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Created August 18, 2023 12:39
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Save jbaiter/d4a2a22c6c15571062f25d1dfea73218 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. TypeScript type hints
// unofficial sqlite3 types.
// initially based on
// by GitHub user @mizchi
// expanded by @jbaiter to:
// - describe all high-level APIs and data structures as closely as possible
// - include docstrings based on the official documentation
// - Type out and document all the low-level extension and WASM↔JS glue APIs.
declare module "" {
/** Types of values that can be passed to/retrieved from SQLite. */
declare type SqlValue =
| string
| number
| null
| Uint8Array
| Int8Array
| ArrayBuffer;
/** Internal data types supported by SQLite3. */
declare const SQLiteDataTypes = {
} as const;
declare type SQLiteDataType =
(typeof SQLiteDataTypes)[keyof typeof SQLiteDataTypes];
/** Specifies parameter bindings. */
declare type BindingSpec =
| SqlValue[]
| { [paramName: string]: SqlValue }
/** Assumed to have binding index `1` */
| SqlValue;
* Certain WASM-bound APIs, where explicitly noted, have additional
* string-type argument conversions colloquially known as "flexible strings."
* This support is generally reserved for arguments which expect SQL strings,
* as such strings are often large and frequently come from external sources,
* e.g. byte arrays loaded from local files, over XHR requests, or using
* `fetch()`. Functions which take filename strings, and simlilar "small"
* strings, do not use this feature.
declare type FlexibleString =
| string
/** WASM C-string pointer, passed on to WASM as-is. */
| WasmPointer
/** Assumed to hold UTF-8 encoded text, converted to `string` */
| Uint8Array
| Int8Array
| ArrayBuffer
* Gets converted to a string using `theArray.join('')` (i.e. concatenated
* as-is, with no space between each entry). Though JS supports multi-line
* string literals with the backtick syntax, it is frequently convenient to
* write out longer SQL constructs as arrays.
| string[];
* Prepared statements are created solely through the {@link Database#prepare}
* method. Calling the constructor directly will trigger an exception.
* It is important that statements be finalized in a timely manner, else
* clients risk introducing locking errors later on in their apps.
* By and large, clients can avoid statement lifetime issues by using the
* {@link Database#exec} method. For cases when more control or flexibility is
* needed, however, clients will need to {@link Database#prepare} statements
* and then ensure that their lifetimes are properly managed. The simplest
* way to do this is with a `try`/`finally` block, as in this example:
* @example
* const stmt = myDb.prepare("...");
* try {
* ... use the stmt object ...
* } finally {
* stmt.finalize();
* }
declare type PreparedStatement = {
/** Binds one more values to its bindable parameters. */
bind(binding: BindingSpec): this;
* Binds a value to a bindable parameter.
* @param idx The index of the bindable parameter to bind to, **ACHTUNG**:
* 1-based!
bind(idx: number, binding: SqlValue): this;
* Special case of {@link PreparedStatement#bind} which binds the given
* value using the `BLOB` binding mechanism instead of the default selected
* one for the value. Index can be the index number (**ACHTUNG**: 1-based!)
* or the string corresponding to a named parameter.
value: string | null | undefined | Uint8Array | Int8Array | ArrayBuffer,
): this;
idx: number | string,
value: string | null | undefined | Uint8Array | Int8Array | ArrayBuffer,
): this;
/** Clears all bound values. */
clearBindings(): this;
* "Finalizes" this statement. This is a no-op if the statement has already
* been finalized. Returns the value of the underlying `sqlite3_finalize()`
* call (0 on success, non-0 on error) or `undefined` if the statement has
* already been finalized. It does not throw if `sqlite3_finalize()`
* returns non-0 because this function is effectively a destructor and
* "destructors do not throw." This function will throw if it is called
* while the statement is in active use via a {@link Database#exec}
* callback.
finalize(): number | undefined;
* Fetches the value from the given 0-based column index of the current
* data row, throwing if index is out of range.
* Requires that {@link PreparedStatement#step} has just returned a truthy
* value, else an exception is thrown.
* By default it will determine the data type of the result automatically.
* If passed a second arugment, it must be one of the enumeration values
* for sqlite3 types, which are defined as members of the sqlite3
* `SQLITE_BLOB`. Any other value, except for `undefined`, will trigger an
* exception. Passing `undefined` is the same as not passing a value. It is
* legal to, e.g., fetch an integer value as a string, in which case
* sqlite3 will convert the value to a string.
* If the index is an array, this function behaves a differently: it
* assigns the indexes of the array, from 0 to the number of result
* columns, to the values of the corresponding result column, and returns
* that array:
* const values = stmt.get([]);
* This will return an array which contains one entry for each result
* column of the statement's current row..
* If the index is a plain object, this function behaves even
* differentlier: it assigns the properties of the object to the values of
* their corresponding result columns:
* const values = stmt.get({});
* This returns an object with properties named after the columns of the
* result set. Be aware that the ordering of the properties is undefined.
* If their order is important, use the array form instead.
* Blobs are returned as `Uint8Array` instances.
* Special case handling of 64-bit integers: the `Number` type is used for
* both floating point numbers and integers which are small enough to fit
* into it without loss of precision. If a larger integer is fetched, it is
* returned as a `BigInt` if that support is enabled, else it will throw an
* exception. The range of integers supported by the Number class is
* defined as:
* - `Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER = -9007199254740991`
* - `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991`
get(ndx: number, asType?: SQLiteDataType): SqlValue;
get(ndx: SqlValue[]): SqlValue[];
get(ndx: { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }): {
[columnName: string]: SqlValue;
* Equivalent to {@link PreparedStatement#get(ndx)} but coerces the result
* to a `Uint8Array`.
getBlob(ndx: number): Uint8Array | null;
* Returns the result column name of the given index, or throws if index is
* out of bounds or this statement has been finalized. This may be used
* without having run {@link PreparedStatement#step()} first.
getColumnName(ndx: number): string;
* If this statement potentially has result columns, this function returns
* an array of all such names. If passed an array, it is used as the target
* and all names are appended to it. Returns the target array. Throws if
* this statement cannot have result columns. `this.columnCount`, set with
* the statement is prepared, holds the number of columns.
getColumnNames(target?: string[]): string[];
* Equivalent to {@link PreparedStatement#get(ndx)} but coerces the result
* to a number.
getFloat(ndx: number): number | null;
* Equivalent to {@link PreparedStatement#get(ndx)} but coerces the result
* to an integral number.
getInt(ndx: number): number | null;
* Equivalent to {@link PreparedStatement#getString(ndx)} but returns passes
* the result of passing the fetched string string through `JSON.parse()`.
* If JSON parsing throws, that exception is propagated.
getJSON(ndx: number): any;
* If this statement has named bindable parameters and the given name
* matches one, its 1-based bind index is returned. If no match is found, 0
* is returned. If it has no bindable parameters, the undefined value is
* returned.
getParamIndex(name: string): number | undefined;
* Equivalent to {@link PreparedStatement#get(ndx)} but coerces the result
* to a string.
getString(ndx: number): string | null;
* Resets this statement so that it may be `step()`ed again from the
* beginning. Returns `this`. Throws if this statement has been finalized,
* if it may not legally be reset because it is currently being used from a
* {@link Database#exec} callback, or (as of versions 3.42.1 and 3.43) if
* the underlying call to `sqlite3_reset()` returns non-0.
* If passed a truthy argument then {@link PreparedStatement#clearBindings}
* is also called, otherwise any existing bindings, along with any memory
* allocated for them, are retained.
* In versions 3.42.0 and earlier, this function did not throw if
* `sqlite3_reset()` returns non-0, but it was discovered that throwing (or
* significant extra client-side code) is necessary in order to avoid
* certain silent failure scenarios
reset(alsoClearBinds?: boolean): this;
* Steps the statement one time. If the result indicates that a row of data
* is available, a truthy value is returned. If no row of data is
* available, a falsy value is returned. Throws on error.
step(): boolean;
* Functions like {@link PreparedStatement#step} except that it calls
* {@link PreparedStatement#finalize} on this statement immediately after
* stepping unless the `step()` throws.
* On success, it returns true if the step indicated that a row of data was
* available, else it returns false.
* This is intended to simplify use cases such as:
* ADb.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(a) VALUES(?)")
* .bind(123)
* .stepFinalize();
stepFinalize(): boolean;
* Functions exactly like {@link PreparedStatement#step} except that...
* On success, it calls {@link PreparedStatement#reset} and returns this
* object. On error, it throws and does not call reset().
* This is intended to simplify constructs like:
* For(...) { stmt.bind(...).stepReset(); }
* Note that the {@link PreparedStatement#reset} call makes it illegal to
* call {@link PreparedStatement#get} after the step.
stepReset(): this;
* The number of result columns this statement has, or 0 for statements
* which do not have result columns.
* _Minor achtung:_ for all releases > 3.42.0 this is a property
* interceptor which invokes `sqlite3_column_count`, so its use should be
* avoided in loops because of the call overhead. In versions <= 3.42.0
* this value is collected and cached when the statement is created, but
* that can lead to misbehavior if changes are made to the database schema
* while this statement is active.
columnCount: number;
/** The number of bindable parameters this statement has. */
parameterCount: number;
* WASM pointer rwhich resolves to the `sqlite3_stmt*` which this object
* wraps. This value may be passed to any WASM-bound functions which accept
* an `sqlite3_stmt*` argument. It resolves to `undefined` after this
* statement is {@link PreparedStatement#finalize}d.
pointer: WasmPointer | undefined;
declare type ExecOptions = {
* The SQL to run (unless it's provided as the first argument). The SQL may
* contain any number of statements.
sql?: FlexibleString;
* A single value valid as an argument for {@link PreparedStatement#bind}.
* This is only applied to the first non-empty statement in the SQL which
* has any bindable parameters. (Empty statements are skipped entirely.)
bind?: BindingSpec;
* If set, the SQL of each executed statement is appended to this array
* before the statement is executed (but after it is prepared - we don't
* have the string until after that). Empty SQL statements are elided.
saveSql?: string[];
* A string specifying what this function should return: The default value
* is (usually) `"this"`. The exceptions is if the caller passes neither of
* `callback` nor `returnValue` but does pass an explicit `rowMode` then
* the default returnValue is `"resultRows"`, described below. The options
* are:
* - `"this"` menas that the DB object itself should be returned.
* - `"resultRows"` means to return the value of the `resultRows` option. If
* `resultRows` is not set, this function behaves as if it were set to an
* empty array.
* - `"saveSql"` means to return the value of the `saveSql` option. If
* `saveSql` is not set, this function behaves as if it were set to an
* empty array.
returnValue?: "this" | "resultRows" | "saveSql";
* A function which gets called for each row of the result set (see
* `rowMode`, below), but only if that statement has any result rows. The
* callback's `this` is the `options` object, noting that this function
* will synthesize one if the caller does not provide one. The second
* argument passed to the callback is always the current
* {@link PreparedStatement} object, as it's needed if the caller wants to
* fetch the column names or some such (noting that they could also be
* fetched via `this.columnNames`, if the client provides the `columnNames`
* option). If the callback returns a literal `false` (as opposed to any
* other falsy value, e.g. an implicit undefined return), any ongoing
* statement-`step()` iteration stops without an error. The return value of
* the callback is otherwise ignored.
* Applies only to the first statement which has a non-zero result column
* count, regardless of whether the statement actually produces any result
* rows.
* **ACHTUNG:** the callback **MUST NOT** modify the
* {@link PreparedStatement} object. Calling any of the
* {@link PreparedStatement#get} variants,
* {@link PreparedStatement#getColumnName}, or similar, is legal, but
* calling {@link PreparedStatement#step} or
* {@link PreparedStatement#finalize} is not. Member methods which are
* illegal in this context will trigger an exception, but clients must also
* refrain from using any lower-level (C-style) APIs which might modify the
* statement.
callback?: (
| SqlValue[]
| { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }
| PreparedStatement
| SqlValue,
stmt: PreparedStatement,
) => boolean;
* If this is an array, the column names of the result set are stored in
* this array before the `callback` (if any) is triggered (regardless of
* whether the query produces any result rows). If no statement has result
* columns, this value is unchanged.
* Applies only to the first statement which has a non-zero result column
* count, regardless of whether the statement actually produces any result
* rows.
* **Achtung:** an SQL result may have multiple columns with identical
* names.
columnNames?: string[];
* If this is an array, it functions similarly to the `callback` option:
* each row of the result set (if any), with the exception that the
* `rowMode` `'stmt'` is not legal. It is legal to use both `resultRows`
* and callback, but `resultRows` is likely much simpler to use for small
* data sets and can be used over a WebWorker-style message interface.
* `exec()` throws if `resultRows` is set and rowMode is `'stmt'`.
* Applies only to the first statement which has a non-zero result column
* count, regardless of whether the statement actually produces any result
* rows.
resultRows?: (
| SqlValue[]
| { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }
| SqlValue
* Specifies the type of he `callback`'s first argument and the type of the
* `resultRows` array entries.
rowMode?: "array" | "object" | "stmt" | number | string;
type ExecReturnThisOptions = ExecOptions & {
returnValue: "this" | undefined;
type ExecReturnResultRowsOptions = ExecOptions & {
returnValue: "resultRows";
type ExecReturnSaveSqlOptions = ExecOptions & {
returnValue: "saveSql";
type ExecRowModeArrayOptions = ExecOptions & {
callback?: (row: SqlValue[]) => boolean;
resultRows?: SqlValue[][];
rowMode: "array" | undefined;
type ExecRowModeObjectOptions = ExecOptions & {
callback?: (row: { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }) => boolean;
resultRows?: { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }[];
rowMode: "object";
type ExecRowModeStmtOptions = ExecOptions & {
callback?: (row: PreparedStatement) => boolean;
resultRows: undefined;
rowMode: "stmt";
type ExecRowModeScalarOptions = ExecOptions & {
callback?: (row: SqlValue) => boolean;
resultRows?: SqlValue[];
* For number values: indicates a zero-based column in the result row. Only
* that one single value will be passed on. If string. For string values: A
* string with a minimum length of 2 and leading character of `$` will
* fetch the row as an object, extract that one field, and pass that
* field's value to the `callback`. Note that these keys are case-sensitive
* so must match the case used in the SQL. e.g. `"select a A from t"` with
* a `rowMode` of `'$A'` would work but `'$a'` would not. A reference to a
* column not in the result set will trigger an exception on the first row
* (as the check is not performed until rows are fetched).
rowMode: number | string;
/** Options for creating a user-defined function that can be called from SQL. */
type FunctionOptions = {
* Number of arguments which SQL calls to this function expect or require.
* The default value is `X.length` MINUS 1, where X is either `xFunc` or
* `xStep`, depending on the type of function being created. As a special
* case, if `X.length` is 0, its arity is also 0 instead of -1. A negative
* arity value means that the function is variadic and may accept any
* number of arguments, up to sqlite3's compile-time limits. sqlite3 will
* enforce the argument count if is zero or greater. The callback always
* receives a pointer to an `sqlite3_context` object as its first argument.
