' shift to left (multiply by 2) until exponent = 0
while( e > 0 )
'' bit shifted out/in - initially zero
dim c as ulongint = 0
'' perform SHL 1 for 3 32-bit digits; we never
'' need to go more than 4 digits because e < 32.
'' Assume that the caller has allocated enough
'' digits that we won't overlow the BIGNUM.
for j as integer = 0 to 2
b(i+j) shl= 1
b(i+j) or= c
c = b(i+j)
c shr= 32
b(i+j) and= LOMASK
e -= 1
end if
'' BIGNUM fraction
'' if e < 0, then this is a BIGNUM fraction and we
'' assume that the fraction has been aligned to
'' 60 bits on the input.
'' number = (f / 2^60) * 2^(e + 60)
'' find the starting digit index (equivalent to
'' shifting some multiple of 32)
dim i as integer = (BIGDIGITS-1) + e \ 32
e mod= 32
'' load the initial value
b(i-0) = (f shr 32) and LOMASK
b(i-1) = f and LOMASK
'' shift to right (divide by 2) until e = 0
while( e < 0 )
'' bit shifted out/in - initially zero
dim c as ulongint = 0
'' perform SHR 1 for 3 32-bit digits; we never
'' need to go more than 4 digits because e < 32.
'' Assume that the caller has allocated enough
'' digits that we won't underflow the BIGNUM.
for j as integer = 0 to 2
b(i-j) or= (c shl 32)
c = b(i-j) and 1
b(i-j) shr= 1
e += 1
end sub
sub BigIMUL10( b() as ulongint )
'' multiply BIGNUM by 10
'' carry from one digit to the next
dim as ulongint c = 0
for i as integer = 0 to BIGDIGITS-1
'' multiply the digit by 10
b(i) *= 10
'' add in carry from last operation
b(i) += c
'' save the carry for the next digit
c = b(i) shr 32
'' make sure digit is < 2^32
b(i) and= &h00000000ffffffffull
end sub
sub BigIDIV10( b() as ulongint, byref r as ubyte )
'' integer quotient
dim q as ulongint
'' modulus 10 (remainder) is never greater than 9
dim m as ulongint = 0
'' integer divide each base-2^32 digit by 10
'' and add the remainder to the next digit
dim i as integer = BIGDIGITS-1
'' skip leading zero value digits
while( i > 0 andalso b(i)=0 )
i -= 1
while( i >= 0 )
'' add in the remainder from last operation
b(i) += (1ull shl 32) * m
'' integer division
q = b(i) \ 10
'' remainder (carry forward to next operation)
m = b(i) - q * 10
'' store result
b(i) = q
'' next digit
i -= 1
'' return the remainder (always less than 10)
r = m
end sub
'' ------------------------------------
'' Dbl2Dec
'' ------------------------------------
function Dbl2Dec( byval fp as double ) as string
dim as ulongint i = any '' fp converted to 64 bits
dim as ulongint b = any '' biased exponent 0 to &h7ff
dim as byte s = any '' sign 0=positive or 1=negative
dim as longint e = any '' exponent -1022 to 1023 for normal numbers
dim as ulongint f = any '' fraction part
dim as ulongint n = any '' integer part
i = *cast( ulongint ptr, @fp )
'' decimal result
dim as string d
'' extract sign; sign 0=positive or 1=negative
s = i shr 63
'' extract biased exponent
b = (i and &h7ff0000000000000ull) shr 52
'' extract mantissa
f = (i and &h000fffffffffffffull)
'' NAN? or INF?
if( b = &h7ffull ) then
if( f <> 0 ) then
d = "NAN"
d = "1.#INF"
end if
if( s ) then
d = "-" & d
end if
return d
end if
'' subnormal? or signed-zero?
if( b = &h000 ) then
if( f <> 0 ) then
'' subnormal
e = 1-1023
'' signed zero
e = 0
end if
e = b - 1023
'' add the hidden 1 bit - making fraction 53 bits
f or= &h0010000000000000ull
end if
'' we now have:
'' s = sign (1 bit)
'' e = exponent (11 bits)
'' n = integer (1 bit)
'' f = fraction (52 bits)
'' decimal = s * 2^e * f, -1022 <= e <= 1023
'' move decimal place to the left by one and add one
'' to the exponent to include the integer part in the
'' fraction, so now we have:
'' n = integer (0 bits )
'' f = fraction (53 bits)
e += 1
'' exponent determines what method to use for
'' decimal expansion. There is overlap in the ranges at
'' which each method will work for a given exponent.
