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One liner for deleting images from a v2 docker registry

One liner for deleting images from a v2 docker registry

Just plug in your own values for registry and repo/image name.

curl -v -sSL -X DELETE "http://${registry}/v2/${name}/manifests/$(
    curl -sSL -I \
        -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" \
            curl -sSL "http://${registry}/v2/${name}/tags/list" | jq -r '.tags[0]'
        )" \
    | awk '$1 == "Docker-Content-Digest:" { print $2 }' \
    | tr -d $'\r' \

If all goes well

* About to connect() to localhost port 5000 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 5000 (#0)
> DELETE /v2/my-image/manifests/sha256:14f6ecba1981e49eb4552d1a29881bc315d5160c6547fdd100948a9e30a90dff HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host: localhost:5000
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
< Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry/2.0
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2017 23:25:30 GMT
< Content-Length: 0
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Garbage cleanup

Finally, invoke garbage cleanup on the docker-registry container.

For example:

docker exec -it docker-registry bin/registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml
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moisei commented Nov 18, 2020

I've used this one to delete all the tags in the multiple repos.
Just put the repos list to the repos-todel file.
Run curl -sSL "http://${registry}/v2/_catalog?n=1000" | jq .repositories[] to extract full list of the repos.

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i tried above script, all goes well until after i run Garbage cleanup.
i try to push the image that i deleted to local registry again i got msg
" Layer already exists".
After that when i try to pull this image by docker and i got error
"Error response from daemon: manifest for localhost:5000/my-ubuntu:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown"

Any one know what happen and how to fix it?

Hi @Hoangnse03193

I am facing the same issue, did you manage to find a solution?

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" Layer already exists".

This might be due to the cache. The garbage collector doesn't communicate with the cache, or unlink layers from the repository so if you immediately try to repush a layer that was just deleted, the registry will find it for stat calls, but actually serving the blob will fail.

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wobu commented Mar 31, 2021

i have updated the script and used it at the moment.


# based on:
# changes: 
# - iterate over tag list instead of using only first one
# - added basic auth
# - fixed http header to 'docker-content-digest'

# exit when any command fails
set -e


# concants all images listed in json file into single line string seperated with blank
images="image image2..."

echo "Registry User:"
read user
echo "Registry Password:"
read -s password

for image in $images; do
    echo "DELETING: " $image

    # get tag list of image, with fallback to empty array when value is null
    tags=$(curl --user $user:$password "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/tags/list" | jq -r '.tags // [] | .[]' | tr '\n' ' ')

    # check for empty tag list, e.g. when already cleaned up
    if [[ -n $tags ]]
        for tag in $tags; do
            curl --user $user:$password -X DELETE "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/manifests/$(
                curl --user $user:$password -I \
                    -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" \
                    "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/manifests/${tag}" \
                | awk '$1 == "docker-content-digest:" { print $2 }' \
                | tr -d $'\r' \

        echo "DONE:" $image
        echo "SKIP:" $image

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Does anyone know if this is possible for Official Docker Cloud? Is there a way to enable this option too?

Im getting b'{"message":"405: Method Not Allowed"}\n'. Which is ironic, that they do not even mention that in their API docs and you might think it would work by default, but it is not.

As its documented here:
They do not even mention that 405 error code can be returned.

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i have updated the script and used it at the moment.


# based on:
# changes: 
# - iterate over tag list instead of using only first one
# - added basic auth
# - fixed http header to 'docker-content-digest'

# exit when any command fails
set -e


# concants all images listed in json file into single line string seperated with blank
images="image image2..."

echo "Registry User:"
read user
echo "Registry Password:"
read -s password

for image in $images; do
    echo "DELETING: " $image

    # get tag list of image, with fallback to empty array when value is null
    tags=$(curl --user $user:$password "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/tags/list" | jq -r '.tags // [] | .[]' | tr '\n' ' ')

    # check for empty tag list, e.g. when already cleaned up
    if [[ -n $tags ]]
        for tag in $tags; do
            curl --user $user:$password -X DELETE "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/manifests/$(
                curl --user $user:$password -I \
                    -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" \
                    "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/manifests/${tag}" \
                | awk '$1 == "docker-content-digest:" { print $2 }' \
                | tr -d $'\r' \

        echo "DONE:" $image
        echo "SKIP:" $image

FYI, I had an issue with your script and I ended up debugging it. Curl was expecting the header parameter 'Docker-Content-Digest' to be capitalized.