* Any arguments after that are from SQL code. The leading context argument
* does not count towards the function's arity. See the docs for
* `sqlite3_create_function()` for why that argument is required in the
* interface.
arity?: number;
* Corresponds to the `SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC` flag. Setting it means that
* the new function always gives the same output when the input parameters
* are the same. The `abs()` function is deterministic, for example, but
* `randomblob()` is not. Functions must be deterministic in order to be
* used in certain contexts such as with the `WHERE` clause of partial
* indexes or in generated columns. SQLite might also optimize
* deterministic functions by factoring them out of inner loops.
deterministic?: boolean;
* Corresponds to the `SQLITE_DIRECTONLY` flag.
* Setting it means that the function may only be invoked from top-level
* SQL, and cannot be used in `VIEW`s or `TRIGGER`s nor in schema
* structures such as `CHECK` constraints, `DEFAULT` clauses, expression
* indexes, partial indexes, or generated columns.
* The flag is recommended for any application-defined SQL function that
* has side-effects or that could potentially leak sensitive information.
* This will prevent attacks in which an application is tricked into using
* a database file that has had its schema surreptiously modified to invoke
* the application-defined function in ways that are harmful.
* Some people say it is good practice to set the flag on all
* application-defined SQL functions, regardless of whether or not they are
* security sensitive, as doing so prevents those functions from being used
* inside of the database schema, and thus ensures that the database can be
* inspected and modified using generic tools (such as the CLI) that do not
* have access to the application-defined functions.
directOnly?: boolean;
* Corresponds to the `SQLITE_INNOCUOUS` flag.
* Setting it means that the function is unlikely to cause problems even if
* misused. An innocuous function should have no side effects and should
* not depend on any values other than its input parameters. The `abs()`
* function is an example of an innocuous function. The `load_extension()`
* SQL function is not innocuous because of its side effects. The flag is
* similar to {@link FunctionOptions#directOnly}, but is not exactly the
* same. The `random()` function is an example of a function that is
* innocuous but not deterministic.
* Some heightened security settings (`SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRUSTED_SCHEMA` and
* `PRAGMA trusted_schema=OFF`) disable the use of SQL functions inside
* views and triggers and in schema structures such as `CHECK` constraints,
* `DEFAULT` clauses, expression indexes, partial indexes, and generated
* columns unless the function is tagged with `SQLITE_INNOCUOUS`. Most
* built-in functions are innocuous. Developers are advised to avoid using
* the `SQLITE_INNOCUOUS` flag for application-defined functions unless the
* function has been carefully audited and found to be free of potentially
* security-adverse side-effects and information-leaks.
innocuous?: boolean;
/** Name of the user-defined function. */
name?: string;
* The options object may optionally have an xDestroy function-type
* property, as per `sqlite3_create_function_v2()`. Its argument will be
* the WASM-pointer-type value of the pApp property, and this function will
* throw if pApp is defined but is not null, undefined, or a numeric (WASM
* pointer) value. i.e. pApp, if set, must be value suitable for use as a
* WASM pointer argument, noting that null or undefined will translate to 0
* for that purpose.
xDestroy?: (pAppPtr: WasmPointer) => void;
type ScalarFunctionOptions = FunctionOptions & {
/** Scalar function to be defined. */
xFunc: (ctxPtr: number, ...args: any[]) => any;
type AggregateFunctionOptions = FunctionOptions & {
* 'Step' callback for an aggregate function.
* It is invoked to add a row to the current aggregate value. The function
* arguments, if any, corresponding to the row being added are passed to
* the implementation of {@link AggregateFunctionOptions#xStep}.
xStep: (ctxPtr: number, ...rowValues: SqlValue[]) => void;
* 'Final' callback for an aggregate function.
* It is invoked to return the current value of the aggregate, and to free
* any resources allocated by earlier calls to
* {@link AggregateFunctionOptions#xStep}.
xFinal: (ctxPtr: number) => SqlValue;
type WindowFunctionOptions = FunctionOptions & {
* 'Step' callback for a window function.
* It is invoked to add a row to the current window. The function
* arguments, if any, corresponding to the row being added are passed to
* the implementation of {@link WindowFunctionOptions#xStep}.
xStep: (ctxPtr: number, ...args: any[]) => void;
* 'Final' callback for a window function.
* It is invoked to return the current value of the aggregate (determined
* by the contents of the current window), and to free any resources
* allocated by earlier calls to {@link WindowFunctionOptions#xStep}.
xFinal: (ctxPtr: number) => SqlValue;
* 'Value' callback for a window function. This method is invoked to return
* the current value of the aggregate. Unlike
* {@link WindowFunctionOptions#xFinal}, the implementation should not
* delete any context.
xValue: (ctxPtr: number) => SqlValue;
* 'Inverse' callback for a window function.
* It is invoked to remove the oldest presently aggregated result of
* {@link WindowFunctionOptions#xStep} from the current window. The function
* arguments, if any, are those passed to
* {@link WindowFunctionOptions#xStep} for the row being removed.
xInverse: (ctxPtr: number, ...args: any[]) => void;
* An instance of an implementing class corresponds to one `sqlite3*` created
* using `sqlite3_open` or equivalent.
* @example
* ```typescript
* const db = new sqlite3.DB();
* try {
* db.exec([
* "create table t(a);",
* "insert into t(a) values(10),(20),(30)"
* ]);
* } finally {
* db.close();
* }
* ```;
declare class Database {
* Creates a connection to the given file, optionally creating it if
* needed.
* @param options The options to use when opening the database file.
* @param options.filename The filename to open. Must be resolvable using
* whatever filesystem layer (virtual or otherwise) is set up for the
* default sqlite3 VFS. Note that the special sqlite3 db names
* `":memory:"` and `""` (temporary db) have their normal special
* meanings here.
* @param options.flags The flags to use when opening the file. It must be
* a string containing a sequence of letters (in any order, but case
* sensitive) specifying the mode:
* - `c`: create if it does not exist, else fail if it does not exist.
* Implies the `w` flag.
* - `w`: write. Implies `r`: a db cannot be write-only.
* - `r`: read-only if neither `w` nor `c` are provided, else it is ignored.
* - `t`: enable tracing of SQL executed on this database handle, sending it
* to `console.log()`. To disable it later, call
* `sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_trace_v2(thisDb.pointer, 0, 0, 0)`. If `w`
* is not provided, the db is implicitly read-only, noting that `rc`
* is meaningless. Any other letters are currently ignored. The
* default is `c`. These modes are ignored for the special
* `":memory:"` and `""` names and may be ignored by specific VFSes.
constructor(options: { filename: string; flags: string; vfs?: string });
* Creates a connection to the given file, optionally creating it if
* needed.
* @param filename The filename to open. Must be resolvable using whatever
* filesystem layer (virtual or otherwise) is set up for the default
* sqlite3 VFS. Note that the special sqlite3 db names `":memory:"` and
* `""` (temporary db) have their normal special meanings here.
* @param flags The flags to use when opening the file. It must be a string
* containing a sequence of letters (in any order, but case sensitive)
* specifying the mode:
* - `c`: create if it does not exist, else fail if it does not exist.
* Implies the `w` flag.
* - `w`: write. Implies `r`: a db cannot be write-only.
* - `r`: read-only if neither `w` nor `c` are provided, else it is ignored.
* - `t`: enable tracing of SQL executed on this database handle, sending it
* to `console.log()`. To disable it later, call
* `sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_trace_v2(thisDb.pointer, 0, 0, 0)`. If `w`
* is not provided, the db is implicitly read-only, noting that `rc`
* is meaningless. Any other letters are currently ignored. The
* default is `c`. These modes are ignored for the special
* `":memory:"` and `""` names and may be ignored by specific VFSes.
constructor(filename: string, flags: string, vfs?: string);
/** Filename which was passed to the constructor. */
filename: string;
* Resolves to the `sqlite3*` which this object wraps. This value may be
* passed to any WASM-bound functions which accept an `sqlite3*` argument.
* It resolves to `undefined` after this object is `close()`d.
pointer?: WasmPointer;
/** Callbacks called immediately before/after database is closed. */
onclose?: {
before?: (db: this) => void;
after?: (db: this) => void;
* Executes SQL statements and optionally collects query results and/or
* calls a callback for each result row.
sql: FlexibleString,
opts?: (
| ExecRowModeArrayOptions
| ExecRowModeObjectOptions
| ExecRowModeScalarOptions
| ExecRowModeStmtOptions
) &
): DatabaseApi;
sql: FlexibleString,
opts: ExecRowModeArrayOptions &
ExecReturnResultRowsOptions & { sql: undefined },
): SqlValue[][];
sql: FlexibleString,
opts: ExecRowModeObjectOptions &
ExecReturnResultRowsOptions & { sql: undefinded },
): { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }[];
sql: FlexibleString,
opts: ExecRowModeScalarOptions &
ExecReturnResultRowsOptions & { sql: undefined },
): SqlValue[];
opts: (
| ExecRowModeArrayOptions
| ExecRowModeObjectOptions
| ExecRowModeScalarOptions
| ExecRowModeStmtOptions
) &
ExecThisOptions & { sql: FlexibleString },
): DatabaseApi;
opts: ExecRowModeArrayOptions &
ExecReturnResultRowsOptions & { sql: FlexibleString },
): SqlValue[][];
opts: ExecRowModeObjectOptions &
ExecReturnResultRowsOptions & { sql: FlexibleString },
): { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }[];
opts: ExecRowModeScalarOptions &
ExecReturnResultRowsOptions & { sql: FlexibleString },
): SqlValue[];
* Compiles the given SQL and returns a {@link PreparedStatement}. This is
* the only way to create new {@link PreparedStatement} objects. Throws on
* error.
prepare(sql: FlexibleString): PreparedStatement;
/** Returns true if the database handle is open, else false. */
isOpen(): boolean;
/** Throws if the given DB has been closed. */
affirmOpen(): this;
* Finalizes all still-open statements which were opened by this object and
* closes this database connection. This is a no-op if the db has already
* been closed. After calling `close()`, {@link pointer} will resolve to
* `undefined`, so that can be used to check whether the db instance is
* still opened.
* If {@link onclose.before} is a function then it is called before any
* close-related cleanup. If {@link onclose.after} is a function then it is
* called after the db is closed but before auxiliary state like
* this.filename is cleared.
* Both onclose handlers are passed this object as their only argument. If
* this db is not opened, neither of the handlers are called. Any
* exceptions the handlers throw are ignored because "destructors must not
* throw."
* Note that garbage collection of a db handle, if it happens at all, will
* never trigger `close()`, so {@link onclose} handlers are not a reliable
* way to implement close-time cleanup or maintenance of a db.
close(): void;
* Returns the number of changes, as per `sqlite3_changes()` (if the first
* argument is `false`) or `sqlite3_total_changes()` (if it's `true`). If
* the 2nd argument is `true`, it uses `sqlite3_changes64()` or
* `sqlite3_total_changes64()`, which will trigger an exception if this
* build does not have `BigInt` support enabled.
changes(total?: boolean, sixtyFour?: boolean): number;
* Returns the filename associated with the given database name. Defaults
* to `main`. Throws if this database is `close()`d.
dbFilename(dbName?: string): string;
* Returns the name of the given 0-based db number. Defaults to `0`. Throws
* if this database is `close()`d.
dbName(dbIndex?: number): string;
* Returns the name of the sqlite_vfs for the given database. Defaults to
* `main`. Throws if this database is `close()`d.
dbVfsName(dbName?: string | number): string;
* Creates a new scalar, aggregate, or window function which is accessible
* via SQL code.
* When called from SQL, arguments to the UDF, and its result, will be
* converted between JS and SQL with as much fidelity as is feasible,
* triggering an exception if a type conversion cannot be determined. Some
* freedom is afforded to numeric conversions due to friction between the
* JS and C worlds: integers which are larger than 32 bits will be treated
* as doubles or `BigInt` values.
* UDFs cannot currently be removed from a DB handle after they're added.
* More correctly, they can be removed as documented for
* `sqlite3_create_function_v2()`, but doing so will "leak" the JS-created
* WASM binding of those functions.
* The first two call forms can only be used for creating scalar functions.
* Creating an aggregate or window function requires the options-object
* form, as described below.
name: string,
func: (ctxPtr: number, ...args: any[]) => SqlValue,
): this;
name: string,
func: (ctxPtr: number, ...args: any[]) => void,
options: FunctionOptions,
): this;
name: string,
| ScalarFunctionOptions
| AggregateFunctionOptions
| WindowFunctionOptions,
): this;
options: (
| ScalarFunctionOptions
| AggregateFunctionOptions
| WindowFunctionOptions
) & { name: string },
): this;
* Prepares the given SQL, `step()`s it one time, and returns an array
* containing the values of the first result row. If it has no results,
* `undefined` is returned. If passed a second argument other than
* `undefined`, it is treated like an argument to
* {@link PreparedStatement#bind}, so may be any type supported by that
* function. Throws on error.
sql: FlexibleString,
bind?: BindingSpec,
): SqlValue[] | undefined;
* Runs the given SQL and returns an array of all results, with each row
* represented as an array, as per the `'array'` `rowMode` option to
* {@link Database#exec}. An empty result set resolves to an empty array.
* The second argument, if any, is treated as the `bind` option to a call
* to `exec()`. Throws on error.
selectArrays(sql: FlexibleString, bind?: BindingSpec): SqlValue[][];
* Prepares the given SQL, `step()`s it one time, and returns an object
* containing the key/value pairs of the first result row. If it has no
* results, `undefined` is returned. Note that the order of returned
* object's keys is not guaranteed to be the same as the order of the
* fields in the query string. If passed a second argument other than
* undefined, it is treated like an argument to Stmt.bind(), so may be any
* type supported by that function. Throws on error.
sql: FlexibleString,
bind?: BindingSpec,
): { [columnName: string]: SqlValue } | undefined;
* Works identically to {@link Database#selectArrays} except that each value
* in the returned array is an object, as per the `"object"` rowMode option
* to {@link Database#exec}.
sql: FlexibleString,
bind?: BindingSpec,
): { [columnName: string]: SqlValue }[];
* Prepares the given SQL, `step()`s the resulting {@link PreparedStatement}
* one time, and returns the value of the first result column. If it has no
* results, `undefined` is returned. If passed a second argument, it is
* treated like an argument to {@link PreparedStatement#bind}, so may be any
* type supported by that function. Passing the `undefined` value is the
* same as passing no value, which is useful when... If passed a 3rd
* argument, it is expected to be one of the `SQLITE_{typename}` constants.
* Passing the `undefined` value is the same as not passing a value. Throws
* on error (e.g. malformed SQL).
sql: FlexibleString,
bind?: BindingSpec,
asType?: SQLiteDataType,
): SqlValue | undefined;
* Runs the given query and returns an array of the values from the first
* result column of each row of the result set. The 2nd argument is an
* optional value for use in a single-argument call to
* {@link PreparedStatement#bind}. The 3rd argument may be any value
* suitable for use as the 2nd argument to {@link PreparedStatement#get}.
