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Created February 23, 2016 21:22
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# Force Absolute Manage to install software at the login window.
declare -r AMSERVER=""
declare -r AMDIR="/Library/Application Support/LANrev Agent"
declare -r AMAGENT="$AMDIR/LANrev Agent"
declare -r LOGFILE="/var/log/gov.nih.nimh.onset.log"
# Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file with date stamps.
exec > >(perl -MPOSIX -pe \
'$| = 1; print POSIX::strftime("%m/%d/%Y %r", localtime), " [+] ";' \
>> "$LOGFILE") 2>&1
## This initial check is so that we can determine whether we need to worry about adding adapters to the machine or not.
## If the ping is successful, it will continue with the script without manually adding netowrk adapters.
function pingCheck() {
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Attempting to ping $AMSERVER"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
while ! ping -q -c 1 "$AMSERVER" &>/dev/null; do
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Unable to reach $AMSERVER. Please ensure a network adapter has been plugged into the machine."
echo "Will attempt to manually setup a network adapter"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
sleep 1;
## We had some issues with new network adapters not being detected upon first boot, and therefore the imaging process never could finish
function checkAvailableAdapters() {
## First we want to try the detect command to see if Apple can add the adapters for us
local availableNetworks=$( /usr/sbin/networksetup -detectnewhardware )
local availableNetworks=$( /usr/sbin/networksetup -listallnetworkservices )
if [[ $availableNetworks != *USB\ Ethernet* ]]; then
echo "Did not detect a USB Ethernet interface. Will check for Thunderbolt Ethernet"
if [[ $availableNetworks != *Thunderbolt\ Ethernet* ]]; then
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Unable to detect a network adapter automatically. Will try to manually set one up."
echo "**********************"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "The Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter has been detected. Will proceed with rest of script."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "The USB Ethernet interface adapter has been detected. Will proceed with rest of script."
echo ""
## This function will try to create the Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter. We are going to try this first since it is
## more commonly used and much faster
function createThunderboltEth(){
local server="$1"
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Attempting to create a Thunderbolt Ethernet connection."
echo "**********************"
echo ""
/usr/sbin/networksetup -createnetworkservice "Thunderbolt Ethernet" en3 &>/dev/null
sleep 2
local availableNetworks=$( /usr/sbin/networksetup -listallnetworkservices )
if [[ $availableNetworks == *Thunderbolt\ Ethernet* ]]; then
echo ""
echo "The Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter has been successfully added"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Sleeping 10 seconds to allow interface to get IP"
echo ""
sleep 10
echo ""
echo "Attempting to ping $AMSERVER with new network interface"
echo ""
local i=0
while ! ping -q -c 1 "$AMSERVER" &>/dev/null; do
sleep 3
local i=$((i+1))
if [ $i -eq 3 ]; then
echo ""
echo "Still unable to reach the internal server, will try to add the USB Ethernet and connect with that"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "The Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter was not added, will attempt to create USB Ethernet"
echo ""
## This function will try to create the USB Ethernet adapter. If the Thunderbolt Ethernet fails to be added
## or is added but can't talk to the server, we will try to do the same with the USB Ethernet
function createUSBEth() {
local server="$1"
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Attempting to create a USB Ethernet connection."
echo "**********************"
echo ""
/usr/sbin/networksetup -createnetworkservice "USB Ethernet" en5 &>/dev/null
sleep 2
local availableNetworks=$( /usr/sbin/networksetup -listallnetworkservices )
if [[ $availableNetworks == *USB\ Ethernet* ]]; then
echo ""
echo "The USB Ethernet adapter has been successfully added"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Sleeping 10 seconds to allow interface to get IP"
echo ""
sleep 10
echo ""
echo "Attempting to ping $AMSERVER with new network interface"
echo ""
local i=0
while ! ping -q -c 1 "$AMSERVER" &>/dev/null; do
sleep 1
local i=$((i+1))
if [ $i -eq 3 ]; then
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Unable to connect to the internal server."
echo "Please make sure a network adapter is connected."
echo "The script will cycle through every 10 seconds and try to add network adapters."
echo ""
echo "If a network adapter is plugged in, try removing it and pluggin it back in and wait 10 seconds."
