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Created October 20, 2011 19:38
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Save jaytaylor/1302100 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copies MySQL database to ramdisk then runs supplied shell script or command. The ramdisk version of the database is then copied back to the filesystem. Speeds up IO-intensive operations (e.g. loading heavily indexed tables.)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @author Jay Taylor <>
# @date 2011-10-20
# @description Copies MySQL database to ramdisk then runs supplied shell script
# or command. The ramdisk version of the database is then copied back to the
# filesystem. Speeds up IO-intensive operations (e.g. loading heavily indexed
# tables.)
# @requires Mac OS-X, Mysql installed from `brew`.
# The first argument needs to be the database name that that will be operated on.
# @note By default this creates a ramdisk which has approximately 1.1GB of
# storage capacity.
# @note This has been tested on OS X Lion. It definitely won't work on Linux.
# Mysql was installed via `brew`.
# @example
# ./ testdb -c 'mysql -uroot testdb < /Users/jtaylor/Desktop/testdb-20111110.sql'
# Path to MySQL data directory.
# Number of blocks to allocate for the ramdisk.
# 2165430 = ~1.1GB
# Check if there enough information has been provided in order to run. #
# #
# Also make sure that the requisite directories do or don't exist, as needed. #
# Make sure that this is running on OS X.
if [ -z "`uname -a | grep -o 'Darwin Kernel'`" ]; then
echo "fatal: This script only works on OS X." 1>&2
exit 1
# Ensure the user supplied a database name, and that it exists as a regular directory.
if [ -z "$dbName" ]; then
echo "fatal: Missing parameter \"databaseName\", this must be the first argument." 1>&2
exit 1
# Check for the file argument
if [ "$2" = "-s" ] || [ "$2" = "-script" ] || [ "$2" = "--script" ]; then
if [ -f "$3" ] && [ -r "$3" ]; then
echo "fatal: Missing value for file argument (-s), or the supplied file path does not exist or is not readable." 1>&2
exit 1
elif [ "$2" = "-c" ] || [ "$2" = "-command" ] || [ "$2" = "--command" ]; then
# Create temporary shell script to be run.
script="`mktemp /tmp/fastmysql.XXXXXXXXXXXXX`"
echo -e '#!/usr/bin/env bash'"\n$3" > $script
echo "fatal: Missing required parameter \"-s|-script|--script\" or \"-c|-command|--command\", unable to continue without one of these." 1>&2
exit 1
# Ensure the database exists and is a normal directory.
if ! [ -d "$dbPath" ] || [ -h "$dbPath" ]; then
echo "fatal: Database \"$dbName\" does not exist, or is not a directory." 1>&2
exit 1
# Ensure that the temporary database path doesn't already exist (indicative of
# a failed previous attempt which wasn't ever cleaned up.)
backedupDbPath="$mysqlDataDir/../$dbName.bak.`date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S'`"
if [ -d "$backedupDbPath" ]; then
echo "fatal: Temporary database path \"$backedupDbPath\" already exist. This must be cleaned up by the user (that's you"'!'") before I can continue." 1>&2
exit 1
# Ensure that a volume named "ramdisk" isn't already mounted.
if [ -e "$ramdiskPath" ]; then
echo "fatal: A volume named \"$volumeName\" is already mounted. It must be unmounted before I can continue." 1>&2
exit 1
# Get this show on the road #
function stopMysql {
echo -n "Stopping mysql server.. "
mysql.server stop
sleep 5
pids="`ps aux | grep 'bin\/mysqld' | grep -v grep | sed -E 's/ +/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr '\n' ' '`"
if [ -n "$pids" ]; then
echo "info: kill -9'ing remaining mysql pids $pids"
kill -9 $pids
# Verify that it stopped.
running="`ps aux | grep 'bin/mysqld ' | grep -v 'grep'`"
if [ -n "$running" ]; then
echo "fatal: failed to stop mysql" 1>&2
exit 1
echo "done"
function startMysql {
echo -n "Starting mysql server.. "
mysql.server start
sleep 5
# Verify that it started.
running="`ps aux | grep 'bin/mysqld ' | grep -v 'grep'`"
if [ -z "$running" ]; then
echo "fatal: failed to start mysql" 1>&2
exit 1
echo "done"
echo -n "Renaming $dbPath to $backedupDbPath.. "
mv "$dbPath" "$backedupDbPath"
echo "done"
echo -n "Creating ramdisk \"$volumeName\".. "
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "$volumeName" `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$numBlocks`
echo "done"
echo -n "Creating symbolic link from ramdisk to database directory.. "
ln -s "$ramdiskPath" "$dbPath"
echo "done"
echo -n "Copying database to ramdisk.. "
cp -r $backedupDbPath/* $dbPath/
echo "done"
echo -e "Executing shell script: $script\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
bash $script
echo -e "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nExecution completed"
echo -n "Making temp directory.. "
tmpPath=`mktemp -d -t fastmysql`
echo "\"$tmpPath\" done"
echo -n "Copying ramdisk version to disk (\"$tmpPath\").. "
cp -r $dbPath/* $tmpPath
echo "done"
echo -n "Unmounting ramdisk \"$ramdiskPath\".. "
umount $ramdiskPath
echo "done"
echo -n "Unlinking \"$dbPath\".. "
unlink $dbPath
echo "done"
echo -n "Moving \"$tmpPath\" to \"$dbPath\".. "
mv $tmpPath $dbPath
echo "done"
echo -e "\nAll done"'!'
exit 0
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