'' Only one method actually gets executed.
if( e >= 0 and e <= 53 ) then
'' to decimal using two 64 bit variables
'' extract integer part and fraction part
n = f shr (53 - e)
f = (f shl e) and &h001fffffffffffffull
'' expand integer
if( n ) then
while( n )
d = chr(48 + (n mod 10)) & d
n \= 10
d &= "0"
end if
'' need decimal if there is a fraction
if( f ) then
d &= "."
'' expand 53 bit binary fraction to decimal
while( f )
f *= 10
d &= chr( asc("0") + (f shr 53) )
f and= &h001fffffffffffffull
end if
elseif( e >= 53 andalso e <= 64 ) then
'' expand INTEGER
'' to decimal using one 64-bit variable
'' convert n = f/(2^53) * 2^(e)
'' to n = f'/(2^64)
'' where f' = f * 2^(e-53)
n = f shl (e-53)
'' expand integer
if( n ) then
while( n )
d = chr(48 + (n mod 10)) & d
n \= 10
d &= "0"
end if
elseif( e >= -7 andalso e <= 0 ) then
'' expand FRACTION
'' to decimal using one 64-bit variable
'' need to reserve 4 bits for fraction expansion
'' convert n = f/(2^53) * 2^(e)
'' to n = f'/(2^60)
'' where f' = f * 2^(e+7)
f = f shl (e+7)
d &= "0."
'' expand 60 bit binary fraction to decimal
while( f )
f *= 10
d &= chr( asc("0") + (f shr 60) )
f and= &h0fffffffffffffffull
elseif( e > 53 ) then
'' expand INTEGER
'' to decimal using BIGNUM integer
'' place decimal point to the right
e -= 53
'' load a BIGNUM with the integer
dim b( 0 to BIGDIGITS-1 ) as ulongint
BigLOAD64( b(), f, e )
'' expand big integer to decimal
while( not BigIsZero(b()) )
dim r as ubyte = 0
BigIDIV10( b(), r )
d = chr(48 + r) & d
elseif( e < 0 ) then
'' expand FRACTION
'' to decimal using BIGNUM fraction
'' shift fraction to align to 60 bits; we only
'' need top 4 bits available to expand the decimal
f shl= 7
'' load a BIGNUM with the integer
dim b( 0 to BIGDIGITS-1 ) as ulongint
BigLOAD64( b(), f, e )
d &= "0."
'' expand binary fraction to decimal, next
'' digit is in the top 4 bits
while( not BigIsZero( b() ) )
BigIMUL10( b() )
d &= chr( asc("0") + (b(BIGDIGITS-1) shr 28) )
b(BIGDIGITS-1) and= &h0fffffffull
end if
'' add the sign
if( s ) then
d = "-" & d
end if
'' the expanded decimal as string is returned
return d
end function
#include "dbl2dec.bas"
sub show( byval fp as double )
print left( fp & space(25), 25 ) & " = ";Dbl2Dec( fp )
end sub
show( 0.6804801726248115 )
show( 0.5 )
show( -0.5 )
show( 0.89 )
show( 1234.5 )
show( 1.5e+23 )
show( 1D+50 )
show( 1D+51 )
show( 2^64 )
show( 1d-15 )
0.6804801726248115 = 0.68048017262481153011322021484375
0.5 = 0.5
-0.5 = -0.5
0.89 = 0.89000000000000001332267629550187848508358001708984375
1234.5 = 1234.5
1.5e+023 = 150000000000000004194304
1e+050 = 100000000000000007629769841091887003294964970946560
1e+051 = 999999999999999993220948674361627976461708441944064
1.844674407370955e+019 = 18446744073709551616
1e-015 = 0.00000000000000100000000000000007770539987666107923830718560119501514549256171449087560176849365234375
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