* If a 3rd argument is desired but no bind data are needed, pass
* `undefined` for the 2nd argument. If there are no result rows, an empty
* array is returned.
sql: FlexibleString,
bind?: BindingSpec,
asType?: SQLiteDataType,
): SqlValue[];
* Returns the number of currently-opened {@link PreparedStatement} handles
* for this db handle, or 0 if this object is `close()`d. Note that only
* handles prepared via {@link Database#prepare} are counted, and not
* handles prepared using `capi.sqlite3_prepare_v3()` (or equivalent).
openStatementCount(): number;
* Starts a transaction, calls the given `callback`, and then either rolls
* back or commits the transaction, depending on whether the `callback`
* throws. The `callback` is passed this object as its only argument. On
* success, returns the result of the callback. Throws on error.
* Note that transactions may not be nested, so this will throw if it is
* called recursively. For nested transactions, use the
* {@link Database#savepoint} method or manually manage `SAVEPOINT`s using
* {@link Database#exec}.
* If called with 2 arguments, the first must be a keyword which is legal
* immediately after a `BEGIN` statement, e.g. one of `"DEFERRED"`,
* `"IMMEDIATE"`, or `"EXCLUSIVE"`. Though the exact list of supported
* keywords is not hard-coded here, in order to be future-compatible, if
* the argument does not look like a single keyword then an exception is
* triggered with a description of the problem.
transaction<T>(callback: (db: this) => T): T;
beginQualifier: "DEFERRED" | "IMMEDIATE" | "EXCLUSIVE",
callback: (db: this) => T,
): T;
* This works similarly to {@link Database#transaction} but uses sqlite3's
* `SAVEPOINT` feature. This function starts a savepoint (with an
* unspecified name) and calls the given callback function, passing it this
* db object. If the callback returns, the savepoint is released
* (committed). If the callback throws, the savepoint is rolled back. If it
* does not throw, it returns the result of the callback.
savepoint<T>(callback: (db: this) => T): T;
* Expects to be given a `DatabaseApi` instance or an `sqlite3*` pointer
* (may be `null`) and an sqlite3 API result code. If the result code is
* not falsy, this function throws an `SQLite3Error` with an error message
* from `sqlite3_errmsg()`, using the given db handle, or
* `sqlite3_errstr()` if the db handle is falsy or is a `close()`ed DB
* instance. Note that if it's passed a non-error code like `SQLITE_ROW` or
* `SQLITE_DONE`, it will still throw but the error string might be `"Not
* an error."` The various non-0 non-error codes need to be checked for in
* client code where they are expected. If it does not throw, it returns
* its `db` argument (`this`, if called as a member function).
static checkRc: (
db: DatabaseApi | number | null,
resultCode: number,
) => DatabaseApi;
/** Instance method version of {@link checkRc()}. */
checkRc: (resultCode: number) => this;
* SQLite3 database backed by `localStorage` or `sessionStorage`.
* When the sqlite3 API is installed in the main thread, the this class is
* added, which simplifies usage of the kvvfs.
export declare class JsStorageDb extends Database {
/** Create a new kvvfs-backed database in local or session storage. */
constructor(mode: "local" | "session");
* Returns an _estimate_ of how many bytes of storage are used by the
* kvvfs.
storageSize(): number;
* Clears all kvvfs-owned state and returns the number of records it
* deleted (one record per database page).
clearStorage(): number;
* SQLite3 database backed by the Origin Private File System API.
* Installed in the namespace only if OPFS VFS support is active.
* This support is only available when sqlite3.js is loaded from a Worker
* thread, whether it's loaded in its own dedicated worker or in a worker
* together with client code. This OPFS wrapper implements an `sqlite3_vfs`
* wrapper entirely in JavaScript.
* This feature is activated automatically if the browser appears to have the
* necessary APIs to support it. It can be tested for in JS code using one
* of:
* If(sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_vfs_find("opfs")){ ... OPFS VFS is available ... }
* // Alternately: if(sqlite3.oo1.OpfsDb){ ... OPFS VFS is available ... }
* If it is available, the VFS named `"opfs"` can be used with any sqlite3
* APIs which accept a VFS name, such as `sqlite3_vfs_find()`,
* `sqlite3_db_open_v2()`, and the `sqlite3.oo1.DB` constructor, noting that
* {@link OpfsDb} is a convenience subclass of {@link Database} which
* automatically uses this VFS. For URI-style names, use
* `file:my.db?vfs=opfs`.
* ## ⚠️Achtung: Safari versions < 17:
* Safari versions less than version 17 are incompatible with the current
* OPFS VFS implementation because of a bug in storage handling from
* sub-workers. There is no workaround for that - supporting it will require
* a separate VFS implementation and we do not, as of July 2023, have an
* expected time frame for its release. Both the `SharedAccessHandle` pool
* VFS and the WASMFS support offers alternatives which should work with
* Safari versions 16.4 or higher.
* ## ⚠️Achtung: COOP and COEP HTTP Headers
* In order to offer some level of transparent concurrent-db-access support,
* JavaScript's SharedArrayBuffer type is required for the OPFS VFS, and that
* class is only available if the web server includes the so-called COOP and
* COEP response headers when delivering scripts:
* Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
* Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
* Without these headers, the `SharedArrayBuffer` will not be available, so
* the OPFS VFS will not load. That class is required in order to coordinate
* communication between the synchronous and asynchronous parts of the
* `sqlite3_vfs` OPFS proxy.
* The COEP header may also have a value of `credentialless`, but whether or
* not that will work in the context of any given application depends on how
* it uses other remote assets.
* How to emit those headers depends on the underlying web server.
export declare class OpfsDatabase extends Database {
* Creates a connection to the given file, optionally creating it if
* needed.
* @param filename The filename to open. Must be resolvable using whatever
* filesystem layer (virtual or otherwise) is set up for the default
* sqlite3 VFS. Note that the special sqlite3 db names `":memory:"` and
* `""` (temporary db) have their normal special meanings here.
* @param flags The flags to use when opening the file. It must be a string
* containing a sequence of letters (in any order, but case sensitive)
* specifying the mode:
* - `c`: create if it does not exist, else fail if it does not exist.
* Implies the `w` flag. Will create all directorries leading up to
* the file.
* - `w`: write. Implies `r`: a db cannot be write-only.
* - `r`: read-only if neither `w` nor `c` are provided, else it is ignored.
* - `t`: enable tracing of SQL executed on this database handle, sending it
* to `console.log()`. To disable it later, call
* `sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_trace_v2(thisDb.pointer, 0, 0, 0)`. If `w`
* is not provided, the db is implicitly read-only, noting that `rc`
* is meaningless. Any other letters are currently ignored. The
* default is `c`. These modes are ignored for the special
* `":memory:"` and `""` names and may be ignored by specific VFSes.
constructor(filename: string);
* Import a database into OPFS storage. It only works with database files
* and will throw if passed a different file type.
static async importDb(
filename: strirng,
data: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer,
): Promise<number>;
/** Exception class for reporting WASM-side allocation errors. */
declare class WasmAllocError extends Error {
constructor(message: string);
toss: any;
/** Exception class used primarily by the oo1 API. */
declare class SQLite3Error extends Error {
constructor(message: string);
declare class SQLiteStruct {
* Calling a constructor with no arguments creates a new instance in the
* WASM heap in order to connect it to C. In this case, client JavaScript
* code owns the memory for the instance unless some API explicitly takes
* it over.
* Passing a WASM pointer to the constructor creates a JS-level wrapper for
* an existing instance of the struct (whether it comes from C or JS)
* without taking over ownership of that memory. This permits JS to
* manipulate instances created in C without taking over their memory.
* Both uses are fairly common, and they differ only in how they manage (or
* not) the struct's memory.
* So long as a struct instance is active, its pointer property resolves to
* its WASM heap memory address. That value can be passed to any C routines
* which take pointers of that type. For example:
* const m = new MyStruct();
* functionTakingMyStructPointers(m.pointer);
constructor(pointer?: WasmPointer);
/** The WASM pointer to the struct. */
pointer: WasmPointer;
* When client code is finished with an instance, and no C-level code is
* using its memory, the struct instance must be cleaned up by calling
* theStruct.dispose(). Calling dispose() multiple times is harmless -
* calls after the first are no-ops. Calling dipose() is not strictly
* required for wrapped instances, as their WASM heap memory is owned
* elsewhere, but it is good practice to call it because each instance may
* own memory other than the struct memory.
dispose(): void;
* If a given JS-side struct instance has a property named `ondispose`,
* that property is used when `dispose()` is called in order to free up any
* additional resources which may be associated with the struct (e.g.
* C-allocated strings or other struct instances).
* `ondispose` is not set by default but may be set by the client to one of
* the following:
* - If it's a function, it is called with no arguments and the
* being-disposed object as its this. It may perform arbitrary cleanup.
* - If it's an array, each entry of the array may be any of:
* - A function is called as described above.
* - Any JS-bound struct instance has its dispose() method called.
* - A number is assumed to be a WASM pointer, which gets freed using
* sqlite3.wasm.dealloc().
* - Any other value type is ignored. It is sometimes convenient to annotate
* the array with string entries to assist in understanding the code.
* For example:
* X.ondispose = ["Wrapper for this.$next:", y];
* Any exceptions thrown by ondispose callbacks are ignored but may induce
* a warning in the console.
| (() => void)
| ((() => void) | SQliteStruct | WasmPointer | string)[];
* Client code may call `aStructInstance.addOnDispose()` to push one or
* more arguments onto the disposal list. That function will create an
* `ondispose` array if needed, or move a non-array `ondispose` value into
* a newly-created `ondispose` array. It returns its `this`.
val: (() => void) | SQliteStruct | WasmPointer | string,
): this;
* Overwrites (without freeing) any existing value in that member, replaces
* it with a newly-allocated C-string, and stores that C-string in the
* instance's ondispose state for cleanup when `dispose()` is called. The
* struct cannot know whether it is safe to free such strings when
* overwriting them, so instead adds each string set this way to the
* ondispose list.
setMemberCString(memberName: string, jsString: string): void;
* Fetches the member's value. If it's `NULL`, `null` is returned, else it
* is assumed to be a valid C-style string and a copy of it is returned as
* a JS string.
memberToJsString(memberName: string): string | null;
* Returns true if the given member name is specifically tagged as a
* string.
memberIsString(memberName: string): boolean;
* Installs a StructBinder-bound function pointer member of the given name
* and function in this object.
* It creates a WASM proxy for the given function and arranges for that
* proxy to be cleaned up when `this.dispose()` is called. Throws on the
* slightest hint of error, e.g., the given name does not map to a
* struct-bound member.
* As a special case, if the given function is a pointer, then
* `wasm.functionEntry()` is used to validate that it is a known function.
* If so, it is used as-is with no extra level of proxying or cleanup, else
* an exception is thrown. It is legal to pass a value of 0, indicating a
* `NULL` pointer, with the caveat that 0 is a legal function pointer in
* WASM but it will not be accepted as such here. (Justification: the
* function at address zero must be one which initially came from the WASM
* module, not a method we want to bind to client-level extension code.)
* This function returns a proxy for itself which is bound to `this` and
* takes 2 args `(name,func)`. That function returns the same thing as this
* one, permitting calls to be chained.
* If called with only 1 arg, it has no side effects but returns a func
* with the same signature as described above.
* **⚠ACHTUNG:⚠** because we cannot generically know how to transform JS
* exceptions into result codes, the installed functions do no automatic
* catching of exceptions. It is critical, to avoid undefined behavior in
* the C layer, that methods mapped via this function do not throw. The
* exception, as it were, to that rule is...
* If `applyArgcCheck` is true then each JS function (as opposed to
* function pointers) gets wrapped in a proxy which asserts that it is
* passed the expected number of arguments, throwing if the argument count
* does not match expectations. That is only intended for dev-time usage
* for sanity checking, as exceptions passing through such methods will
* leave the C environment in an undefined state.
name: string,
func: Function | WasmPointer,
applyArgcCheck = false,
): (name: string, func: Function | WasmPointer) => this;
/** Behaves exactly like {@link SQLiteStruct#installMethods}. */
methodsObject: { [methodName: string]: Function },
applyArgcCheck = false,
): this;
* Installs methods into this StructType-type instance. Each entry in the
* given methods object must map to a known member of the given StructType,
* else an exception will be triggered. See `installMethod()` for more
* details, including the semantics of the second argument.
* As an exception to the above, if any two or more methods in the methods
* object are the exact same function, `installMethod()` is not called for
* the 2nd and subsequent instances, and instead those instances get
* assigned the same method pointer which is created for the first
* instance. This optimization is primarily to accommodate special handling
* of `sqlite3_module::xConnect` and `xCreate` methods.
* On success, returns this object. Throws on error.
