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Created July 9, 2016 20:46
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Tagpro Milliseconds Comp Server
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Milliseconds
// @version 2.2.3
// @description Display tenths of seconds on the tagpro clock and add outlines to the score
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @author Some Ball -1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
if ((window.sessionStorage.toggles && JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.toggles).milli)){
tagpro.ready(function() {
var startTime = 15; //time in seconds to begin showing fractional seconds, set to 0 to turn off
var scoreStroke = true; //true or false, whether or not to show score outline
var end = false;
function outlineScore()
if(tagpro.renderer.layers.ui.children.length>1) //timer put in first so >1
tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore = new PIXI.Text(tagpro.score.r ? tagpro.score.r.toString() : "0", {
fill: "#FF0000",
stroke: "black",
strokeThickness: scoreStroke*3,
font: "bold 40pt Arial"
}), tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore = new PIXI.Text(tagpro.score.b ? tagpro.score.b.toString() : "0", {
fill: "#0000FF",
stroke: "black",
strokeThickness: scoreStroke*3,
font: "bold 40pt Arial"
tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore.alpha = .5, tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore.alpha = .5, tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore.anchor.x = 1, tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore.anchor.x = 0, tagpro.renderer.layers.ui.addChild(tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore), tagpro.renderer.layers.ui.addChild(tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore);
var lay = tagpro.renderer.createLayers;
tagpro.renderer.createLayers = function() {
tagpro.socket.on('end',function() {
end = (new Date).getTime();
tagpro.ui.timer = function(e, t, n, r) { //replace r with custom time
var i = tagpro.ui.sprites.timer;
i = tagpro.ui.sprites.timer = new PIXI.Text("", {
fill: "#FFFFFF",
strokeThickness: 4,
stroke: "#000000",
font: "bold 30pt Arial"
}), i.alpha = .5, i.anchor.x = .5, e.addChild(tagpro.ui.sprites.timer);
var time = tagpro.gameEndsAt - (end || (new Date).getTime()), //use current time or whenever game ended
hour = time/6e4 > 60 ? Math.floor(time / 6e4 / 60) + ":" : "", //if more than 60 min, add hour
min = "0" + Math.floor((time / 6e4) % 60),
sec = "0" + Math.floor(time % 6e4 / 1e3); //needs to be Math.ceil on newcompte's server for pre-game (tagpro.state===3), idk why
if(min < 0) min = "00"; if(sec < 0) sec = "00";
var clock = hour + min.substr(-2) + ":" + sec.substr(-2); //should match r argument except if >60 min
if(time/1000<startTime) //not <= incase set to 0
sec = "0" + Math.floor(time % 6e4 / 1e2)/10 + ".0"; //add .0 in case it's whole number;
clock = hour + min.substr(-2) + ":" + sec.substr(Math.ceil((sec.length-7)/2)*-2-6,4); //quick formula to handle either (0X.0 || 0XX.0) or (0X.X.0 || 0XX.X.0)
clock = '00:00.0'; //because the clock keeps running sometimes
if (i.text != clock)
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