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locvfx commented Oct 31, 2022

THANK YOU @kirilkirkov
I confirm the solution works.
Finally I got a working script to delete private docker image

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Execute following on the DockerRegistry server:

curl -v -sSL -X DELETE "http://${registry}/v2/${repo_name}/manifests/$(
curl -sSL -I
-H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"
curl -sSL "http://${registry}/v2/${repo_name}/tags/list" | jq -r '.tags[0]'
| awk '$1 == "Docker-Content-Digest:" { print $2 }'
| tr -d $'\r'

Delete the repository DIR in registry-container

docker exec -it registry-container-name rm -rf /var/lib/registry/docker/registry/v2/repositories/${repo_name}

Restart the RegistryContainer:

docker restart registry-container-name

Now, you should be able to push the same name image.

-- PankajS

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erichorwath commented Mar 27, 2023

on registry 2.7.1, if you see this error:
delete OCI index found, but accept header does not support OCI indexes

Then following header might help:

curl -v -sSL -X DELETE "http://${registry}/v2/${name}/manifests/$(
    curl -sSL -I \
        -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json" -X GET  \
            curl -sSL "http://${registry}/v2/${name}/tags/list" | jq -r '.tags[0]'
        )" \
    | awk '$1 == "docker-content-digest:" { print $2 }' \
    | tr -d $'\r' \

And be careful with the docker-content-digest: spelling and https/http.

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DKroot commented Aug 17, 2023

Based on all this discussion, I put together a complete script for deleting a single image: all tags or specified tags. Tested with the latest Registry (2.8.2).

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Credits (based on): J. Elliot Taylor
# Changes:
# - iterate over tag list instead of using only first one
# - optional: basic auth

set -e
set -o pipefail

readonly VER=1.0.0

# Remove the longest `*/` prefix
readonly SCRIPT_FULL_NAME="${0##*/}"

usage() {
  cat <<HEREDOC

    $SCRIPT_FULL_NAME -- remove the image(s) from the local Docker Registry


    $SCRIPT_FULL_NAME [-r registry_url] [-c container] [-u user:password] image_name [tag 1] [tag 2] ...
    $SCRIPT_FULL_NAME -h: display this help


    Removes the tagged image(s) from the local Docker Registry.

    The following options are available:

    image_name  image name in the Registry
    tag1 ...    (optional) remove specific tagged image. If not specified, remove **all** tagged images.

    -r registry_url (optional) Registry URL, defaults to $REGISTRY_URL
    -c container    (optional) Registry container name or id, defaults to \`$REGISTRY_CONTAINER\`
    -u              (optional) Registry credentials


    * Docker Registry container running locally.


        $ $SCRIPT_FULL_NAME my_app 1.4.1

  exit 1

# If a character is followed by a colon, the option is expected to have an argument
while getopts r:c:u:h OPT; do
  case "$OPT" in
      readonly REGISTRY_URL="$OPTARG"
      readonly CRED_OPT=(--user "$OPTARG")
    *) # -h or `?`: an unknown option
echo -e "\n[$(date +'%T %Z') v$VER] ${USER:-${USERNAME:-${LOGNAME:-UID #$UID}}}@${HOSTNAME} ${PWD}> $0${*+ }$*\n"
shift $((OPTIND - 1))

# Process positional parameters
readonly IMAGE=$1
if [[ ! $IMAGE ]]; then

while (($# > 0)); do

if ((${#tags[@]} == 0)); then
  # Get tag list
  tag_list=$(curl "${CRED_OPT[@]}" --silent --show-error "${REGISTRY_URL}/v2/${IMAGE}/tags/list" | jq -r '.tags[]?')
  readarray -t tags <<<"$tag_list"

