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Last active March 11, 2020 22:25
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# Python 2.7
from ConfigParser import *
import os, re, sys, json, io, atexit
import boto3
import time, datetime, traceback
def dictFromConfig(filepath):
config = ConfigParser()
return {section.lower(): dict(config.items(section)) for section in config.sections()}
class parameters(object):
def __init__(self, args):
# if at first you don't succeed,
self.args = args
self.keys = dictFromConfig('/serverbase.cfg')
# input is assumed to be JSON string piped to stdin. If stdin is a terminal, this skips right over, defaulting to an empty JSON object.
# when called as subprocess in a larger server, isatty will also be false, so it will attempt to read stdin, which will block if there's no end byte available. So pipe a null char for goodness sake.
self.__result__ = {'stdin': if not sys.stdin.isatty() else "{}" }
self.input = json.loads(self.__result__.get('stdin'))
self.typecast = {
'number::int': lambda x: int(x),
'number::float': lambda x: float(x),
'date::date': lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x,'%Y-%m-%d'),
'text::str': lambda x: str(x),
'text::unicode': lambda x: unicode(x),
'text::tuple': lambda x: tuple([i.strip() for i in x.split(',')]),
'text::bool': lambda x: True if x.lower() == 'true' else False,
'file::buffer': lambda x:, mode='rt'), # named input, assumes file exists, renders as file upload form, open file for reading
'text::buffer': lambda x:, mode='wb'), # named output, creates a new file (or overwrites existing), renders as text input, open file for writing
# would be nice to add a getter for 'this.s3.GetObject...' 'this.s3.Object()' to stick the key getting somewhere else
'file::s3': lambda x: self.s3Object(x),
'text::s3': lambda x: self.s3Object('id/' + os.environ.get('USER', 'nobody') + '/' + x) # create new object in id/ subdirectory
# Evaluate each of the keys
# Check if there's a database, check if connection can be established
for key in self.input:
if key in self.args:
self.args[key]['value'] = self.input[key]
# try to access each required property in the input json
for key in self.args:
if key == 'database':
# the key may exist in input, or it may have been defined in the required object
argValue = str(self.args[key].get('value'))
argType = self.args[key].get('type') # if there's no type, should throw error, malformed input
# this if not/if/else/else/if/else either sets input value or throws an error. godspeed.
self.stdout("Using '" + argValue + "' for " + key + "\n")
if('verify' in self.args[key]):
argVerify = re.compile(self.args[key]['verify'])
match = argVerify.findall(argValue)
if(len(match) == 0):
raise SyntaxError(key + ' cannot be ' + argValue + '\n'
+ 'It should be ' + self.args[key]['info']
+ '\nPattern did not match:\n'
+ self.args[key]['verify'])
self.__dict__[key] = self.typecast[argType](argValue)
##### end of constructor ######
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.get(key, None)
def get(self, key, default):
return self.__dict__.get(key, default)
def s3Object(self, keyname):
resource = boto3.resource('s3',
bucket = self.keys['s3']['bucket']
prefix = self.keys['s3']['prefix']
s3obj = resource.Object(bucket, prefix + keyname)
s3obj.pathname = bucket + '/' + prefix + keyname
return s3obj
def stderr(self, data):
self.output({"stderr": str(data) + '\n'})
def stdout(self, data):
self.output({"stdout" : str(data) + '\n'})
def output(self, stringOrDict):
# strings passed to output will be wrapped in an object with key 'stdout'
newData = stringOrDict if type(stringOrDict) == dict else {"stdout": stringOrDict + '\n'}
for key in newData:
if self.__result__.get(key) == None:
# create key if it doesn't exist
self.__result__[key] = newData[key]
# append new data to existing key
self.__result__[key] += newData[key]
# output is buffered by default,
# if that's the case, wait til program exit to print one single object
# but if PYTHONUNBUFFERED is specified, print out each piece of data as it comes as separate JSON object
# useful for streaming API
if os.environ.get('PYTHONUNBUFFERED'):
#would be better to only register once, otherwise this gets called as many times as output was written which is pretty bogus.
def outputOnExit(self):
if self.__result__:
self.__result__ = None # invalidate object so it only happens once.
def makeDatabaseFrom(self, databaseDict):
database = None # database defaults to none if psql or mysql database is not named
dbKeys = {}
# should merge databaseDict with dbKeys to check that I have name, port, host, password...
# thankfully psycopg2 and pymysql use the same query api
if databaseDict.get('psql'):
import psycopg2 as database
dbKeys = self.keys.get(databaseDict['psql']) # databaseDict['psql'] should be the name of the config section with the connection parameters
elif databaseDict.get('mysql'):
import pymysql as database
dbKeys = self.keys.get(databaseDict['mysql'])
dbKeys['port'] = int(dbKeys['port'])
# only load connection if database was named. name must correspond with a serverbase.cfg section.
if database and dbKeys:
self.database = database.connect(**dbKeys)
self.stdout("Connection Established")
except Exception as e:
self.stderr("Unable to connect to the database")
self.stderr("database object should look like {psql or mysql: name of key section}")
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