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Created April 30, 2012 02:36
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Theory of Programming Languages Study Guide

TOPL Test 3


  • Types and Type Checking

    • Motivation
    • Type Systems
  • Modules

  • Object-oriented Programming

Types and Type Checking

  • Why type systems?

    • Prevent errors from occurring at runtime
      • Unbound Variables
      • Operations on the wrong kind of value
    • Other errors are harder
      • Infinite loop/recursion
  • In LETREC an evaluation is safe iff:

    1. For every evaluation of a var, the variable is bound.
    2. For every evaluation of a difference expression, the values of the operands are both num-vals
    3. For every evaluation of an expression of the form zero?-exp (exp1) the value of exp1 is a num-val
    4. For every evaluation of a conditional expression (if-exp exp1 exp2 exp3), the value of exp1 is a bool-val
    5. For every evaluation of a procedure call (call-exp rator rand), the vaue of a rator is a proc-val
  • A type system is sound if it rejects any program that cannot be guaranteed safe

  • Type Environment

    • Abstraction used to keep track of the type that each expression will evaluate to.
    • An expression is either well-typed or ill-typed
      • Well-typed: if a value can be determined
      • Ill-typed: if a value cannot be determined
    • Type rules:
  • Different methods of type checking:

    • Static - we do the check before execution.
      • Predict type and anticipate type errors
    • Dynamic - we do the check during execution
  • Manifest vs. Inferred Syntx

    • Manifest Typing - requires syntactical support.
    • Inferred Typing - requires no additional syntax, only changes to the checker
  • The Type Checker

    • Is separate from the interpreter
    • Runs before the interpreter thus catching exceptions before run time. (Unsafe programs)


  • Why modules?
    • Useful to separate code into self-contained parts.
    • Abstract from implementation.
  • A module is:
    • A self-contained part of a larger program.
    • Reusable in different contexts (DRY)
  • Author's Design
    • Module definitions binds a name to a module (expression)
      • ::=
    • What does the module itself contain
      • Interface - names/variables visible to client (outside the abstraction boundary)
      • Body - Implements the interface, defines bindings for names
    • Two kinds of modules (for authors):
      • Simple Module - Just a set of bindings (ie an environment). Has simply interface that lists bindings made by the module.
      • Module Procedure - Takes in one module and produces another.
  • What are qualified variables?
    • from m1 take a
    • m1.a (Java)
  • How is module scoping handles?
    • The authors implement it is that a module can only activate things from the previously defined modules
    • This is usually not the desired behavior.
  • Transparent Type - The client code outside of the module can use the underlying representation of the type. (C++ typedef)
  • Opaque Type - The code outside the module boudary does not know how values of this type are represented. (C++ Struct)

Object Oriented Languages

  • Is an explicit base class object necessary?
    • No because it's not in C++!
  • What syntactic forms are necessary for supporting object-oriented programming?
    • Class definitions
    • Extends clause
    • Field declarations
    • Method Definitions
  • Using objects
    • Instantiation (new-exp)
    • Message passing (method-call-exp)
  • Other sytactic forms:
    • Super
    • Instance-of
    • Destructors
    • Down/up-casting
    • Main method/initializers
    • Accessors
    • Static variables/class variables
  • How can we represent classes and objects internally? (parallels syntactic forms)
    • Data required for a class
      • Parent class
      • Field Names
      • Method environment
      • Class name (implementation dependent)
    • Data requires for an object
      • Class name
      • Values/references for fields
  • Polymorphism
    • Two different kinds:
      • Subclass polymorphism - Inherits all of a parents methods and variables.
      • Interface Polymorphism - Has the type of any interfaces that its creating class implements.
  • Dynamic vs. Static Dispatch
    • Dynamic Dispatch - Implementation selected at run time (C++ virtual function) (metod-call-exp)
    • Static Dispatch - Implementation selected at run time (like any normal function) (super-call-exp)
  • How are method invocations handled?
    • Methods are like closures. They take their environments in with them, but other things don't have access to variables created within it.
    • Why do we mangle self and super?
      • Because we need to differentiate between selfs/supers of different namespaces.
    • Bindings for field names of a class *
  • How are types related to classes in an Object-Oriented language?
    • Types are to variables as interfaces are to classes.
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That's cool. This will serve awesomely as a last minute check tomorrow. Major props.

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word up yo!
im trying to be on that #studyinggrind

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colbyr commented Apr 30, 2012


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