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Created August 15, 2011 02:34
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Intelius Xml and php config class processor
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# @author Jay Zeng
# @since 8/14/2011
# Utility to dynamically re-construct file
# Input -> output:
# summary_intelius-2011-06-07_m27744-three-headlines-good-news-null.xml -> summary_m27744-three-headlines-good-news-null.xml
# class
# change file name and class name
import re
import os
import commands
# takes a _ delimetered string, convert into camel case
def camelcase(name):
metachars = ['-', '_', ' '] # dash, underscore, space
for char in metachars:
if name.find(char) != -1: #if string contains any special chars, go ahead to split into string arrays
names = name.split(char)
output = ''
for n in names:
n = n.capitalize()
output += n
return output
# otherwise capitalize first char
return name.capitalize()
def list_files():
files = os.listdir('.') # return a list of files
matchedfiles = []
for file in files:
if'.php$', file):
return matchedfiles
def list_xml():
files = os.listdir('.') # return a list of files
matchedfiles = {}
for file in files:
if'.xml$', file):
filename = file.replace('_', '').replace('-', '').replace('.xml', '.class.php')
parts = file.split('_') # extract test case name
testcase = camelcase(parts[0]) + camelcase(parts[2].replace('.xml', '').replace('-', ''))
if filename not in matchedfiles:
matchedfiles[filename] = testcase
return matchedfiles
def get_prefix(name):
prefix ='(\S+)_', name)
def get_content(file):
fh = open(file, 'rU')
text =
fh.close() # close existing file handler
return text
def extract_name(file):
text = get_content(file)
classname = re.findall(r'\s(\w+)\sextends', text) # classname is a list
c = str(classname).strip('[]').strip("'") # strip off [] and '', converts into a strinog
return c
def make_newclass(oldclassname, newclassname, text):
return re.sub(oldclassname, newclassname, text)
def rename_xml():
files = os.listdir('.') # return a list of files
for file in files:
if'.xml$', file):
names = file.split('_')
cmd = 'git mv ' + file.rstrip('\n') + ' '+ names[0].rstrip('\n') + '_' + names[2].rstrip('\n')
print "Executing command: %s" % cmd
def main():
files = list_files()
xmls = list_xml()
for f in files:
for k, v in xmls.items():
if f == k:
oldclassname = extract_name(f)
newclassname = get_prefix(oldclassname) + v
message = "Writing %s" % f
content = make_newclass(oldclassname, newclassname, get_content(f))
fh = open(f, 'w')
message += '...done'
print message
#print "file: %s; content: %s" % (f, extract_name(f,v))
# start to rename xml
if __name__ == '__main__':
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