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Created March 30, 2023 20:49
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import Gibbon.Maybe
import Gibbon.Prelude
import Gibbon.PList
data B = B Bool
-- packed primitives
tru :: B
tru = B True
fal :: B
fal = B False
unB :: B -> Bool
unB bPacked = case bPacked of
B b -> b
data I = I Int
unI :: I -> Int
unI iPacked = case iPacked of
I i -> i
gt :: I -> I -> Bool
gt i1 i2 = unI i1 > unI i2
lt :: I -> I -> Bool
lt i1 i2 = unI i1 < unI i2
-- tree
data RBT
= Empty
| Node B I RBT RBT
-- printer
fold_plist :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> PList b -> a
fold_plist f init lst = case lst of
Cons h t ->
let x = f init h in
fold_plist f x t
Nil -> init
cat_plist :: PList a -> PList a -> PList a
cat_plist l1 l2 = case l1 of
Cons x xs -> Cons x (cat_plist xs l2)
Nil -> l2
join_plist :: PList (PList a) -> PList a
join_plist lst = case lst of
Cons x xs -> cat_plist x (join_plist xs)
Nil -> Nil
bind_plist :: (a -> PList b) -> PList a -> PList b
bind_plist f xs = join_plist (map_plist f xs)
any_plist :: PList Bool -> Bool
any_plist lst = case lst of
Nil -> False
Cons h t -> h || any_plist t
is_pop :: Maybe a -> Bool
is_pop m = case m of
Just z -> True
Nothing -> False
print_rbt :: RBT -> ()
print_rbt t = print_rbt_h1 (Cons (Just t) Nil)
print_rbt_h1 :: PList (Maybe RBT) -> ()
print_rbt_h1 lst =
let x = bind_plist print_rbt_h2 lst in
if any_plist (map_plist is_pop x) then
let _ = print_newline () in
print_rbt_h1 x
else ()
print_rbt_h2 :: Maybe RBT -> PList (Maybe RBT)
print_rbt_h2 t_opt = let
xs = case t_opt of
Nothing -> print_empty (quote "..")
Just t -> case t of
Empty -> print_empty (quote "**")
Node bp ip l r ->
_ = printsym (if unB bp then quote "R" else quote "B")
_ = printint (unI ip)
Cons (Just l) (Cons (Just r) Nil)
_ = print_space ()
in xs
print_empty :: Sym -> PList (Maybe RBT)
print_empty s =
let _ = printsym s in
Cons Nothing (Cons Nothing Nil)
-- impl
empty :: RBT
empty = Empty
singleton :: I -> RBT
singleton x = Node tru x Empty Empty
insert :: I -> RBT -> RBT
insert e1 t = case t of
Empty -> singleton e1
Node colorx x left right ->
flipColors (rotateRight (rotateLeft (
if lt x e1 then Node colorx x left (insert e1 right)
else if gt x e1 then Node colorx x (insert e1 left) right
else t
rotateLeft :: RBT -> RBT
rotateLeft t = case t of
Empty -> Empty
Node colorx x leftx rightx -> case rightx of
Empty -> t
Node c z leftz rightz ->
if isRed rightx && isBlack leftx
then Node colorx z (Node tru x leftx leftz) rightz
else t
rotateRight :: RBT -> RBT
rotateRight t = case t of
Empty -> Empty
Node colorx x leftx rightx -> case leftx of
Empty -> t
Node c y lefty righty ->
if isRed leftx && isRed lefty
then Node colorx y lefty (Node tru x righty rightx)
else t
flipColors :: RBT -> RBT
flipColors t = case t of
Empty -> Empty
Node c x leftx rightx -> case leftx of
Empty -> t
Node c1 y lefty righty -> case rightx of
Empty -> t
Node c2 z leftz rightz ->
if isRed leftx && isRed rightx
then Node tru x (Node fal y lefty righty) (Node fal z leftz rightz)
else t
isRed :: RBT -> Bool
isRed t = case t of
Empty -> False
Node c1 x l r -> unB c1
isBlack :: RBT -> Bool
isBlack t = case t of
Empty -> True
Node c1 x l r -> if unB c1 then False else True
ins :: Int -> RBT -> RBT
ins x t = insert (I x) t
mini :: RBT -> I
mini t = case t of
Empty -> I (0 - 1)
Node c x l r -> case l of
Empty -> x
Node cl xl ll rl -> mini l
gibbon_main =
t1 = ins 2 empty
t2 = ins 1 t1
t3 = ins 3 t2
t4 = ins 4 t3
_ = print_rbt t4
in ()
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