# check for empty tag list, e.g. when already cleaned up
if ((${#tags[@]} == 0)); then
  echo "No $IMAGE images found"

for tag in "${tags[@]}"; do
  image_digest=$(curl --head --header "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" "${CRED_OPT[@]}" \
      --silent --show-error "${REGISTRY_URL}/v2/${IMAGE}/manifests/${tag}" \
    | awk '$1 == "Docker-Content-Digest:" { print $2 }' \
    | tr -d $'\r'
  if [[ $image_digest ]]; then
    echo "DELETING $IMAGE:$tag"
    curl --request DELETE "${CRED_OPT[@]}" --silent --show-error "${REGISTRY_URL}/v2/${IMAGE}/manifests/${image_digest}"
    echo "DELETED $IMAGE:$tag"
    echo "No $IMAGE:$tag image found"

if [[ $deleted == true ]]; then
  echo -e "\nCleaning up after deletion\n"
  # -m delete manifests that are not currently referenced via tag
  docker exec -it "$REGISTRY_CONTAINER" bin/registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml -m

  echo -e "\nRestarting Registry"
  docker restart "$REGISTRY_CONTAINER"

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di-rect commented Sep 14, 2023

@DKroot Looks good, thanks!

Is it not an idea to select on max age or how many tags/versions of an image ?

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DKroot commented Sep 14, 2023

I just needed to remove specific versions of 1 image or all versions of 1 image.

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@DKroot Looks good, thanks!

Is it not an idea to select on max age or how many tags/versions of an image ?

I needed the same @di-rect , so I hope it helps you (or someone else) too :)


# based on:
# changes: 
# - Check for images older than a year 
# Function to check tags older than a year
check_tags_older_than_a_year() {
    local registry=$1
    local image=$2
    local user=$3
    local password=$4

    local tags=$(curl -s -u "$user:$password" "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/tags/list" | jq -r '.tags // [] | .[]')

    if [[ -n $tags ]]; then
        for tag in $tags; do
            # For manifests v2 uncomment the following line and comment the v1 version.
            # local created_time=$(curl -s -I -u "$user:$password" -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/manifests/${tag}" | jq -r '[.history[]]|map(.v1Compatibility|fromjson|.created)|sort|reverse|.[0]')
            local created_time=$(curl -s -u $user:$password -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json' -X GET https://$registry/v2/$image/manifests/$tag | jq -r '[.history[]]|map(.v1Compatibility|fromjson|.created)|sort|reverse|.[0]')
            local created_timestamp=$(date -d "$created_time" +%s)
            local current_timestamp=$(date +%s)
            local age_days=$(( (current_timestamp - created_timestamp) / (60*60*24) ))

            if [[ $age_days -gt 365 ]]; then
                echo "Tag $tag of image $image is older than a year. Deleting..."
                # Uncomment the following line to actually delete the tag
                curl -s -u "$user:$password" -X DELETE "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/manifests/$(curl -s -I -u "$user:$password" -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" "https://${registry}/v2/${image}/manifests/${tag}" | grep -i 'docker-content-digest' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | sed 's/[\r\n]//g')"
        echo "No tags found for image $image."

# Main function
main() {
    echo "Specify private image registry url without https://"
    read -r registry

    echo "List images, separated by space"
    read -r images

    echo "Registry User:"
    read -r user

    echo "Registry Password:"
    read -s password

    IFS=' ' read -r -a images_array <<< "$images"
    for image in "${images_array[@]}"; do
        echo "Checking tags for image $image..."
        check_tags_older_than_a_year "$registry" "$image" "$user" "$password"

# Run the main function

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ehdis commented Mar 1, 2024

One liner :-)
skopeo delete docker://localhost:5000/apps/registry:latest

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hi everybody
i need something similar @lautitoti created, but not based on time, based on registry image tag count

I publish the script here

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I updated the solution from @abelmferreira

  • added -h option: show help info
  • added -t option: min timestamp to keep
  • added -d flag: delete or dry run

The updated script:

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written in go so quite fast, supports all options of choosing images plus it fetches repositories from the registry

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