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Created October 21, 2012 23:21
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A Pure implementation of the Game of Life.
(:require [clojure.string]));;should use "only" here! (use '[ :only (read-json json-str)])
;This function determines wether a cell is alive or dead.
;Its a simplified version of the classic life function.
; f: the initial board function (f),
; x, y (the x/y coordinates)
(defn live [f x y]
(let [neighbors
(max 0 (f x (dec y)))
(max 0 (f x (inc y)))
(max 0 (f (inc x) y))
(max 0 (f (dec x) y))
(max 0 (f (dec x) (dec y)))
(max 0 (f (inc x) (inc y)))
(max 0 (f (dec x) (inc y)))
(max 0 (f (inc x) (dec y))))]
(= neighbors 0) 0
(= neighbors 1) 1
(= neighbors 2) 1
(= neighbors 3) 0
:else 0)))
;The gameboard is a function with -1's for boundaries.
(defn boardstart [x y]
(or (> x 2) (> y 2) (> 0 x) (> 0 y)) -1 ; Out of range
(= 0 x) 1 ; Cells on top are alive.
:else 0))
;A function that returns board state given the previous function.
(defn newboard [f]
(> 0 (f %1 %2)) -1 ; Out of range
:else (live f %1 %2)))
;Print the current state of the board
(defn printstate [board size]
(println "starting state dump")
(doseq [x (range size) y (range size)]
(println x " " y " | " (board x y))))
;To play, we simply call newboard over and over again.
;The effect is simply to calculate the gameboard functionally, so
;the board is recalculated at every call. Next step will be to add a bitcache or something
;of the sort that is decoupled from the calling of the board.
(defn main1 []
(print "\n------------\n")
(printstate boardstart 3)
(print "\n------------\n")
(printstate (newboard boardstart) 3)
(print "\n------------\n"))
(printstate (newboard (newboard boardstart)) 3)
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