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Created September 14, 2016 00:59
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mylib.h"
#include "rbt.h"
#define IS_BLACK(x) ((NULL == (x)) || (BLACK == (x)->colour))
#define IS_RED(x) ((NULL != (x)) && (RED == (x)->colour))
struct rbt_node {
char *key;
rbt_colour colour;
rbt left;
rbt right;
static rbt left_rotate(rbt r) {
rbt temp = r;
r = r->right;
temp->right = r->left;
r->left = temp;
return r;
static rbt right_rotate(rbt r) {
rbt temp = r;
r = r->left;
temp->left = r->right;
r->right = temp;
return r;
static rbt rbt_fix(rbt r) {
r->colour = RED;
r->left->colour = BLACK;
r->right->colour = BLACK;
}else if(IS_BLACK(r->right)){
r->colour = BLACK;
r->right->colour = RED;
} else if (IS_RED(r->left->right)) {
r->left->colour = BLACK;
r->right->colour = BLACK;
}else if(IS_BLACK(r->right)){
r->left = left_rotate(r->left);
r = right_rotate(r);
r->colour = BLACK;
r->right->colour = RED;
} else if(IS_RED(r->right)) {
if (IS_RED(r->right->left)) {
if (IS_RED(r->left)) {
r->colour = RED;
r->left->colour = BLACK;
r->right->colour = BLACK;
} else if (IS_BLACK(r->left)) {
r->right = right_rotate(r->right);
r = left_rotate(r);
r->colour = BLACK;
r->right->colour = RED;
}else if (IS_RED(r->right->right)) {
if (IS_RED(r->left)){
r->colour = RED;
r->left->colour= BLACK;
r->right->colour = BLACK;
else if (IS_RED(r->right)) {
r = left_rotate(r);
r->colour = BLACK;
r->left->colour = RED;
return r;
rbt rbt_delete(rbt b, char *str) {
/*If finding key to delete doesn't exist return tree un modified*/
if(0 == rbt_search(b, str)) {
return b;
} else if (strcmp(str, b->key) == 0){
/*if string exists in the current node then splice it out */
/*three cases where we splice out a node*/
if( b->left == NULL && b->right == NULL) { /*1. node is a leaf:*/
free(b->key); /*free the key*/
free(b); /*free the node*/
b = NULL; /*set the node to NULL*/
} else if (b->left == NULL && b->right != NULL ) {
b = b->right;
} else if (b->left != NULL && b->right == NULL ) {
b = b->left;
} else { /*Node has two children so we find success in right left most subtree*/
rbt successor = b->right;
while (successor->left != NULL) {
successor = successor->left;
b->key = successor->key; /*swap keys*/
b = rbt_delete(b, successor->key); /*delete key from right subtree*/
} else if (strcmp(str, b->key) < 0) {
b->left = rbt_delete(b->left, str);
} else if (strcmp(str, b->key) > 0) {
b->right = rbt_delete(b->right, str);
return b;
void rbt_inorder(rbt b, void f(char *str)) {
if(NULL == b){ /*Base case to stop recursion*/
rbt_inorder(b->left, f); /*inorder traverse left subtree*/
f(b->key); /*apply the function to the key*/
if (IS_RED(b)) {
f("=> RED \n");
} else if (IS_BLACK(b)) {
f("=> BLACK \n");
rbt_inorder(b->right, f); /*inorder traverse right subtree*/
rbt rbt_insert(rbt b, char *str) {
if tree is empty allocate memory and copy in the key and return result
else a key already exists
if (b == NULL) {
b = emalloc(sizeof *b);
b->key = emalloc((strlen(str) + 1) * sizeof str[0]);
b->colour = RED;
strcpy(b->key, str);
return b;
else if (strcmp(str, b->key) == 0) { /*if key is same then do nothing as duplicates aren't aloud*/
else if (strcmp(str, b->key) < 0) { /*if inserting key is smaller then insert into left subtree.*/
b->left = rbt_insert(b->left, str);
else if (strcmp(str, b->key) > 0) {
b->right = rbt_insert(b->right, str);
b = rbt_fix(b);
return b;
rbt rbt_new() {
return NULL;
void rbt_preorder(rbt b, void f(char *str)) {
if (NULL == b) {
if (IS_RED(b)) {
f("=> RED \n");
} else if (IS_BLACK(b)) {
f("=> BLACK \n");
rbt_preorder(b->left, f);
rbt_preorder(b->right, f);
int rbt_search(rbt b, char *str) {
/*if key tree is null return 0*/
if (NULL == b) {
return 0;
/*if the key in the current node is our key then return 1*/
if (strcmp(b->key, str) == 0) {
return 1;
/*if nodes key is to big return result of searching left subtree*/
if(strcmp(str, b->key) < 0) {
return rbt_search(b->left, str);
/*if nodes key is to small return result of searching righ subtree*/
if(strcmp(str, b->key) > 0) {
return rbt_search(b->right, str);
return 0;
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