methodsObject: { [methodName: string]: Function },
applyArgcCheck = false,
): this;
declare class sqlite3_vfs extends SQLiteStruct {
iVersion: number;
szOsFile: number;
mxPathname: number;
pNext: WasmPointer;
zName: WasmPointer;
pAppData: WasmPointer;
xOpen: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
zName: WasmPointer,
file: WasmPointer,
flags: number,
pOutputFlags: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xDelete: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
zName: WasmPointer,
syncDir: number,
) => number;
xAccess: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
zName: WasmPointer,
flags: number,
pResOut: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xFullPathname: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
zName: WasmPointer,
nOut: number,
zOut: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xDlOpen: (vfsPtr: WasmPointer, zFilename: WasmPointer) => WasmPointer;
xDlError: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
nByte: number,
zErrMsg: WasmPointer,
) => void;
xDlSym: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
pHandle: WasmPointer,
zSymbol: WasmPointer,
) => WasmPointer;
xDlClose: (vfsPtr: WasmPointer, pHandle: WasmPointer) => void;
xRandomness: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
nByte: number,
zOut: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xSleep: (vfsPtr: WasmPointer, microseconds: number) => number;
xCurrentTime: (vfsPtr: WasmPointer, pTimeOut: WasmPointer) => number;
xGetLastError: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
nBuf: number,
zBuf: WasmPointer,
) => void;
xCurrentTimeInt64: (vfsPtr: WasmPointer, pTimeOut: WasmPointer) => number;
xSetSystemCall: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
zName: WasmPointer,
pCall: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xGetSystemCall: (
vfsPtr: WasmPointer,
zName: WasmPointer,
pCall: WasmPointer,
) => WasmPointer;
xNextSystemCall: (vfsPtr: WasmPointer, zName: WasmPointer) => WasmPointer;
declare class sqlite3_io_methods extends SQLiteStruct {
iVersion: number;
xClose: (file: WasmPointer) => number;
xRead: (
file: WasmPointer,
buf: WasmPointer,
iAmt: number,
iOfst: number,
) => number;
xWrite: (
file: WasmPointer,
buf: WasmPointer,
iAmt: number,
iOfst: number,
) => number;
xTruncate: (file: WasmPointer, size: number) => number;
xSync: (file: WasmPointer, flags: number) => number;
xFileSize: (file: WasmPointer, pSize: WasmPointer) => number;
xLock: (file: WasmPointer, lockType: number) => number;
xUnlock: (file: WasmPointer, lockType: number) => number;
xCheckReservedLock: (file: WasmPointer, pResOut: WasmPointer) => number;
xFileControl: (file: WasmPointer, op: number, pArg: WasmPointer) => number;
xSectorSize: (file: WasmPointer) => number;
xDeviceCharacteristics: (file: WasmPointer) => number;
xShmMap: (
file: WasmPointer,
iPg: number,
pgsz: number,
bExtend: number,
pp: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xShmLock: (
file: WasmPointer,
offset: number,
n: number,
flags: number,
) => number;
xShmBarrier: (file: WasmPointer) => void;
xShmUnmap: (file: WasmPointer, deleteFlag: number) => number;
xFetch: (
file: WasmPointer,
iOfst: number,
iAmt: number,
pp: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xUnfetch: (file: WasmPointer, iOfst: number, p: WasmPointer) => number;
declare class sqlite3_file extends SQLiteStruct {
pMethods: WasmPointer;
declare class sqlite3_vtab extends SQLiteStruct {
pModule: WasmPointer;
nRef: number;
zErrMsg: WasmPointer;
declare class sqlite3_vtab_cursor extends SQLiteStruct {
pVtab: WasmPointer;
declare class sqlite3_module extends SQLiteStruct {
iVersion: number;
xCreate: (
db: WasmPointer,
pAux: WasmPointer,
argc: number,
argv: WasmPointer,
ppVtab: WasmPointer,
pzErr: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xConnect: (
db: WasmPointer,
pAux: WasmPointer,
argc: number,
argv: WasmPointer,
ppVtab: WasmPointer,
pzErr: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xBestIndex: (
pVtab: WasmPointer,
pIndexInfo: WasmPointer,
pp: WasmPointer,
pCost: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xDisconnect: (pVtab: WasmPointer) => number;
xDestroy: (pVtab: WasmPointer) => number;
xOpen: (pVtab: WasmPointer, ppCursor: WasmPointer) => number;
xClose: (pCursor: WasmPointer) => number;
xFilter: (
pCursor: WasmPointer,
idxNum: number,
idxStr: WasmPointer,
argc: number,
argv: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xNext: (pCursor: WasmPointer) => number;
xEof: (pCursor: WasmPointer) => number;
xColumn: (
pCursor: WasmPointer,
pContext: WasmPointer,
i: number,
) => number;
xRowid: (pCursor: WasmPointer, pRowid: WasmPointer) => number;
xUpdate: (
pVtab: WasmPointer,
argc: number,
argv: WasmPointer,
pRowid: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xBegin: (pVtab: WasmPointer) => number;
xSync: (pVtab: WasmPointer) => number;
xCommit: (pVtab: WasmPointer) => number;
xRollback: (pVtab: WasmPointer) => number;
xFindFunction: (
pVtab: WasmPointer,
nArg: number,
zName: WasmPointer,
pxFunc: WasmPointer,
ppArg: WasmPointer,
) => number;
xRename: (pVtab: WasmPointer, zNew: WasmPointer) => number;
xSavepoint: (pVtab: WasmPointer, iSavepoint: number) => number;
xRelease: (pVtab: WasmPointer, iSavepoint: number) => number;
xRollbackTo: (pVtab: WasmPointer, iSavepoint: number) => number;
xShadowName: (tableName: WasmPointer) => number;
declare class sqlite3_index_constraint extends SQLiteStruct {
iColumn: number;
op: number;
usable: number;
iTermOffset: number;
declare class sqlite3_index_constraint_usage extends SQLiteStruct {
argvIndex: number;
omit: number;
declare class sqlite3_index_orderby extends SQLiteStruct {
iColumn: number;
desc: number;
declare class sqlite3_index_info extends SQLiteStruct {
nConstraint: number;
aConstraint: WasmPointer;
nOrderBy: number;
aOrderBy: WasmPointer;
aConstraintUsage: WasmPointer;
idxNum: number;
idxStr: WasmPointer;
needToFreeIdxStr: number;
orderByConsumed: number;
estimatedCost: number;
estimatedRows: BigInt;
idxFlags: number;
colUsed: BigInt;
sqlite3_index_constraint: sqlite3_index_constraint;
sqlite3_index_orderby: sqlite3_index_orderby;
sqlite3_index_constraint_usage: sqlite3_index_constraint_usage;
declare type Fts5ExtensionApi = {
$iVersion: number;
* Return a copy of the context pointer the extension function was
* registered with.
$xUserData: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer) => WasmPointer;
/** Return the number of columns in the table. */
$xColumnCount: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer) => number;
* This function is used to retrieve the total number of rows in the table.
* In other words, the same value that would be returned by:
* SELECT count(*) FROM ftstable;
$xRowCount: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer) => number;
* If parameter `iCol` is less than zero, set output variable `*pnToken` to
* the total number of tokens in the FTS5 table. Or, if `iCol` is
* non-negative but less than the number of columns in the table, return
* the total number of tokens in column `iCol`, considering all rows in the
* FTS5 table.
* If parameter `iCol` is greater than or equal to the number of columns in
* the table, `SQLITE_RANGE` is returned. Or, if an error occurs (e.g. an
* OOM condition or IO error), an appropriate SQLite error code is
* returned.
$xColumnTotalSize: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
iCol: number,
pnRow: WasmPointer,
) => number;
/** Tokenize text using the tokenizer belonging to the FTS5 table. */
$xTokenize: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
pText: WasmPointer,
nText: number,
pCtx: WasmPointer,
tokenCallback: (
pCtx: WasmPointer,
tflags: number,
token: string,
nToken: number,
iStart: number,
iEnd: number,
) => number,
) => number;
/** Returns the number of phrases in the current query expression. */
$xPhraseCount: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer) => number;
* Returns the number of tokens in phrase `iPhrase` of the query. Phrases
* are numbered starting from zero.
$xPhraseSize: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer, iPhrase: number) => number;
* Set `*pnInst` to the total number of occurrences of all phrases within
* the query within the current row. Return `SQLITE_OK` if successful, or
* an error code (i.e. `SQLITE_NOMEM`) if an error occurs.
* This API can be quite slow if used with an FTS5 table created with the
* `"detail=none"` or `"detail=column"` option. If the FTS5 table is
* created with either `"detail=none"` or `"detail=column"` and
* `"content="` option (i.e. if it is a contentless table), then this API
* always returns 0.
$xInstCount: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer, pnInst: WasmPointer) => number;
* Query for the details of phrase match `iIdx` within the current row.
* Phrase matches are numbered starting from zero, so the `iIdx` argument
* should be greater than or equal to zero and smaller than the value
* output by `xInstCount()`.
* Usually, output parameter `*piPhrase` is set to the phrase number,
* `*piCol` to the column in which it occurs and `*piOff` the token offset
* of the first token of the phrase. Returns `SQLITE_OK` if successful, or
* an error code (i.e. `SQLITE_NOMEM`) if an error occurs.
* This API can be quite slow if used with an FTS5 table created with the
* `"detail=none"` or `"detail=column"` option.
$xInst: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
iIdx: number,
piPhrase: WasmPointer,
piCol: WasmPointer,
piOff: WasmPointer,
) => number;
/** Returns the rowid of the current row. */
$xRowid: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer) => BigInt;
* This function attempts to retrieve the text of column `iCol` of the
* current document. If successful, `(*pz)` is set to point to a buffer
* containing the text in utf-8 encoding, `(*pn)` is set to the size in
* bytes (not characters) of the buffer and `SQLITE_OK` is returned.
* Otherwise, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned and the
* final values of `(*pz)` and `(*pn)` are undefined.
$xColumnText: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
iCol: number,
pz: WasmPointer,
pn: WasmPointer,
) => number;
* If parameter `iCol` is less than zero, set output variable `*pnToken` to
* the total number of tokens in the current row. Or, if `iCol` is
* non-negative but less than the number of columns in the table, set
* `*pnToken` to the number of tokens in column `iCol` of the current row.
* If parameter `iCol` is greater than or equal to the number of columns in
* the table, `SQLITE_RANGE` is returned. Or, if an error occurs (e.g. an
* OOM condition or IO error), an appropriate SQLite error code is
* returned.
* This function may be quite inefficient if used with an FTS5 table
* created with the `"columnsize=0"` option.
$xColumnSize: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
iCol: number,
pnToken: WasmPointer,
) => number;
* This API function is used to query the FTS table for phrase iPhrase of
* the current query. Specifically, a query equivalent to:
* ... FROM ftstable WHERE ftstable MATCH $p ORDER BY rowid
* With `$p` set to a phrase equivalent to the phrase `iPhrase` of the
* current query is executed. Any column filter that applies to phrase
* `iPhrase` of the current query is included in `$p`. For each row
* visited, the `callback` function passed as the fourth argument is
* invoked. The context and API objects passed to the callback function may
* be used to access the properties of each matched row. Invoking
* `Api.xUserData()` returns a copy of the pointer passed as the third
* argument to pUserData.
* If the callback function returns any value other than `SQLITE_OK`, the
* query is abandoned and the `xQueryPhrase` function returns immediately.
* If the returned value is `SQLITE_DONE`, `xQueryPhrase` returns
* `SQLITE_OK`. Otherwise, the error code is propagated upwards.
* If the query runs to completion without incident, `SQLITE_OK` is
* returned. Or, if some error occurs before the query completes or is
* aborted by the callback, an SQLite error code is returned.
$xQueryPhrase: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
iPhrase: number,
pUserData: WasmPointer,
callback: (
fts5Api: WasmPointer,
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
pUserData: WasmPointer,
) => number,
) => number;
* Save the pointer passed as the second argument as the extension
* function's "auxiliary data". The pointer may then be retrieved by the
* current or any future invocation of the same fts5 extension function
* made as part of the same `MATCH` query using the `xGetAuxdata()` API.
* Each extension function is allocated a single auxiliary data slot for
* each FTS query (`MATCH` expression). If the extension function is
* invoked more than once for a single FTS query, then all invocations
* share a single auxiliary data context.
* If there is already an auxiliary data pointer when this function is
* invoked, then it is replaced by the new pointer. If an `xDelete`
* callback was specified along with the original pointer, it is invoked at
* this point.
* The `xDelete` callback, if one is specified, is also invoked on the
* auxiliary data pointer after the FTS5 query has finished.
* If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function, the
* auxiliary data is set to `NULL` and an error code returned. If the
* `xDelete` parameter was not `NULL`, it is invoked on the auxiliary data
* pointer before returning.
$xSetAuxdata: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
pAux: WasmPointer,
xDelete: (pAux: WasmPointer) => void,
) => number;
* Returns the current auxiliary data pointer for the fts5 extension
* function. See the `xSetAuxdata()` method for details.
* If the `bClear` argument is non-zero, then the auxiliary data is cleared
* (set to `NULL`) before this function returns. In this case the
* `xDelete`, if any, is not invoked.
$xGetAuxdata: (fts5Ctx: WasmPointer, bClear: number) => WasmPointer;
* This function is used, along with type `Fts5PhraseIter` and the
* `xPhraseNext` method, to iterate through all instances of a single query
* phrase within the current row. This is the same information as is
* accessible via the `xInstCount`/`xInst` APIs. While the
* `xInstCount`/`xInst` APIs are more convenient to use, this API may be
* faster under some circumstances. To iterate through instances of phrase
* iPhrase, use the following code:
* Fts5PhraseIter iter;
* int iCol, iOff;
* for(pApi->xPhraseFirst(pFts, iPhrase, &iter, &iCol, &iOff);
* iCol>=0;
* pApi->xPhraseNext(pFts, &iter, &iCol, &iOff)
* ){
* // An instance of phrase iPhrase at offset iOff of column iCol
* }
* The `Fts5PhraseIter` structure is defined above. Applications should not
* modify this structure directly - it should only be used as shown above
* with the `xPhraseFirst()` and `xPhraseNext()` API methods (and by
* `xPhraseFirstColumn()` and `xPhraseNextColumn()` as illustrated below).
* This API can be quite slow if used with an FTS5 table created with the
* `"detail=none"` or `"detail=column"` option. If the FTS5 table is
* created with either `"detail=none"` or `"detail=column"` and
* `"content="` option (i.e. if it is a contentless table), then this API
* always iterates through an empty set (all calls to `xPhraseFirst()` set
* `iCol` to -1).
$xPhraseFirst: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
iPhrase: number,
fts5PhraseIter: WasmPointer,
pCol: WasmPointer,
pOff: WasmPointer,
) => number;
/** See {@link $xPhraseFirst} */
$xPhraseNext: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
fts5PhraseIter: WasmPointer,
pCol: WasmPointer,
pOff: WasmPointer,
) => void;
* This function and `xPhraseNextColumn()` are similar to the
* `xPhraseFirst()` and `xPhraseNext()` APIs described above. The
* difference is that instead of iterating through all instances of a
* phrase in the current row, these APIs are used to iterate through the
* set of columns in the current row that contain one or more instances of
* a specified phrase. For example:
* Fts5PhraseIter iter;
* int iCol;
* for(pApi->xPhraseFirstColumn(pFts, iPhrase, &iter, &iCol);
* iCol>=0;
* pApi->xPhraseNextColumn(pFts, &iter, &iCol)
* ){
* // Column iCol contains at least one instance of phrase iPhrase
* }
* This API can be quite slow if used with an FTS5 table created with the
* `"detail=none"` option. If the FTS5 table is created with either
* `"detail=none"` `"content="` option (i.e. if it is a contentless table),
* then this API always iterates through an empty set (all calls to
* `xPhraseFirstColumn()` set `iCol` to -1).
* The information accessed using this API and its companion
* `xPhraseFirstColumn()` may also be obtained using
* `xPhraseFirst`/`xPhraseNext` (or `xInst`/`xInstCount`). The chief
* advantage of this API is that it is significantly more efficient than
* those alternatives when used with `"detail=column"` tables.
$xPhraseFirstColumn: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
iPhrase: number,
fts5PhraseIter: WasmPointer,
pCol: WasmPointer,
) => number;
/** See {@link $xPhraseFirstColumn} */
$xPhraseNextColumn: (
fts5Ctx: WasmPointer,
fts5PhraseIter: WasmPointer,
pCol: WasmPointer,
) => void;
declare class Fts5Api {
$iVersion: number;
* The implementation is registered with the FTS5 module by calling the
* `xCreateTokenizer()` method of the `fts5_api` object. If there is
* already a tokenizer with the same name, it is replaced. If a non-NULL
* `xDestroy` parameter is passed to `xCreateTokenizer()`, it is invoked
* with a copy of the `pContext` pointer passed as the only argument when
* the database handle is closed or when the tokenizer is replaced.
* If successful, `xCreateTokenizer()` returns `SQLITE_OK`. Otherwise, it
* returns an SQLite error code. In this case the `xDestroy` function is
* not invoked.
