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Created March 22, 2012 23:10
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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.routing
import{ UntypedActor, Actor, ActorRef, ForwardableChannel }
* A Dispatcher is a trait whose purpose is to route incoming messages to actors.
trait Dispatcher { this: Actor ⇒
protected def transform(msg: Any): Any = msg
protected def routes: PartialFunction[Any, ActorRef]
protected def broadcast(message: Any) {}
protected def dispatch: Receive = {
case Routing.Broadcast(message) ⇒ broadcast(transform(message))
case a if routes.isDefinedAt(a) ⇒
if (isSenderDefined) routes(a).forward(transform(a))(someSelf)
else routes(a).!(transform(a))(None)
def receive = dispatch
protected def isSenderDefined =[ForwardableChannel]
* An UntypedDispatcher is an abstract class whose purpose is to route incoming messages to actors.
abstract class UntypedDispatcher extends UntypedActor {
protected def transform(msg: Any): Any = msg
protected def route(msg: Any): ActorRef
protected def broadcast(message: Any) {}
protected def isSenderDefined =[ForwardableChannel]
def onReceive(msg: Any): Unit = msg match {
case Routing.Broadcast(message) ⇒ broadcast(transform(message))
case msg =>
val r = route(msg)
if (r eq null) throw new IllegalStateException("No route for " + msg + " defined!")
if (isSenderDefined) r.forward(transform(msg))(someSelf)
else r.!(transform(msg))(None)
* A LoadBalancer is a specialized kind of Dispatcher, that is supplied an InfiniteIterator of targets
* to dispatch incoming messages to.
trait LoadBalancer extends Dispatcher { self: Actor ⇒
protected def seq: InfiniteIterator[ActorRef]
protected def routes = { case x if seq.hasNext ⇒ }
override def broadcast(message: Any) =
seq.items.foreach( a => if (isSenderDefined) a.forward(message)(someSelf) else a.!(message)(None))
override def isDefinedAt(msg: Any) = seq.exists(_.isDefinedAt(msg))
* A UntypedLoadBalancer is a specialized kind of UntypedDispatcher, that is supplied an InfiniteIterator of targets
* to dispatch incoming messages to.
abstract class UntypedLoadBalancer extends UntypedDispatcher {
protected def seq: InfiniteIterator[ActorRef]
protected def route(msg: Any) = if (seq.hasNext) else null
override def broadcast(message: Any) =
seq.items.foreach( a => if (isSenderDefined) a.forward(message)(someSelf) else a.!(message)(None))
override def isDefinedAt(msg: Any) = seq.exists(_.isDefinedAt(msg))
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