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Created May 2, 2020 00:31
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package main
import (
binance ""
var (
apiKey = "XX"
secretKey = "XX"
Threshold = 1.2 //利润
Fee = 0.6 //手续费
Tradesize = 0.0015
var client = binance.NewClient(apiKey, secretKey)
func minqrt() map[string]string {
var symbolinfos map[string]string
symbolinfos = make(map[string]string)
info, err := client.NewExchangeInfoService().Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil
for _, each := range info.Symbols {
symbolinfos[each.Symbol] = each.Filters[2]["minQty"].(string)
return symbolinfos
func forward_check_profit_coin(coins []string, prices map[string]float64, threshold float64, fee float64) (Coin string, Profit float64) {
var highProfit float64 = 0.0
var highProfitcoin string = ""
for _, coin := range coins {
basesymbol := coin + "BTC"
midsymbol := coin + "ETH"
quotesymbol := "ETHBTC"
baseprice := prices[basesymbol]
midprice := prices[midsymbol]
quoteprice := prices[quotesymbol]
if (baseprice != 0) && (midprice != 0) && (quoteprice != 0) {
arbprice := midprice * quoteprice
diff := ((arbprice / baseprice) - 1) * 100.0
profit := diff - fee
if profit > threshold {
fmt.Printf("Coin: %v\n", coin)
fmt.Println("basesymbol: ", basesymbol)
fmt.Println("midsymbol: ", midsymbol)
fmt.Println("quotesymbol: ", quotesymbol)
fmt.Printf("prices[basesymbol]: %v\n", prices[basesymbol])
fmt.Printf("prices[midsymbol]: %v\n", prices[midsymbol])
fmt.Printf("prices[quotesymbol]:%v\n", prices[quotesymbol])
fmt.Printf("arbprice:%v\n", arbprice)
fmt.Printf("diff:%v\n", diff)
fmt.Printf("profit:%v\n", profit)
// if profit > highProfit {
// highProfit = profit
// highProfitcoin = coin
// fmt.Println("highProfitcoin: ", highProfitcoin)
// fmt.Println("highProfit: ", highProfit)
// }
return highProfitcoin, highProfit
func buy_qty(symbol string, symbolinfo map[string]string, qty float64) (res_qty float64) {
minQty, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(symbolinfo[symbol], 64)
if qty < minQty {
qty = minQty
} else {
temp := int64(qty*100000000) % int64(minQty*100000000)
ftemp := float64(temp) / 100000000
qty = qty - ftemp
return qty
func get_balance(coin string) {
res, err := client.NewGetAccountService().Do(context.Background())
//var count float64
if err != nil {
for _, each := range res.Balances {
if each.Asset == coin {
func sell_qty(coin string, symbol string, symbolinfo map[string]string) (qty float64) {
res, err := client.NewGetAccountService().Do(context.Background())
var count float64
if err != nil {
for _, each := range res.Balances {
if each.Asset == coin {
count, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(each.Free, 64)
minQty, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(symbolinfo[symbol], 64)
if count < minQty {
count = minQty
} else {
temp := int64(count*100000000) % int64(minQty*100000000)
ftemp := float64(temp) / 100000000
count = count - ftemp
return count
func forward_excecute(coin string, btcvalue float64, prices map[string]float64, symbolinfo map[string]string) {
btcsymbol := coin + "BTC"
btcsymbolprice := prices[btcsymbol]
qty := btcvalue / btcsymbolprice
btcqty := buy_qty(btcsymbol, symbolinfo, qty)
buyvalue := btcqty * btcsymbolprice
if buyvalue < btcvalue*1.1 {
qtystr := strconv.FormatFloat(btcqty, 'g', -1, 64)
_, err1 := client.NewCreateOrderService().Symbol(btcsymbol).Side(binance.SideTypeBuy).Type(binance.OrderTypeMarket).Quantity(qtystr).Do(context.Background())
if err1 != nil {
midsymbol := coin + "ETH"
ethqty := sell_qty(coin, midsymbol, symbolinfo)
ethqtystr := strconv.FormatFloat(ethqty, 'g', -1, 64)
_, err2 := client.NewCreateOrderService().Symbol(midsymbol).Side(binance.SideTypeSell).Type(binance.OrderTypeMarket).Quantity(ethqtystr).Do(context.Background())
if err2 != nil {
quotesymbol := "ETHBTC"
ethbtcqty := sell_qty("ETH", quotesymbol, symbolinfo)
ethbtcqtystr := strconv.FormatFloat(ethbtcqty, 'g', -1, 64)
_, err3 := client.NewCreateOrderService().Symbol(quotesymbol).Side(binance.SideTypeSell).Type(binance.OrderTypeMarket).Quantity(ethbtcqtystr).Do(context.Background())
if err3 != nil {
func arb(symbolinfo map[string]string) {
var COINS []string
var prices_map map[string]float64
prices_map = make(map[string]float64)
prices, err := client.NewListPricesService().Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
for _, pair := range prices {
prices_map[pair.Symbol], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(pair.Price, 64)
coin := pair.Symbol
coin = strings.Replace(coin, "BTC", "", -1)
coin = strings.Replace(coin, "ETH", "", -1)
coin = strings.Replace(coin, "BNB", "", -1)
COINS = append(COINS, coin)
forward_check_profit_coin(COINS, prices_map, Threshold, Fee)
// Coin, Profit := forward_check_profit_coin(COINS, prices_map, Threshold, Fee)
// Coin, Profit := forward_check_profit_coin(COINS, prices_map, Threshold, Fee)
// if Profit > 0 {
// forward_excecute(Coin, Tradesize, prices_map, symbolinfo)
// }
func main() {
symbolinfo := minqrt()
for {
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