$xCreateTokenizer: (
pApi: WasmPointer,
name: string,
ppContext: WasmPointer,
pTokenizer: WasmPointer,
xDestroy: (pContext: WasmPointer) => void,
) => number;
/** Find an existing tokenizer */
$xFindTokenizer: (
pApi: WasmPointer,
name: string,
ppContext: WasmPointer,
pTokenizer: WasmPointer,
) => number;
* The implementation is registered with the FTS5 module by calling the
* `xCreateFunction()` method of the `fts5_api` object. If there is already
* an auxiliary function with the same name, it is replaced by the new
* function. If a non-NULL `xDestroy` parameter is passed to
* `xCreateFunction()`, it is invoked with a copy of the `pContext` pointer
* passed as the only argument when the database handle is closed or when
* the registered auxiliary function is replaced.
* If successful, `xCreateFunction()` returns `SQLITE_OK`. Otherwise, it
* returns an SQLite error code. In this case the `xDestroy` function is
* not invoked.
$xCreateFunction: (
pApi: WasmPointer,
name: string,
pContext: WasmPointer,
xFunction: (
pApi: WasmPointer,
pFts: WasmPointer,
pCtx: WasmPointer,
nVal: number,
apVal: SqlValue[],
) => void,
xDestroy: (pContext: WasmPointer) => void,
) => number;
declare class Fts5Tokenizer {
* This function is used to allocate and initialize a tokenizer instance. A
* tokenizer instance is required to actually tokenize text.
* The first argument passed to this function is a copy of the `(void*)`
* pointer provided by the application when the `fts5_tokenizer` object was
* registered with FTS5 (the third argument to `xCreateTokenizer()`). The
* second and third arguments are an array of nul-terminated strings
* containing the tokenizer arguments, if any, specified following the
* tokenizer name as part of the `CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE` statement used to
* create the FTS5 table.
* The final argument is an output variable. If successful, `(*ppOut)`
* should be set to point to the new tokenizer handle and `SQLITE_OK`
* returned. If an error occurs, some value other than SQLITE_OK should be
* returned. In this case, fts5 assumes that the final value of `*ppOut` is
* `undefined`.
$xCreate: (
pContext: WasmPointer,
args: string[],
nArg: number,
ppOut: WasmPointer,
) => number;
* This function is invoked to delete a tokenizer handle previously
* allocated using `xCreate()`. Fts5 guarantees that this function will be
* invoked exactly once for each successful call to `xCreate()`.
$xDelete: (pTokenizer: WasmPointer) => void;
* This function is expected to tokenize the `nText` byte string indicated
* by argument `pText`. `pText` may or may not be nul-terminated. The first
* argument passed to this function is a pointer to an `Fts5Tokenizer`
* object returned by an earlier call to `xCreate()`.
* The second argument indicates the reason that FTS5 is requesting
* tokenization of the supplied text. This is always one of the following
* four values:
* - `FTS5_TOKENIZE_DOCUMENT` - A document is being inserted into or removed
* from the FTS table. The tokenizer is being invoked to determine the
* set of tokens to add to (or delete from) the FTS index.
* - `FTS5_TOKENIZE_QUERY` - A `MATCH` query is being executed against the
* FTS index. The tokenizer is being called to tokenize a bareword or
* quoted string specified as part of the query.
* `FTS5_TOKENIZE_QUERY`, except that the bareword or quoted string is
* followed by a `"*"` character, indicating that the last token returned
* by the tokenizer will be treated as a token prefix.
* - `FTS5_TOKENIZE_AUX` - The tokenizer is being invoked to satisfy an
* `fts5_api.xTokenize()` request made by an auxiliary function. Or an
* `fts5_api.xColumnSize()` request made by the same on a `columnsize=0`
* database.
* For each token in the input string, the supplied callback `xToken()`
* must be invoked. The first argument to it should be a copy of the
* pointer passed as the second argument to `xTokenize()`. The third and
* fourth arguments are a pointer to a buffer containing the token text,
* and the size of the token in bytes. The 4th and 5th arguments are the
* byte offsets of the first byte of and first byte immediately following
* the text from which the token is derived within the input.
* The second argument passed to the `xToken()` callback (`"tflags"`)
* should normally be set to 0. The exception is if the tokenizer supports
* synonyms. In this case see the discussion below for details.
* FTS5 assumes the `xToken()` callback is invoked for each token in the
* order that they occur within the input text.
* If an `xToken()` callback returns any value other than `SQLITE_OK`, then
* the tokenization should be abandoned and the `xTokenize()` method should
* immediately return a copy of the `xToken()` return value. Or, if the
* input buffer is exhausted, `xTokenize()` should return SQLITE_OK.
* Finally, if an error occurs with the `xTokenize()` implementation
* itself, it may abandon the tokenization and return any error code other
* than `SQLITE_OK` or `SQLITE_DONE`.
$xTokenize: (
pTokenizer: WasmPointer,
pCtx: WasmPointer,
flags: number,
text: string,
nText: number,
tokenCb: (
pCtx: WasmPointer,
tflags: number,
token: string,
nToken: number,
iStart: number,
iEnd: number,
) => number,
) => number;
type Sqlite3Static = {
/** The namespace for the C-style APIs. */
capi: CAPI;
* WASM-specific utilities, abstracted to be independent of, and
* configurable for use with, arbitrary WASM runtime environments.
wasm: WASM_API;
/** The OO API #1. */
oo1: {
OpfsDb: OpfsDatabase;
JsStorageDb: JsStorageDb;
DB: Database;
* Initializes the Worker API.
* Required to to permit this API to be loaded in Worker threads without
* automatically registering onmessage handlers
* If this function is called from a non-worker thread then it throws an
* exception. It must only be called once per Worker.
initWorker1API(): void;
WasmAllocError: WasmAllocError;
SQLite3Error: SQLite3Error;
* The options with which the API was configured. Whether or not modifying
* them after the bootstrapping process will have any useful effect is
* unspecified and may change with any given version. Clients must not rely
* on that capability.
config: any;
* The library reserves this property for client-side use and promises to
* never define a property with this name nor to ever rely on specific
* contents of it. It makes no such guarantees for other properties.
client: any;
/* Utility code for creating sqlite3_vfs's. */
vfs: {
* A wrapper for installMethods() or registerVfs() to reduce installation
* of a VFS and/or its I/O methods to a single call.
* Accepts an object which contains the properties `"io"` and/or `"vfs"`,
* each of which is itself an object with following properties:
* - `struct`: an `sqlite3.StructType`-type struct. This must be a
* populated (except for the methods) object of type
* `sqlite3_io_methods` (for the `"io"` entry) or `sqlite3_vfs` (for
* the `"vfs"` entry).
* - `methods`: an object mapping `sqlite3_io_methods` method names (e.g.
* `'xClose'`) to JS implementations of those methods. The JS
* implementations must be call-compatible with their native
* counterparts.
* For each of those object, this function passes its (`struct`,
* `methods`, (optional) `applyArgcCheck`) properties to
* `installMethods()`.
* If the `vfs` entry is set then:
* - Its `struct` property's `registerVfs()` is called. The `vfs` entry may
* optionally have an `asDefault` property, which gets passed as the
* argument to `registerVfs()`.
* - If `struct.$zName` is falsy and the entry has a string-type `name`
* property, `struct.$zName` is set to the C-string form of that `name`
* value before `registerVfs()` is called. That string gets added to
* the on-dispose state of the struct.
* On success returns this object. Throws on error.
installVfs: (obj: unknown /* TODO: Type out! */) => this;
/** Utility code for creating virtual table implementations. */
vtab: {
xVtab: any;
xCursor: any;
xIndexInfo: any;
xError: any;
xRowid: any;
setupModule: any;
/** Namespace to assist in JavaScript-side extension of FTS5. */
fts5: {
Fts5ExtensionApi: Fts5ExtensionApi;
Fts5PhraseIter: unknown;
fts5_api: Fts5Api;
fts5_api_from_db: unknown;
fts5_tokenizer: unknown;
* Requires a JS Function intended to be used as an `xFunction()`
* implementation. This function returns a proxy `xFunction` wrapper
* which:
* - Converts all of its `sqlite3_value` arguments to an array of JS values
* using `sqlite3_values_to_js()`.
* - Calls the given callback, passing it:
* (pFtsXApi, pFtsCx, pCtx, array-of-values)
* Where the first 3 arguments are the first 3 pointers in the
* `xFunction` interface.
* The call is intended to set a result value into the db, and may do so
* be either (A) explicitly returning non-undefined or (B) using one of
* the `sqlite3_result_XYZ()` functions and returning `undefined`. If the
* callback throws, its exception will be passed to
* `sqlite3_result_error_js()`.
xFunctionProxy1: (
callback: (
pFtsXApi: WasmPointer,
pFtsCx: WasmPointer,
pCtx: WasmPointer,
args: SqlValue[],
) => SqlValue,
) => (pFtsXApi, pFtsCx, argc, pArgv) => void;
* Identical to {@link xFunctionProxy1} except that the callback wrapper
* it creates does _not_ perform sqlite3_value-to-JS conversion in
* advance and calls the callback with:
* (pFtsXApi, pFtsCx, pCtx, array-of-ptr-to-sqlite3_value)
* It is up to the callback to use the sqlite3_value_XYZ() family of
* functions to inspect or convert the values.
xFunctionProxy2: (
callback: (
pFtsXApi: unknown,
pFtsCx: unknown,
pCtx: unknown,
args: number[],
) => SqlValue,
) => (
pFtsXApi: unknown,
pFtsCx: unknown,
argc: number,
pArgv: number[],
) => void;
* Convenience wrapper to fts5_api::xCreateFunction.
* Creates a new FTS5 function for the given database. The arguments are:
* - `db` must be either an `sqlite3.oo1.DB` instance or a WASM pointer to
* `(sqlite3*)`.
* - `name`: name (JS string) of the function
* - `xFunction` either a `Function` or a pointer to a WASM function. In
* the former case a WASM-bound wrapper, behaving as documented for
* `fts5.xFunctionProxy1()`, gets installed for the life of the given
* db handle. In the latter case the function is passed-through as-is,
* with no argument conversion or lifetime tracking. In the former case
* the function is called as documented for `xFunctionProxy1()` and in
* the latter it must return `void` and is called with args
* `(ptrToFts5ExtensionApi, ptrToFts5Context, ptrToSqlite3Context, int
* argc, C-array-of-sqlite3_value-pointers)`.
* - `xDestroy` optional `Function` or pointer to WASM function to call
* when the binding is destroyed (when the db handle is closed). The
* function will, in this context, always be passed 0 as its only
* argument. A passed-in function must, however, have one parameter so
* that type signature checks will pass. It must return void and must
* not throw.
* The 2nd and subsequent aruguments may optionally be packed into a
* single Object with like-named properties.
* This function throws on error, of which there are many potential
* candidates. It returns `undefined`.
createFunction: (
db: Database | WasmPointer,
name: string,
| ((
pFtsXApi: WasmPointer,
pFtsCx: WasmPointer,
pCtx: WasmPointer,
args: SqlValue[],
) => SqlValue)
| WasmPointer,
xDestroy: ((never: 0) => void) | WasmPointer,
) => undefined;
createFunction: (
db: Database | WasmPointer,
options: {
name: string;
| ((
pFtsXApi: WasmPointer,
pFtsCx: WasmPointer,
pCtx: WasmPointer,
args: SqlValue[],
) => SqlValue)
| WasmPointer;
xDestroy: ((never: 0) => void) | WasmPointer;
) => undefined;
* A function installed by Emscripten to load and initialize the module. It
* accepts an optional object to act as the so-called Emscripten Module, with
* which the client may be notified of loading progress an errors.
* See the [Emscripten docs on the topic][1] for full details.
* Note that this project has no influence over those options and the
* Emscripten project may change them at any time, so we neither document nor
* support them. Note, also, that this project may attempt to internally
* override any specific option, potentially leading to undesired side
* effects if client code does the same.