echo ""
echo "If the script is STILL not working, quit the app (Cmd+Q) and login to the machine"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
sleep 10;
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "The attempt to add the USB Ethernet adapter failed. Please make sure a network adapter is connected."
echo "The script will cycle through every 10 seconds and retry to add network adapters."
echo ""
echo "If a network adapter is plugged in, try removing it and pluggin it back in and wait 10 seconds."
echo ""
echo "If the script is STILL not working, quit the app (Cmd+Q) and login to the machine"
echo ""
sleep 10;
# Wait until a path exists.
function wait_for_path() {
local path="$1"
while [[ ! -e "$path" ]]; do
echo "..."
sleep 5
# Wait for ping reply from server.
function wait_for_ping() {
local server="$1"
echo "Waiting for $server to respond"
while ! ping -q -c 1 "$server" &>/dev/null; do
sleep 1
echo "The Absolute Manage server $AMSERVER has responded"
echo ""
echo "***************************************"
echo "***************************************"
echo ""
echo "If you would like to SSH in and monitor the status, the IP is shown below:"
ifconfig | grep "inet" | grep -v | cut -d\ -f2 | grep -v :
echo ""
echo "***************************************"
echo "***************************************"
echo ""
sleep 20;
# Wait until the AM agent's status is idle.
function wait_amagent_idle() {
local status
local sdstate=""
local newstate
while true; do
amstatus=$( "$AMAGENT" --GetSDState 2>/dev/null )
echo $ret
if [[ "$returncode" -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ "$amstatus" -eq 0 ]]; then
newstate=$( "$AMAGENT" --GetSDStateString 2>/dev/null )
if [[ "$newstate" != "$sdstate" ]]; then
echo "$sdstate"
sleep 5
let count=count+5
# Send inventory.
function am_send_inventory() {
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Sending inventory"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
"$AMAGENT" --SendInventory 2>/dev/null
sleep 5
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Inventory was successfully sent"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
# Perform software distribution check.
function am_sdcheck() {
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Checking software distribution"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
"$AMAGENT" --SDCheck 2>/dev/null
sleep 5
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "The software installation will now begin"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
function enable_am_logging() {
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Enable AM Debug Logs"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.poleposition-sw.lanrev_agent DefaultLogLevel 6 2>/dev/null
/bin/launchctl unload "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.poleposition-sw.LANrevAgent.plist" 2>/dev/null
/bin/launchctl load "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.poleposition-sw.LANrevAgent.plist" 2>/dev/null
## Adding a function below to kill the subprocess of `tail` before running it again.
childPID=$( pgrep -P $$ )
kill -9 $childPID 2>/dev/null
sleep 60
## This is to resolve the issue after the first reboot that was preventing the to see the output again
/usr/bin/tail -f "/Library/Logs/LANrev Agent.log" > "/var/log/gov.nih.nimh.onset.log" &
function disable_am_logging() {
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Disable AM Debug Logs"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.poleposition-sw.lanrev_agent DefaultLogLevel 5 2>/dev/null
/bin/launchctl unload "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.poleposition-sw.LANrevAgent.plist" 2>/dev/null
/bin/launchctl load "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.poleposition-sw.LANrevAgent.plist" 2>/dev/null
childPID=$( pgrep -P $$ )
kill -9 $childPID 2>/dev/null
## This script requires being run by root, so before doing anything, we need to make sure this is true
checkIfRoot() {
## Make sure only root can run the script
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root. Exiting..." 1>&2
exit 1;
echo "The script is running as root."
function main() {
local name
local datestamp
local i
name=$( scutil --get ComputerName 2>/dev/null || echo '<no name>' )
datestamp=$( date +'%m/%d/%Y %r' )
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Absolute Manage kickstart for $name ($datestamp)"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
sleep 5
wait_for_path "$AMAGENT"
wait_for_ping "$AMSERVER"
for i in 1 2; do
echo "running"
datestamp=$( date +'%m/%d/%Y %r' )
echo ""
echo "**********************"
echo "Kickstart done ($datestamp)"
echo "**********************"
echo ""
main "$@"
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