* [1]
export default function init(opts: {
print: (msg: string) => void;
printErr: (msg: string) => void;
}): Promise<Sqlite3Static>;
declare type ListLike<T> = {
length: number;
forEach: (cb: (val: T) => void) => void;
// generated by Object.keys(sqlite3.capi).map(k => `${k}: any;`).join('\n')
declare type CAPI = {
sqlite3_vfs: typeof sqlite3_vfs;
sqlite3_io_methods: typeof sqlite3_io_methods;
sqlite3_file: typeof sqlite3_file;
sqlite3_vtab: typeof sqlite3_vtab;
sqlite3_vtab_cursor: typeof sqlite3_vtab_cursor;
sqlite3_module: typeof sqlite3_module;
sqlite3_index_info: typeof sqlite3_index_info;
sqlite3_bind_blob: any;
sqlite3_bind_text: any;
sqlite3_create_function_v2: any;
sqlite3_create_function: any;
sqlite3_create_window_function: any;
sqlite3_prepare_v3: any;
sqlite3_prepare_v2: any;
sqlite3_exec: any;
sqlite3_randomness: any;
sqlite3_wasmfs_opfs_dir: any;
sqlite3_wasmfs_filename_is_persistent: any;
sqlite3_js_db_uses_vfs: any;
sqlite3_js_vfs_list: any;
sqlite3_js_db_export: any;
sqlite3_js_db_vfs: any;
sqlite3_js_aggregate_context: any;
sqlite3_js_vfs_create_file: any;
sqlite3_db_config: any;
sqlite3_value_to_js: any;
sqlite3_values_to_js: any;
sqlite3_result_error_js: any;
sqlite3_result_js: any;
sqlite3_column_js: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_new_js: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_old_js: any;
sqlite3changeset_new_js: any;
sqlite3changeset_old_js: any;
sqlite3_aggregate_context: any;
sqlite3_bind_double: any;
sqlite3_bind_int: any;
sqlite3_bind_null: any;
sqlite3_bind_parameter_count: any;
sqlite3_bind_parameter_index: any;
sqlite3_bind_pointer: any;
sqlite3_busy_handler: any;
sqlite3_busy_timeout: any;
sqlite3_changes: any;
sqlite3_clear_bindings: any;
sqlite3_collation_needed: any;
sqlite3_column_blob: any;
sqlite3_column_bytes: any;
sqlite3_column_count: any;
sqlite3_column_double: any;
sqlite3_column_int: any;
sqlite3_column_name: any;
sqlite3_column_text: any;
sqlite3_column_type: any;
sqlite3_column_value: any;
sqlite3_commit_hook: any;
sqlite3_compileoption_get: any;
sqlite3_compileoption_used: any;
sqlite3_complete: any;
sqlite3_context_db_handle: any;
sqlite3_data_count: any;
sqlite3_db_filename: any;
sqlite3_db_handle: any;
sqlite3_db_name: any;
sqlite3_db_status: any;
sqlite3_errcode: any;
sqlite3_errmsg: any;
sqlite3_error_offset: any;
sqlite3_errstr: any;
sqlite3_expanded_sql: any;
sqlite3_extended_errcode: any;
sqlite3_extended_result_codes: any;
sqlite3_file_control: any;
sqlite3_finalize: any;
sqlite3_free: any;
sqlite3_get_auxdata: any;
sqlite3_initialize: any;
sqlite3_keyword_count: any;
sqlite3_keyword_name: any;
sqlite3_keyword_check: any;
sqlite3_libversion: any;
sqlite3_libversion_number: any;
sqlite3_limit: any;
sqlite3_malloc: any;
sqlite3_open: any;
sqlite3_open_v2: any;
sqlite3_progress_handler: any;
sqlite3_realloc: any;
sqlite3_reset: any;
sqlite3_result_blob: any;
sqlite3_result_double: any;
sqlite3_result_error: any;
sqlite3_result_error_code: any;
sqlite3_result_error_nomem: any;
sqlite3_result_error_toobig: any;
sqlite3_result_int: any;
sqlite3_result_null: any;
sqlite3_result_pointer: any;
sqlite3_result_subtype: any;
sqlite3_result_text: any;
sqlite3_result_zeroblob: any;
sqlite3_rollback_hook: any;
sqlite3_set_authorizer: any;
sqlite3_set_auxdata: any;
sqlite3_shutdown: any;
sqlite3_sourceid: any;
sqlite3_sql: any;
sqlite3_status: any;
sqlite3_step: any;
sqlite3_stmt_isexplain: any;
sqlite3_stmt_readonly: any;
sqlite3_stmt_status: any;
sqlite3_strglob: any;
sqlite3_stricmp: any;
sqlite3_strlike: any;
sqlite3_strnicmp: any;
sqlite3_table_column_metadata: any;
sqlite3_total_changes: any;
sqlite3_trace_v2: any;
sqlite3_txn_state: any;
sqlite3_uri_boolean: any;
sqlite3_uri_key: any;
sqlite3_uri_parameter: any;
sqlite3_user_data: any;
sqlite3_value_blob: any;
sqlite3_value_bytes: any;
sqlite3_value_double: any;
sqlite3_value_dup: any;
sqlite3_value_free: any;
sqlite3_value_frombind: any;
sqlite3_value_int: any;
sqlite3_value_nochange: any;
sqlite3_value_numeric_type: any;
sqlite3_value_pointer: any;
sqlite3_value_subtype: any;
sqlite3_value_text: any;
sqlite3_value_type: any;
sqlite3_vfs_find: any;
sqlite3_vfs_register: any;
sqlite3_vfs_unregister: any;
sqlite3_bind_int64: any;
sqlite3_changes64: any;
sqlite3_column_int64: any;
sqlite3_create_module: any;
sqlite3_create_module_v2: any;
sqlite3_declare_vtab: any;
sqlite3_deserialize: any;
sqlite3_drop_modules: any;
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid: any;
sqlite3_malloc64: any;
sqlite3_msize: any;
sqlite3_overload_function: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_count: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_depth: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_hook: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_new: any;
sqlite3_preupdate_old: any;
sqlite3_realloc64: any;
sqlite3_result_int64: any;
sqlite3_result_zeroblob64: any;
sqlite3_serialize: any;
sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid: any;
sqlite3_status64: any;
sqlite3_total_changes64: any;
sqlite3_update_hook: any;
sqlite3_uri_int64: any;
sqlite3_value_int64: any;
sqlite3_vtab_collation: any;
sqlite3_vtab_distinct: any;
sqlite3_vtab_in: any;
sqlite3_vtab_in_first: any;
sqlite3_vtab_in_next: any;
sqlite3_vtab_nochange: any;
sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict: any;
sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value: any;
sqlite3changegroup_add: any;
sqlite3changegroup_add_strm: any;
sqlite3changegroup_delete: any;
sqlite3changegroup_new: any;
sqlite3changegroup_output: any;
sqlite3changegroup_output_strm: any;
sqlite3changeset_apply: any;
sqlite3changeset_apply_strm: any;
sqlite3changeset_apply_v2: any;
sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm: any;
sqlite3changeset_concat: any;
sqlite3changeset_concat_strm: any;
sqlite3changeset_conflict: any;
sqlite3changeset_finalize: any;
sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts: any;
sqlite3changeset_invert: any;
sqlite3changeset_invert_strm: any;
sqlite3changeset_new: any;
sqlite3changeset_next: any;
sqlite3changeset_old: any;
sqlite3changeset_op: any;
sqlite3changeset_pk: any;
sqlite3changeset_start: any;
sqlite3changeset_start_strm: any;
sqlite3changeset_start_v2: any;
sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm: any;
sqlite3session_attach: any;
sqlite3session_changeset: any;
sqlite3session_changeset_size: any;
sqlite3session_changeset_strm: any;
sqlite3session_config: any;
sqlite3session_create: any;
sqlite3session_diff: any;
sqlite3session_enable: any;
sqlite3session_indirect: any;
sqlite3session_isempty: any;
sqlite3session_memory_used: any;
sqlite3session_object_config: any;
sqlite3session_patchset: any;
sqlite3session_patchset_strm: any;
sqlite3session_table_filter: any;
SQLITE_UTF16: any;
sqlite3_js_rc_str: any;
sqlite3_vtab_config: any;
sqlite3_close_v2: any;
sqlite3session_delete: any;
sqlite3_create_collation_v2: any;
sqlite3_create_collation: any;
sqlite3_config: any;
sqlite3_auto_extension: any;
sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension: any;
sqlite3_reset_auto_extension: any;
/** A pointer to a location in WASM heap memory. */
declare type WasmPointer = number;
declare type WASM_API = {
* The `sqlite3.wasm.exports` namespace object is a WASM-standard part of
* the WASM module file and contains all "exported" C functions which are
* built into the WASM module, as well as certain non-function values which
* are part of the WASM module. The functions which live in this object are
* as low-level as it gets, in terms of JS/C bindings. They perform no
* automatic type conversions on their arguments or result values and many,
* perhaps most, are cumbersome to use from JS because of that. This level
* of the API is not generally recommended for client use but is available
* for those who want to make use of it. The functions in this object which
* are intended for client-side use are re-exported into the {@link CAPI}
* namespace and have automatic type conversions applied to them (where
* applicable). Some small handful of the functions get re-exported into
* the {@link WASM_API} namespace.
exports: any;
/* ==========================================================================
* Memory Management
* ==========================================================================
* Just like in C, WASM offers a memory "heap," and transfering values
* between JS and WASM often requires manipulation of that memory, including
* low-level allocation and deallocation of it. The following subsections
* describe the various memory management APIs.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Low-level Management
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The lowest-level memory management works like C's standard `malloc()`,
* `realloc()`, and `free()`, the one difference being that exceptions are used
* for reporting out-of-memory conditions. In order to avoid certain API
* misuses caused by mixing different allocators, the canonical sqlite3.js
* builds wrap `sqlite3_malloc()`, `sqlite3_realloc()`, and `sqlite3_free()`
* instead of `malloc()`, `realloc()`, and `free()`, but the semantics of both
* pairs are effectively identical.
* Allocates n bytes of memory from the WASM heap and returns the address
* of the first byte in the block. `alloc()` throws a {@link WasmAllocError}
* if allocation fails. If non-thowing allocation is required, use
* {@link WASM_API#alloc.impl}, which returns a WASM NULL pointer (the
* integer 0) if allocation fails.
* Note that memory allocated this way is not automatically zeroed out. In
* practice that has not proven to be a problem (in JS, at least) because
* memory is only explicitly allocated when it has a specific use and will
* be populated by the code which allocates it.
alloc: ((numBytes: number) => WasmPointer) & {
impl: (numBytes: number) => WasmPointer;
* Uses {@link WASM_API#alloc} to allocate enough memory for the byte-length
* of the given JS string, plus 1 (for a `NUL` terminator), copies the
* given JS string to that memory using `jstrcpy()`, `NUL`-terminates it,
* and returns the pointer to that C-string. Ownership of the pointer is
* transfered to the caller, who must eventually pass the pointer to
* {@link WASM_API#dealloc} to free it.
* If passed a truthy 2nd argument then its return semantics change: it
* returns `[ptr,n]`, where `ptr` is the C-string's pointer and n is its
* cstrlen().
jsString: string,
returnPtrAndLength: undefined | false,
): WasmPointer;
jsString: string,
returnPtrAndLength: true,
): [WasmPointer, number];
* Creates a C-style array, using `alloc()`, suitable for passing to a
* C-level `main()` routine. The input is a collection with a `length`
* property and a `forEach()` method. A block of memory `list.length`
* entries long is allocated and each pointer-sized block of that memory is
* populated with the `allocCString()` conversion of the `(''+value)` of
* each element. Returns a pointer to the start of the list, suitable for
* passing as the 2nd argument to a C-style `main()` function.
* Throws if `list.length` is falsy.
* Note that the returned value is troublesome to deallocate but it is
* intended for use with calling a C-level `main()` function, where the
* strings must live as long as the application. See
* `scopedAllocMainArgv()` for a variant which is trivial to deallocate.
allocMainArgv: (list: ListLike<{ toString(): string }>) => WasmPointer;
* Allocates one or more pointers as a single chunk of memory and zeroes
* them out.
* The first argument is the number of pointers to allocate. The second
* specifies whether they should use a "safe" pointer size (8 bytes) or
* whether they may use the default pointer size (typically 4 but also
* possibly 8).
* How the result is returned depends on its first argument: if passed 1,
* it returns the allocated memory address. If passed more than one then an
* array of pointer addresses is returned, which can optionally be used
* with "destructuring assignment" like this:
* Const[(p1, p2, p3)] = allocPtr(3);
* **ACHTUNG:** when freeing the memory, pass only the first result value
* to `dealloc()`. The others are part of the same memory chunk and must
* not be freed separately.
* The reason for the 2nd argument is...
* When one of the returned pointers will refer to a 64-bit value, e.g. a
* `double` or `int64`, and that value must be written or fetched, e.g.
* using `poke()` or `peek()`, it is important that the pointer in question
* be aligned to an 8-byte boundary or else it will not be fetched or
* written properly and will corrupt or read neighboring memory. It is only
* safe to pass false when the client code is certain that it will only
* get/fetch 4-byte values (or smaller).
allocPtr: (howMany: 1 | undefined, safePtrSize?: boolean) => WasmPointer;
allocPtr: (howMany: number, safePtrSize?: boolean) => WasmPointer[];
* Frees memory returned by `alloc()`. Results are undefined if it is
* passed any value other than a value returned by `alloc()` or
* `null`/`undefined`/`0` (all of which are no-ops).
dealloc: (ptr: WasmPointer) => void;
* Semantically equivalent to `realloc(3)` or `sqlite3_realloc()`, this
* routine reallocates memory allocated via this routine or `alloc()`. Its
* first argument is either 0 or a pointer returned by this routine or
* `alloc()`. Its second argument is the number of bytes to (re)allocate,
* or 0 to free the memory specified in the first argument. On allocation
* error, `realloc()` throws a `WasmAllocError`, whereas `realloc.impl()`
* will return `0` on allocation error.
* Beware that reassigning the return value of `realloc.impl()` is poor
* practice and can lead to leaks of heap memory:
* Let m = wasm.realloc(0, 10); // allocate 10 bytes m =
* wasm.realloc.impl(m, 20); // grow m to 20 bytes
* If that reallocation fails, it will return 0, overwriting `m` and
* effectively leaking the first allocation.
realloc: ((ptr: WasmPointer, numBytes: number) => WasmPointer) & {
impl: (ptr: WasmPointer, numBytes: number) => WasmPointer;
* For the given IR-like string in the set ('i8', 'i16', 'i32', 'f32',
* 'float', 'i64', 'f64', 'double', '_'), or any string value ending in
* '_', returns the sizeof for that value (wasm.ptrSizeof in the latter
* case). For any other value, it returns the undefined value.
* Some allocation routines use this enable callers to pass them an IR
* value instead of an integer.
sizeofIR: (
| "i8"
| "i16"
| "i32"
| "f32"
| "float"
| "i64"
| "f64"
| "double"
| "_"
| string,
) => number;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "Scoped" Allocation Management
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* It is often convenient to manage allocations in such a way that all
* allocations made in a particular block are "automatically" cleaned up
* when that block exits. This API provides "scoped" allocation routines
* which work this way.
* Opens a new "scope" for allocations. All allocations made via the
* `scopedAllocXyz()` APIs will store their results into the current (most
* recently pushed) allocation scope for later cleanup. The returned value
* must be retained for passing to `scopedAllocPop()`.
* Any number of scopes may be active at once, but they must be popped in
* reverse order of their creation. i.e. they must nest in a manner
* equivalent to C-style scopes.
* **Warnings:**
* - All of the other `scopedAllocXyz()` routines will throw if no scope is
* active.
* - It is never legal to pass the result of a scoped allocation to
* `dealloc()`, and doing so will cause a double-free when the scope is
* closed with `scopedAllocPop()`.
* This function and its relatives have only a single intended usage
* pattern:
* Const scope = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
* try {
* ... use scopedAllocXyz() routines ...
* // It is perfectly legal to use non-scoped allocations here,
* // they just won't be cleaned up when...
* } finally {
* wasm.scopedAllocPop(scope);
* }
scopedAllocPush: () => WasmPointer;
* Works just like `alloc(n)` but stores the result of the allocation in
* the current scope.
* This function's read-only `level` property resolves to the current
* allocation scope dep
scopedAlloc: ((numBytes: number) => WasmPointer) & { level: number };
* This functions exactly like `allocMainArgv()` but is scoped to the
* current allocation scope and its contents will be freed when the current
* allocation scoped is popped.
scopedAllocMainArgv: (
list: ListLike<{ toString(): string }>,
) => WasmPointer;
* Calls `scopedAllocPush()`, calls the given `callback`, and then calls
* `scopedAllocPop()`, propagating any exception from the callback or
* returning its result. This is essentially a convenience form of:
* const scope = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
* try {
* return callback();
* } finally {
* wasm.scopedAllocPop(scope);
* }
scopedAllocCall: <T>(callback: () => T) => T;
* Works just like `allocCString()` but stores the result of the allocation
* in the current scope.
scopedAllocCString: (
jsString: string,
returnWithLength: undefined | false,
) => WasmPointer;
jsString: string,
returnPtrAndLength: true,
): [WasmPointer, number];
* Works just like `allocPtr()` but stores the result of the allocation in
* the current scope.
scopedAllocPtr: (
howMany: 1 | undefined,
safePtrSize?: boolean,
) => WasmPointer;
scopedAllocPtr: (howMany: number, safePtrSize?: boolean) => WasmPointer[];
* Given a value returned from `scopedAllocPush()`, this "pops" that
* allocation scope and frees all memory allocated in that scope by the
* `scopedAllocXyz()` family of APIs.
* It is technically legal to call this without any argument, but passing
* an argument allows the allocator to perform sanity checking to ensure
* that scopes are pushed and popped in the proper order (it throws if they
* are not). Failing to pass an argument is not illegal but will make that
* sanity check impossible.
scopedAllocPop: (opaque: WasmPointer) => void;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "PStack" Allocation
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The "pstack" (pseudo-stack) API is a special-purpose allocator intended
* solely for use with allocating small amounts of memory such as that
* needed for output pointers. It is more efficient than the scoped
* allocation API, and covers many of the use cases for that API, but it has
* a tiny static memory limit (with an unspecified total size no less than
* 4kb).
* The pstack API is typically used like:
* const pstack = sqlite3.wasm.pstack;
* const stackPtr = pstack.pointer;
* try {
* const ptr = pstack.alloc(8);
* // ==> pstack.pointer === ptr
* const otherPtr = pstack.alloc(8);
* // ==> pstack.pointer === otherPtr
* ...
* } finally {
* pstack.restore(stackPtr);
* // ==> pstack.pointer === stackPtr
* }
pstack: {
* Attempts to allocate the given number of bytes from the pstack. On
* success, it zeroes out a block of memory of the given size, adjusts
* the pstack pointer, and returns a pointer to the memory. On error,
* returns throws a `WasmAllocError`. The memory must eventually be
* released using `pstack.restore()`.
* The `n` may be a string accepted by `wasm.sizeofIR()`, and any string
* value not accepted by that function will trigger a `WasmAllocError`
* exception.
* This method always adjusts the given value to be a multiple of 8 bytes
* because failing to do so can lead to incorrect results when reading
* and writing 64-bit values from/to the WASM heap. Similarly, the
* returned address is always 8-byte aligned.
alloc: (n: number | string) => WasmPointer;
* `Alloc()`'s `n` chunks, each `sz` bytes, as a single memory block and
* returns the addresses as an array of `n` element, each holding the
* address of one chunk.
* The `sz` argument may be a string value accepted by `wasm.sizeofIR()`,
* and any string value not accepted by that function will trigger a
* `WasmAllocError` exception.
* Throws a `WasmAllocError` if allocation fails.
* Example:
* Const[(p1, p2, p3)] = pstack.allocChunks(3, 4);
allocChunks: (n: number, sz: number | string) => WasmPointer[];
* A convenience wrapper for `allocChunks()` which sizes each chunk as
* either 8 bytes (`safePtrSize` is truthy) or `wasm.ptrSizeof` (if
* `safePtrSize` is falsy).
* How it returns its result differs depending on its first argument: if
* it's 1, it returns a single pointer value. If it's more than 1, it
* returns the same as `allocChunks()`.
* When any returned pointers will refer to a 64-bit value, e.g. a double
* or int64, and that value must be written or fetched, e.g. using
* `wasm.poke()` or `wasm.peek()`, it is important that the pointer in
* question be aligned to an 8-byte boundary or else it will not be
* fetched or written properly and will corrupt or read neighboring
* memory.
* However, when all pointers involved point to "small" data, it is safe
* to pass a falsy value to save a tiny bit of memory.
allocPtr: (howMany: 1 | undefined, safePtrSize?: boolean) => WasmPointer;
allocPtr: (howMany: number, safePtrSize?: boolean) => WasmPointer[];
* This property resolves to the current pstack position pointer. This
* value is intended only to be saved for passing to `restore()`. Writing
* to this memory, without first reserving it via `pstack.alloc()` (or
* equivalent) leads to undefined results.
pointer: WasmPointer;
* This property resolves to the total number of bytes available in the
* pstack, including any space which is currently allocated. This value
* is a compile-time constant.unknown
quota: number;
/** This property resolves to the amount of space remaining in the pstack. */
remaining: number;
* Sets the current pstack position to the given pointer. Results are
* `undefined` if the passed-in value did not come from `pstack.pointer`
* or if memory allocated in the space before the given pointer are used
* after this call.
restore: (pstackptr: WasmPointer) => void;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Getting/Setting Memory Values
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The WASM memory heap is exposed to JS as a byte array of memory which is
* made to appear contiguous (though it's really allocated in chunks). Given
* a byte-oriented view of the heap, it is possible to read and write
* individual bytes of the heap, just like in C:
* const X = wasm.heap8u(); // a uint8-oriented view of the heap
* X[someAddress] = 0x2a;
* console.log( X[someAddress] ); // ==> 42
* Obviously, writing arbitrary addresses can corrupt the WASM heap, just like in
* C, so one has to be careful with the memory addresses the work with (just like
* in C!).
* Tip: it is important never to hold on to objects returned from methods
* like `heap8u()` long-term, as they may be invalidated if the heap grows.
* It is acceptable to hold the reference for a brief series of calls, so
* long as those calls are guaranteed not to allocate memory on the WASM
* heap, but it should never be cached for later use.
* Before describing the routines for manipulating the heap, we first need
* to look at data type descriptors, sometimes referred to as "IR" (internal
* representation). These are short strings which identify the specific data
* types supported by WASM and/or the JS/WASM glue code:
* - `i8`: 8-bit signed integer
* - `i16`: 16-bit signed integer
* - `i32`: 32-bit signed integer. Aliases: `int`, `*`, `**` (noting that
* `*` and `**` may be remapped dynamically to to i64 when WASM environments
* gain 64-bit pointer capabilities).
* - `i64`: 64-bit signed integer. APIs which use this require that the
* application has been built with BigInt support, and will throw if that is
* not the case.
* - `f32`: 32-bit floating point value. Alias: float
* - `f64`: 64-bit floating point value. Alias: double
* These are used extensively by the memory accessor APIs and need to be
* committed to memory.
* The first form fetches a single value from memory. The second form
* fetches the value from each pointer in the given array and returns the
* array of values. The heap view used for reading the memory is specified
* by the second argument, defaulting to byte-oriented view.
* If the 2nd argument ends with `"*"` then the pointer-sized
* representation is always used (currently always 32 bits).
peek: (addr: WasmPointer, representation?: string) => number;
peek: (addrs: WasmPointer[], representation?: string) => number[];
* Equivalent to `peek(X,'*')`. Most frequently used for fetching output
* pointer values.
peekPtr: (addr: WasmPointer) => number;
/** Equivalent to peek(X,'i8') */
peek8: (addr: WasmPointer) => number;
/** Equivalent to peek(X,'i16') */
peek16: (addr: WasmPointer) => number;
/** Equivalent to peek(X,'i32') */
peek32: (addr: WasmPointer) => number;
* Equivalent to peek(X,'i64'). Will throw if the environment is not
* configured with BigInt support.
peek64: (addr: WasmPointer) => BigInt;
/** Equivalent to peek(X,'f32') */
peek32f: (addr: WasmPointer) => number;
/** Equivalent to peek(X,'f64') */
peek64f: (addr: WasmPointer) => number;
* Requires `n` to be one of:
* - Integer 8, 16, or 32.
* - A integer-type TypedArray constructor: `Int8Array`, `Int16Array`,
* `Int32Array`, or their `Uint` counterparts.
* If `BigInt` support is enabled, it also accepts the value 64 or a
* `BigInt64Array`/`BigUint64Array`, else it throws if passed 64 or one of
* those constructors.
* Returns an integer-based `TypedArray` view of the WASM heap memory
* buffer associated with the given block size. If passed an integer as the
* first argument and unsigned is truthy then the `"U"` (unsigned) variant
* of that view is returned, else the signed variant is returned. If passed
* a `TypedArray` value, the 2nd argument is ignored. Note that
* `Float32Array` and `Float64Array` views are not supported by this
* function.
* Be aware that growth of the heap may invalidate any references to this
* heap, so do not hold a reference longer than needed and do not use a
* reference after any operation which may allocate. Instead, re-fetch the
* reference by calling this function again, which automatically refreshes
* the view if need.
* Throws if passed an invalid `n`.
* Use of this function in client code is very rare. In practice, one of
* the (faster) convenience forms is used.
heapForSize: (n: 8, unsigned = false | undefined) => Int8Array;
heapForSize: (n: 8, unsigned = true) => Uint8Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Int8Array) => Int8Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;
heapForSize: (n: 16, unsigned = false | undefined) => Int16Array;
heapForSize: (n: 16, unsigned = true) => Uint16Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Int16Array) => Int16Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Uint16Array) => Uint16Array;
heapForSize: (n: 32, unsigned = false | undefined) => Int32Array;
heapForSize: (n: 32, unsigned = true) => Uint32Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Int32Array) => Int32Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Uint32Array) => Uint32Array;
heapForSize: (n: 64, unsigned = false | undefined) => BigInt64Array;
heapForSize: (n: 64, unsigned = true) => BigUint64Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Int32Array) => BigInt64Array;
heapForSize: (n: typeof Uint32Array) => BigUint64Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a Int8Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap8: () => Int8Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a UInt8Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap8u: () => Uint8Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a Int16Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap16: () => Int16Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a UInt16Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap16u: () => Uint16Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a Int32Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap32: () => Int32Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a UInt32Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap32u: () => Uint32Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a BigInt64Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap64: () => BigInt64Array;
/** Faster convenience method to get a BigUint64Array view of the WASM heap. */
heap64u: () => BigUint64Array;
* Fetches the `heapForSize()` for the given representation then writes the
* given numeric value to it. Only numbers may be written this way, and
* passing a non-number might trigger an exception. If passed an array of
* pointers, it writes the given value to all of them.
* Returns this.
poke: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number, representation?: string) => this;
poke: (
addrs: WasmPointer[],
value: number,
representation?: string,
) => this;
* Equivalent to `poke(X,Y,'*')`. Most frequently used for clearing output
* pointer values.
pokePtr: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number) => this;
/** Equivalent to poke(X,Y,'i8') */
poke8: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number) => this;
/** Equivalent to poke(X,Y,'i16') */
poke16: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number) => this;
/** Equivalent to poke(X,Y,'i32') */
poke32: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number) => this;
/** Equivalent to poke(X,Y,'i64') */
poke64: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number) => this;
/** Equivalent to poke(X,Y,'f32') */
poke32f: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number) => this;
/** Equivalent to poke(X,Y,'f64') */
poke64f: (addr: WasmPointer, value: number) => this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* String Conversion and Utilities
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Passing strings into and out of WASM is frequently required, but how JS
* and C code represent strings varies significantly. The following routines
* are available for conversion of strings and related algorithms.
* Expects to be given a C-style string array and its length. It returns a
* JS array of strings and/or null values: any entry in the `pArgv` array
* which is `NULL` results in a null entry in the result array. If `argc`
* is 0 then an empty array is returned.
* Results are `undefined` if any entry in the first `argc` entries of
* `pArgv` are neither `0` (`NULL`) nor legal UTF-format C strings.
* To be clear, the expected C-style arguments to be passed to this
* function are `(int, char **)` (optionally const-qualified).
cArgvToJs: (
argc: number,
pArgv: WasmPointer,
) => (string | null)[] | undefined;
* Expects its argument to be a pointer into the WASM heap memory which
* refers to a NUL-terminated C-style string encoded as UTF-8. This
* function counts its byte length using `cstrlen()` then returns a
* JS-format string representing its contents. As a special case, if the
* argument is falsy, `null` is returned.
cstrToJs: (ptr: WasmPointer) => string | null;
* Expects its argument to be a pointer into the WASM heap memory which
* refers to a NUL-terminated C-style string encoded as UTF-8. Returns the
* length, in bytes, of the string, as for `strlen(3)`. As a special case,
* if the argument is falsy then it it returns null. Throws if the argument
* is out of range for `wasm.heap8u()`.
cstrlen: (ptr: WasmPointer) => number | null;
* Works similarly to C's `strncpy(3)`, copying, at most, `n` bytes (not
* characters) from `srcPtr` to `tgtPtr`. It copies until `n` bytes have
* been copied or a `0` byte is reached in `src`. Unlike `strncpy()`, it
* returns the number of bytes it assigns in `tgtPtr`, including the NUL
* byte (if any). If `n` is reached before a NUL byte in `srcPtr`, `tgtPtr`
* will not be NUL-terminated. If a NUL byte is reached before `n` bytes
* are copied, `tgtPtr` will be NUL-terminated.
* If `n` is negative, `cstrlen(srcPtr)+1` is used to calculate it, the
* `+1` being for the NUL byte.
* Throws if `tgtPtr` or `srcPtr` are falsy. Results are `undefined` if:
* - Either is not a pointer into the WASM heap or
* - `srcPtr` is not NUL-terminated AND `n` is less than `srcPtr`'s logical
* length.
* **ACHTUNG:** when passing in a non-negative `n` value, it is possible to
* copy partial multi-byte characters this way, and converting such strings
* back to JS strings will have undefined results.
cstrncpy: (tgtPtr: WasmPointer, srcPtr: WasmPointer, n: number) => number;
* Forewarning: this API is somewhat complicated and is, in practice, never
* needed from client code.
* Encodes the given JS string as UTF-8 into the given `TypedArray` `tgt`
* (which must be a `Int8Array` or `Uint8Array`), starting at the given
* offset and writing, at most, `maxBytes` bytes (including the NUL
* terminator if `addNul` is true, else no NUL is added). If it writes any
* bytes at all and `addNul` is true, it always NUL-terminates the output,
* even if doing so means that the NUL byte is all that it writes.
* If `maxBytes` is negative (the default) then it is treated as the
* remaining length of `tgt`, starting at the given offset.
* If writing the last character would surpass the `maxBytes` count because
* the character is multi-byte, that character will not be written (as
* opposed to writing a truncated multi-byte character). This can lead to
* it writing as many as 3 fewer bytes than `maxBytes` specifies.
* Returns the number of bytes written to the target, including the NUL
* terminator (if any). If it returns 0, it wrote nothing at all, which can
* happen if:
* jsString is empty and addNul is false.
* offset < 0.
* maxBytes === 0.
* maxBytes is less than the byte length of a multi-byte jsString[0].
* Throws if `tgt` is not an `Int8Array` or `Uint8Array`.
jstrcpy: (
jsString: string,
tgt: Int8Array | Uint8Array,
offset?: number,
maxBytes?: number,
addNul?: boolean,
) => number;
* Given a JS string, this function returns its UTF-8 length in bytes.
* Returns `null` if its argument is not a string. This is a relatively
* expensive calculation and should be avoided when not necessary.
jstrlen: (jsString: string) => number | null;
* For the given JS string, returns a `Uint8Array` of its contents encoded
* as UTF-8. If `addNul` is true, the returned array will have a trailing 0
* entry, else it will not.
* Trivia: this was written before JS's TextEncoder was known to this
* code's author. The same functionality, sans the trailing NUL option, can
* be achieved with new TextEncoder().encode(str).
jstrToUintArray: (jsString: string, addNul?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* String Conversion and Utilities
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* `wasm.alloc()`'s `srcTypedArray.byteLength` bytes, populates them with
* the values from the source `TypedArray`, and returns the pointer to that
* memory. The returned pointer must eventually be passed to
* `wasm.dealloc()` to clean it up.
* The argument may be a `Uint8Array`, `Int8Array`, or `ArrayBuffer`, and
* it throws if passed any other type.
* As a special case, to avoid further special cases where this routine is
* used, if `srcTypedArray.byteLength` is 0, it allocates a single byte and
* sets it to the value 0. Even in such cases, calls must behave as if the
* allocated memory has exactly `srcTypedArray.byteLength` usable bytes.
allocFromTypedArray: (
srcTypedArray: Uint8Array | Int8Array | ArrayBuffer,
) => WasmPointer;
/* ==========================================================================
* Bridging JS/WASM Functions
* ==========================================================================
* This section documents the helper APIs related to bridging the gap
* between JavaScript and WebAssembly functions.
* A WASM module exposes all exported functions to the user, but they are in
* "raw" form. That is, they perform no argument or result type conversion and only
* support data types supported by WASM (i.e. only numeric types). That's fine
* for functions which only accept and return numbers, but is generally less
* helpful for functions which take or return strings or have output pointers.
* For usability reasons, it's desirable to reduce the JS/C friction by
* automatically performing mundane tasks such as the allocation and
* deallocation of memory needed for converting strings between JS and WASM.
* Additionally, it's often useful to add new functions to the WASM runtime
* from JS, which requires compiling binary WASM code on the fly. A common
* example of this is creating user-defined SQL functions. For the most
* part, the JS bindings of the sqlite3 API take care of such conversions
* for the user, but there are cases where client code will need to, or want
* to, perform such conversions itself.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* WASM Function Table
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* WASM-exported functions, as well as JavaScript functions which have been
* bound to WASM at runtime, are exposed to clients via a `WebAssembly.Table`
* instance. The following APIs are available for working with that.
* Given a function pointer, returns the WASM function table entry if
* found, else returns a falsy value.
functionEntry: (fnPtr: WasmPointer) => Function | undefined;
/** Returns the WASM module's indirect function table. */
functionTable: () => WebAssembly.Table;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Calling and Wrapping Functions
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Calls a WASM-exported function by name, passing on all supplied
* arguments (which may optionally be supplied as an array). If throws if
* the function is not exported or if the argument count does not match.
* This routine does no type conversion and is essentially equivalent to:
* const rc = wasm.exports.some_func(...args);
* With the exception that `xCall()` throws if the argument count does not
* match that of the WASM-exported function.
xCall: (functionName: string, ...args: any[]) => any;
xCall: (functionName: string, args: any[]) => any;
* Functions like `xCall()` but performs argument and result type
* conversions as for `xWrap()`.
* The first argument is the name of the exported function to call. The 2nd
* its the name of its result type, as documented for `xWrap()`. The 3rd is
* an array of argument type names, as documented for `xWrap()`. The 4th+
* arguments are arguments for the call, with the special case that if the
* 4th argument is an array, it is used as the arguments for the call.
* Returns the converted result of the call.
* This is just a thin wrapper around `xWrap()`. If the given function is
* to be called more than once, it's more efficient to use `xWrap()` to
* create a wrapper, then to call that wrapper as many times as needed. For
* one-shot calls, however, this variant is arguably more efficient because
* it will hypothetically free the wrapper function quickly.
xCallWrapped: (
functionName: string,
resultType: string,
argTypes: string[],
...args: any[]
) => any;
xCallWrapped: (
functionName: string,
resultType: string,
argTypes: string[],
args: any[],
) => any;
* Returns a WASM-exported function by name, or throws if the function is
* not found.
xGet: (functionName: string) => Function;
* `xWrap()` creates a JS function which calls a WASM-exported function, as
* described for `xCall(`).
* Creates a wrapper for the WASM-exported function `fname`. It uses
* `xGet()` to fetch the exported function (which throws on error) and
* returns either that function or a wrapper for that function which
* converts the JS-side argument types into WASM-side types and converts
* the result type. If the function takes no arguments and `resultType` is
* null then the function is returned as-is, else a wrapper is created for
* it to adapt its arguments and result value, as described below.
* This function's arguments are:
* - `functionName`: the exported function's name. `xGet()` is used to fetch
* this, so will throw if no exported function is found with that name.
* - `resultType`: the name of the result type. A literal `null` means to
* return the original function's value as-is (mnemonic: there is "null"
* conversion going on). Literal `undefined` or the string `"void"` mean
* to ignore the function's result and return `undefined`. Aside from
* those two special cases, it may be one of the values described below
* or any mapping installed by the client using `xWrap.resultAdapter()`.
* If passed 3 arguments and the final one is an array, that array must
* contain a list of type names (see below) for adapting the arguments from
* JS to WASM. If passed 2 arguments, more than 3, or the 3rd is not an
* array, all arguments after the 2nd (if any) are treated as type names.
* In other words, the following usages are equivalent:
* xWrap("funcname", "i32", "string", "f64");
* xWrap("funcname", "i32", ["string", "f64"]);
* As are:
* xWrap("funcname", "i32"); // no arguments
* xWrap("funcname", "i32", []);
* Type names are symbolic names which map the function's result and
* arguments to an adapter function to convert, if needed, the value before
* passing it on to WASM or to convert a return result from WASM.
* **The list of built-in names.**
* The following lists describe each, noting that some apply only to
* arguments or return results, the two often having different semantics:
* - `i8`, `i16`, `i32` (args and results): all integer conversions which
* convert their argument to an integer and truncate it to the given bit
* length.
* - `N*` (args): a type name in the form `N*`, where N is a numeric type
* name, is treated the same as WASM pointer.
* - `*` and `pointer` (args): are assumed to be opaque WASM pointers and are
* treated like the current WASM pointer numeric type. Non-numbers will
* coerce to a value of 0 and out-of-range numbers will have `undefined`
* results (as with any pointer misuse).
* - `*` and `pointer` (results): are aliases for the current WASM pointer
* numeric type.
* - `**` (args): is simply a descriptive alias for `'*'`. It's primarily
* intended to mark output-pointer arguments.
* - `i64` (args and results): passes the value to `BigInt()` to convert it
* to an `int64`. Only available if `BigInt` support is enabled.
* - `f32` (float), `f64` (double) (args and results): pass their argument to
* `Number()`. i.e. the adapter does not currently distinguish between
* the two types of floating-point numbers.
* - `number` (results): converts the result to a JS Number using
* `Number(theValue).valueOf()`. Note that this is for result conversions
* only, as it's not possible to generically know which type of number to
* convert arguments to.
* Non-numeric conversions include:
* - `string` or `utf8` (args): has two different semantics in order to
* accommodate various uses of certain C APIs...
* - If the arg is a JS string, a temporary C-string, UTF-8 encoded, is
* created to pass to the exported function, which gets cleaned up
* before the wrapper returns. If a long-lived C-string pointer is
* required, client-side code is required to create the string, then
* pass its pointer to the function.
* - Else the arg is assumed to be a pointer to a string the client has
* already allocated and it's passed on as a WASM pointer.
* - `string` or `utf8` (results): treats the result value as a const
* C-string, encoded as UTF-8, copies it to a JS string, and returns that
* JS string.
* - `string:dealloc` or `utf8:dealloc` (results): treats the result value as
* a non-const C-string, encoded as UTF-8, ownership of which has just
* been transfered to the caller. It copies the C-string to a JS string,
* frees the C-string using `dealloc()`, and returns the JS string. If
* such a result value is NULL, the JS result is null. **Achtung:** when
* using an API which returns results from a specific allocator, this
* conversion is not legal. Instead, an equivalent conversion which uses
* the appropriate deallocator is required. An example of such is
* provided in the next section.
* - `string:flexible` (args): are an expanded version of `string` described
* in the C-style API docs. These are widely used for SQL string inputs
* in the library.
* - `string:static` (args): if passed a pointer, returns it as is. Anything
* else: gets coerced to a JS string for use as a map key. If a matching
* entry is found (as described next), it is returned, else
* `wasm.allocCString()` is used to create a a new string, map its
* pointer to `(''+v)` for the remainder of the application's life, and
* returns that pointer value for this call and all future calls which
* are passed a string-equivalent argument. This conversion is intended
* for cases which require static/long-lived string arguments, e.g.
* `sqlite3_bind_pointer()` and `sqlite3_result_pointer()`.
* - `json` (results): treats the result as a const C-string and returns the
* result of passing the converted-to-JS string to `JSON.parse()`.
* Returns `null` if the C-string is a NULL pointer. Propagates any
* exception from `JSON.parse()`.
* - `json:dealloc` (results): works exactly like `string:dealloc` but
* returns the same thing as the json adapter. Note the warning in
* `string:dealloc` about the allocator and deallocator.
* The type names for results and arguments are validated when `xWrap()` is
* called and any unknown names will trigger an exception.
* Clients may map their own result and argument adapters using
* `xWrap.resultAdapter()` and `xWrap.argAdaptor()`, noting that not all
* type conversions are valid for both arguments and result types as they
* often have different memory ownership requirements. That topic is
* covered in the next section...
* **Argument and Result Value Type Conversions**
* When `xWrap()` is called and evaluates function call signatures, it
* looks up the argument and result type adapters for a match. It is
* possible to install custom adapters for arguments and result values
* using the methods listed below.
* `xWrap()` has two methods with identical signatures:
* xWrap.argAdapter(string, function)
* xWrap.resultAdapter(string, function)
* Each one expects a type name string, such as the ones described for
* `xWrap()`, and a function which is passed a single value and must return
* that value, a conversion of that value, or throw an exception. Each of
* those functions returns itself so that calls may be chained.
* For example's sake, let's assume we have a C-bound function which
* returns a C-style string allocated using a non-default allocator,
* `my_str_alloc()`. The returned memory is owned by the caller and must be
* freed, but needs to be freed using the allocator's deallocation
* counterpart, `my_str_free()`. We can create such a result value adapter
* with:
* wasm.xWrap.resultAdaptor('my_str_alloc*', (v)=>{
* try { return v ? target.cstrToJs(v) : null }
* finally{ wasm.exports.my_str_free(v) }
* };
* With that in place, we can make calls like:
* const f = wasm.xWrap("my_function", "my_str_alloc*", [
* "i32",
* "string",
* ]);
* const str = f(17, "hello, world");
* // ^^^ the memory allocated for the result using my_str_alloc()
* // is freed using my_str_free() before f() returns.
* Similarly, let's assume that we have a custom JS class which has a
* member property named `pointer` which refers to C-side memory of a
* struct which this JS class represents. We can then make it legal to pass
* such objects on to the C APIs with something like:
* const argPointer = wasm.xWrap.argAdapter("*"); // default pointer-type adapter
* wasm.xWrap.argAdaptor("MyType", (v) => {
* if (v instanceof MyType) v = v.pointer;
* if (wasm.isPtr(v)) return argPointer(v);
* throw new Error("Invalid value for MyType argument.");
* });
* With that in place we can wrap one of our functions like:
* const f = wasm.xWrap('MyType_method', undefined, ['MyType', 'i32']);
* const my = new MyType(...);
* // ^^^ assume this allocates WASM memory referenced via my.pointer.
* f( my, // will use my.pointer
* 17 );
* Similar conversions can be done for result values, though how to do so
* for result values depends entirely on client-side semantics of memory
* management.
xWrap: (
functionName: string,
resultType?: string,
...argTypes: string[]
) => Function;
xWrap: (
functionName: string,
resultType?: string,
argTypes: string[],
) => Function;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* (Un)Installing WASM Functions
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* When using C APIs which take callback function pointers, one cannot
* simply pass JS functions to them. Instead, the JS function has to be
* proxied into WASM environment and that proxy has to be passed to C. That
* is done by compiling, on the fly, a small amount of binary WASM code
* which describes the function's signature in WASM terms, forwards its
* arguments to the provided JS function, and returns the result of that JS
* function. The details are ugly, but usage is simple...
* Expects a JS function and signature, exactly as for
* `wasm.jsFuncToWasm()`. It uses that function to create a WASM-exported
* function, installs that function to the next available slot of
* `wasm.functionTable()`, and returns the function's index in that table
* (which acts as a pointer to that function). The returned pointer can be
* passed to `wasm.uninstallFunction()` to uninstall it and free up the
* table slot for reuse.
* As a special case, if the passed-in function is a WASM-exported function
* then the signature argument is ignored and `func` is installed as-is,
* without requiring re-compilation/re-wrapping.
* This function will propagate an exception if `WebAssembly.Table.grow()`
* throws or `wasm.jsFuncToWasm()` throws. The former case can happen in an
* Emscripten-compiled environment when building without Emscripten's
installFunction: (func: Function, signature: string) => WasmPointer;
installFunction: (signature: string, func: Function) => WasmPointer;
* Creates a WASM function which wraps the given JS function and returns
* the JS binding of that WASM function. The function signature string must
* be in the form used by jaccwabyt or Emscripten's `addFunction()`. In
* short: in may have one of the following formats:
* - Emscripten: `"x..."`, where the first `x` is a letter representing the
* result type and subsequent letters represent the argument types. See
* below. Functions with no arguments have only a single letter.
* - Jaccwabyt: `"x(...)"` where x is the letter representing the result type
* and letters in the parens (if any) represent the argument types.
* Functions with no arguments use `x()`. See below.
* Supported letters:
* - `i` = `int32`
* - `p` = `int32` ("pointer")
* - `j` = `int64`
* - `f` = `float32`
* - `d` = `float64`
* - `v` = `void`, only legal for use as the result type
* It throws if an invalid signature letter is used.
* Jaccwabyt-format signatures support some additional letters which have
* no special meaning here but (in this context) act as aliases for other
* letters:
* - `s`, `P`: same as `p`
jsFuncToWasm: (func: Function, signature: string) => Function;
jsFuncToWasm: (signature: string, func: Function) => Function;
* This works exactly like `installFunction()` except that the installation
* is scoped to the current allocation scope and is uninstalled when the
* current allocation scope is popped. It will throw if no allocation scope
* is active.
scopedInstallFunction: (func: Function, signature: string) => WasmPointer;
scopedInstallFunction: (signature: string, func: Function) => WasmPointer;
* Requires a pointer value previously returned from
* `wasm.installFunction()`. Removes that function from the WASM function
* table, marks its table slot as free for re-use, and returns that
* function. It is illegal to call this before `installFunction()` has been
* called and results are undefined if the argument was not returned by
* that function. The returned function may be passed back to
* `installFunction()` to reinstall it.
uninstallFunction: (fnPtr: WasmPointer) => Function;
/* ==========================================================================
* Generic Utility Functions
* ==========================================================================
* Returns true if its value is a WASM pointer type. That is, it's a a
* 32-bit integer greater than or equal to zero.
* Sidebar: `isPtr()` is an alias for `isPtr32()`. If/when 64-bit WASM
* pointer support becomes widespread, it will become an alias for either
* `isPtr32()` or the as-yet-hypothetical `isPtr64()`, depending on a
* configuration option.
isPtr: (v: unknown) => v is WasmPointer;
/** See {@link WASM_API#isPtr} */
isPtr32: (v: unknown) => v is WasmPointer;
/** Size of a WASM pointer in bytes. */
ptrSizeof: number;
// Undocumented fields
ptrIR: unknown;
bigIntEnabled: unknown;
memory: unknown;
compileOptionUsed: unknown;
getMemValue: unknown;
getPtrValue: unknown;
setMemValue: unknown;
setPtrValue: unknown;
sqlite3_wasm_db_reset: unknown;
sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs: unknown;
sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file: unknown;
sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink: unknown;
ctype: unknown;
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